This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 354 He is too team-oriented (please vote for me)

After another solo kill of the opponent, Dao Mei was still almost at full health. Lin Cheng did not turn back and quickly pushed the lane into the tower to eat the tower skin.

While eating tapi, Lin Cheng happily said to his friends in the live broadcast room: "Compared to professional players, these anchors are really easy to kill. Without double-calling, many players wouldn't even take a look at it. Why does he dare to come out to eat the thread? You don’t really think I can’t kill him, do you?”

"That's too much! Taunting Laman."

"Damn it! Let him pretend again."

"If you keep doing this, Emperor C won't play with you in the next exhibition match."

"Do you have to get angry after beating a diamond kid?"

"Little C will show you what stability means in a moment."

When Nuoshou came back to life, he saw that Dao Mei was too much stuck in front of his second tower and cut off the line, not even giving him a chance to eat the line of troops under the tower.

At this time, Daomei was at level five and Nuoshou was at level three. Emperor C felt very bitter.

Yu Xiao C: "Brothers! Come and help me, otherwise I will be killed."

Pattern: "Okay, okay, I'll be here soon."

Wang Jichao: "Wait for me, wait for me! The sword girl opposite is too fat, you two will be manipulated, and the blind monk may be on top."

Curly Hair: "I'm already here. Wait for me. I'm weak and I'm not afraid of the knife sister's operation."

The anchors conspired to catch the four of them, but Lin Cheng didn't take much precautions.

The blind monk happened to be beating the stone man next to him, and Lin Cheng didn't panic when the midfielders and junglers on the opposite side came together.

Moreover, Lin Cheng, the opponent's level 3 Noshou and level 4 Olaf, didn't know how he would die. Unless Xerath's electric knife was endless, his skills would not be difficult for Lin Cheng to dodge.

After cutting off the thread, Lin Cheng couldn't bear it anymore when he saw Nuo Shou still standing by and watching.

What are you looking at? You haven't been beaten, right?

Lin Cheng decisively activated Biyi's double blades in seconds, and the two blades shot out, stunning Nuo Shou with precision.


The sword girl launched a sharp blade attack, chasing Nuoshou and about to chop.

Bono's blind monk also finished beating the stone man and came out to take care of Nuoshou with Lin Cheng.

At this time, Olaf happened to show up under the second red square tower, followed by Thresh.

Lin Cheng knew something was wrong when he saw Thresh.

The supports are all here, and the mid laner Xerath, who disappeared early from the opposite side, must also be here. This is a wave of four players.

If the auxiliary disappears from the bottom lane for too long during a game, his teammates will give him a reminder, but he did not get any feedback today.

The duo of KT in the bottom lane were just paddling for fun. How could they still have time to report information to Lin Cheng when they were all grabbing each other's troops?

At this moment, Lin Cheng didn't flash his E skill and handed it over again. He knew that there was basically no room for operation.

If he knew that the opponent was surrounded by four people, Lin Cheng would definitely not hand over the Winged Blades so casually.

There is no other way but to chase Nuoshou and continue to output.

Lin Cheng: "Kill Nuo Shou first! Kill one first to see if there is any chance."

Kuro: "You guys hold on for a while, I'm going up."

Bono's blind monk had reached close to the sword girl with W, and Tian Yinbo hung up on Bono's hand and slapped the floor.

Although Dao Mei's stacked passive layers had disappeared, Nuo Shou was only at level three after all, and was almost crippled by the two of them in an instant.

Emperor C stood outside his second tower and decisively launched his E skill. The ruthless iron hand pulled the blind monk and the sword girl in at the same time.

Nuoshou adjusted his position and launched his Q skill to kill everyone. He hit two people in the outer circle and regained a mouthful of blood.

The blind monk activated the second stage of Q and rushed straight towards Nuo Shou who was about to enter the tower.

Curly's Thresh E skill was used to cut off Lee Sin's second Q, but the timing was not right. Lee Sin's second Q had already dealt damage before being hit by the Pendulum of Doom.

And because Thresh's E happened to brush the blind monk out of the range of the defense tower, Bono did not attract the hatred of the defense tower.

Thresh hooked close to the face and hit the blind monk.

At this time, Xerath's figure appeared at the intersection in the jungle next to him, holding his hands high and charging the Q skill Arcane Pulse.

And Kuro's Morgana is still next to the red square F6, and Lin Cheng knows that he can't wait for his support.


There was a flash of blue light, and Dao Mei's Q skill rushed directly into the tower's Nuoshou.

Lin Cheng made an instant decision to force Nuo's hand to be replaced.

Thresh is weak, and Olaf is naturally strong in early combat. Adding Xerath will not give him a chance to survive until Morgana arrives.

After all, he didn't go home to replenish his equipment just now, so the advantage was not as great as it seemed. At this time, he could only change his stop loss as soon as possible. If he hesitated for a moment, he might not even be able to change his hand.

Sure enough, Thresh immediately put the weakness on the sword girl who was charging into the tower, but the sword girl still slashed Nuoshou with two swords in the face.

And the fifth-level sword girl would definitely not survive if she charged into the second tower at this time. Lin Cheng himself was hacked to death by Olaf under the tower.

Bono's blind monk was held in place by Xerath, using a set of skills to spiral into the sky.

The Douyu anchor team played one for two.

Yu Xiao C: "They attacked first, hurry up and support me...I pulled two! I pulled two! I am dead this time, but I can kill! I can kill! They didn't dodge."

Seeing that all the opponents were killed, Emperor C couldn't help but yelled: "Nice! Beautiful!"

Pattern: "Okay, okay! This wave of one-for-two also got a big kill."

Curly Hair: "Beautiful! After stopping Dao Girl's rhythm, it will be easy to fight next."

The barrage in C Emperor’s live broadcast room.

"Why are you yelling so loudly? I'm scared to death."

"It's on fire! I got two assists and it feels like I won."

"Is the voice getting louder? I thought Emperor C didn't turn on the mic."

"Isn't this game much better than the Spring Finals? Come on, Emperor C! Don't give it away."

"Establishing heavenly merits! Tian Ji races a horse for two."

"I was as happy as a child, but the result was 0-3."

"The 0-3 bastard screamed louder than anyone else."

"He is happier when his teammates take heads than when he takes them himself, 23333."

"Tears! He is so team-like."

"Key point: the next step will be easy to fight."


On the other side, Lin Cheng felt very uncomfortable.

"It's no problem to choose to disconnect in this wave. Even if there are four people around the blind monk, it's not impossible to operate. The main thing is that I shouldn't hand over E easily. There is no flash when there is no line of soldiers. Only the E skill can create things for me. There was no room for manipulation, but as a result, I handed E to Nuoshou first and there was nothing left to play."

Lin Cheng took the initiative to analyze his mistakes, and finally said: "Ah! I was careless! Brother Cheng originally thought that I would be immortal and super awesome in the entertainment competition, but I didn't expect it to be ended so soon."

"???Are you serious?"

"Immortal once and become a super god? Damn it! It turns out you really don't regard the other person as a human being."

"Please be a human being and just show off in your live broadcast room... Oh! This is your live broadcast room, so it's okay."

"Haha! This is Brother Cheng's sincerity."

"They come to play an exhibition match, and you are ready to massacre them. That's too much."

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "I won't bullshit you anymore, I'm going to get serious next time."

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