This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 359: Emperor C was beaten until he was unconscious (an additional 1/5 for the leader of the

Chapter 359: Emperor C was beaten until he was unconscious (controlling one for the leader, Sister Yu, with an extra update of 15)

Lin Cheng's sinister decision was to engage in a closed-door massacre. The whole KT team played very fiercely and started fighting with the opponent when they met.

The sword girl and the blind monk charged into the formation with various auxiliary skills, and the opponent was almost shattered by a touch.

Lin Cheng went to Chezeras, and the blind monk entered the scene to find the policewoman. At most, Olaf hacked an assistant to death to vent his anger.

But it doesn't matter, I have a lot of support, if you kill one I'll still have two.

Lin Cheng didn't care about his assistant's life or death, as long as he felt comfortable killing, that would be it.

The two sides kept exchanging heads, and Lin Cheng's sword girl became fatter and fatter.

Seeing that the advantage was getting bigger and bigger, and their teammates were having fun, Lulu and Karma dared to fight with the opposite duo, trying to find a place in the bottom lane.

As a result, the two of them were killed by the policewoman without even replacing Thresh.

At 26 minutes, the number of heads on the field was 32 to 18, and the battle was fierce.

Although Lin Cheng worked hard to kill and his teammates made clear moves from time to time, the advantage was still firmly in KT's hands.

The anchors are still very serious about the game. Even if the map is completely black and the disadvantage is visible to the naked eye, they do not give up and exchange tactics fiercely.

Smile: "No, the sword girl is too fat. It's almost a five-piece suit and the auxiliary shield can't be used at all."

Pattern: "You have to kill Dao Mei first. It's useless to use too many skills to kill other people. Dao Mei still can't handle it."

Yu Xiao C: "The opponent likes to let Dao Mei handle the lane alone. Now we can only take advantage of Dao Mei's teammates to stop him."

Wang Jichao: "It can't be lost in seconds. The sword girl also has bloody hands. This equipment is too exaggerated."

Yu Xiao C: "Let's do this! Later I will find an opportunity to pull the knife girl. Thresh will hook the policewoman to the clamp Xerath and then E. As long as the skills are well connected, Olaf and the DPS can still kill the knife girl."

Even though Emperor C's new concept plan was somewhat different from Vayne's wall of ideas, his teammates still expressed their support in a dignified way.

After discussing the tactics, I happened to see Dao Mei wandering alone in the middle, while KT's three teammates in the lower jungle were preparing to demolish the highland tower.

Yu Xiao C: "Look at me, look at me! If you have a chance, kill Dao Girl first."

Nuoshou started sprinting and rushed over, preparing to pull out Dao Mei first and wait for his teammates to take control.

As a result, before Nuoshou could reach Dao Mei, a dark energy ball flew out from the shadows in the direction of the side door.

Nuoshou was imprisoned on the spot.

Morgana spread black ink on No's hands and feet, and put a black shield on the sword girl with her backhand.

The knife girl threw out the vanguard blade.

The Pioneer Blade hit Nuoshou and scattered beside the crystal in the middle to form a diamond-shaped sword array to divide the battlefield.

Immediately after pulling Biyi's double blades, Lin Cheng Q came forward.

There was a short delay in the generation of the mark of Biyi Shuangblade. After Dao Mei smashed the mark on Nuoshou's body, Biyi Shuangblade imprinted it on Nuoshou again.

Raise your hand for basic attack, release W for a second to cancel the basic attack and then shake.

He raised his hand again for a basic attack, and the Q skill shattered the mark on Nuoshou's body, canceling the basic attack and then shaking.

Ruined took a breath, raised his hand to attack again, and used his Q skill to cancel the back swing.

Nuoshou died suddenly.

In just one encounter, Morgana only compensated for the damage of two skills, and Lin Cheng's sword girl lost her hand in seconds.

The first step of Emperor C's plan failed.

Nuo's hand fell down, and his teammates saw Dao Mei coming up and tried to touch him.

Generally speaking, it will be difficult for both sides to develop KT's lineup peacefully, and Dao Mei will be restricted by a weak one when she enters the field.

But Lin Cheng's equipment was so crushing that the damage done to everyone else except Olaf was just scratching.

He was two big items ahead of the fattest policewoman on the opposite side. If the auxiliary incense burner was given to him by one piece, how could the other side touch him?

Dao Mei endured the weakness and toughness, and the four people on the opposite side could not quickly deal with Dao Mei except for bleeding hands.

Seeing the rest of KT approaching, the anchors quickly backed away.

Because the opponent's double C flash was too decisive, although Lin Cheng was very brave in this wave, he only lost one person in Nuo Shou in seconds.

At this time, C Emperor's record reached an astonishing 0-13-6.

And Lin Cheng has already become extraordinary after the early wave when he was caught to death, and his record became 17-1-9.

Yu XiaoC looked at the darkened screen with dull eyes, tilting his head and saying nothing.

After a while, I saw that my gold coins had increased by 400, so I opened the store to buy a red crystal.

In the end, I don't know if he was distracted, but with a click of the mouse, a blue crystal appeared in Nuo Shou's backpack.

But Yu Xiaoc didn't notice it at the first time. He closed the store interface and moved his perspective to silently watch his teammates guarding the house.

A string of question marks floated up on the barrage.

"???Are you really beaten until you lost consciousness?"

"The blue crystal you bought, brother, do you think the blue is not enough?"

"You can't even use up all your skills, so you rush into the street. Are you still short of mana?"

"What's going on, little C? Look at the screen."

"It's over! I'm really delirious."

"The light went out of his eyes."

"Emperor C is down! Crying."

"Brother Chengzi was really too harsh. Emperor C died 10 times out of 13 times because of him."

"Brothers! Go attack Brother Chengzi and protect the best Emperor C in the world."

"It's too much. You won't even be allowed to mess around?"


Emperor C had no intention of watching the barrage, but A Liang, who was sitting firmly in the VIP spray seat next to him, finally spoke up to remind him.

A Liang: "Did you buy the wrong equipment?"

Yu Xiao C was stunned for a moment, then finally reacted, and said exaggeratedly: "Wow!! Why did I buy a blue crystal? I obviously bought a red crystal?"

A Liang: "Are you okay?"

Yu Xiao C: "I'm actually fine."

A Liang: "This is such a bad deal, why don't you vote?"

Yu Xiao C: "It's a pity to surrender after a fight like this. The sword girl will be fully equipped and there will be no room for improvement."

After saying that, Yu Xiao C loudly encouraged: "Come on, come on! Brothers! Killing one more is one! I have to kill at least one."

Even if he was really autistic, he was defeated by a professional player anyway. Yu Xiao C immediately adjusted and continued to encourage his teammates loudly in his voice.

This is also the reason why he is often ridiculed for his record of being the best and shouting the loudest.

Wang Jichao: "I didn't expect to win in the first place. Killing a few more is just a gain."

Pattern: "It's not bad! After all, the opponent is the LCK champion, so he is still capable."

Curly: "The other side might want to try and see if they can hold on. If they can hold on, there's still a chance."

Just now, because Lin Cheng destroyed a lot of flashes, he waited for another opportunity to advance. When the opponent was guarding the incisor tower, Morgana found the opportunity to flash into the field and start the team with a big move.

Morgana kept her guard under the front tooth tower, and Lin Cheng's sword girl drew out her double blades and entered the field directly against the black shield Kuro had given in advance.


The azure light and shadow rushed towards the crowd, Lulu used her ultimate move, and the sword girl went in and slashed randomly.

The blind monk entered the field with his eyes touched, and R kicked three people away.

Dao Mei turns on the killing mode.

The equipment was so good that it was very difficult for his teammates to steal kills, so Lin Cheng saw the opponent's health line and kept killing him with AQ.

All four of the opponents fell under the sword girl's blade.

"Quadra Kill!"

At this time, Nuo, who was finally resurrected, rushed out with an ax in his hand, and stubbornly gave the sword girl five kills.

"Penta Kill!"

After scoring five kills, Lin Cheng did not go to demolish the tower with his teammates, but rushed directly to the opponent's spring to take a bath in celebration.

This head was given to Nuo Shou, who finally hurt Dao Mei.

Yu Xiao C shouted excitedly: "Finally I am no longer bald! I killed someone!"

"Grass Mud Horse! It's on fire!"

"Tears! Finally, I am no longer bald."

"You screamed so loudly that you thought you had won."

"Brother Chengzi was quite righteous and gave me his head in the end."

"A Liang is smiling crookedly at the side. Emperor C, please turn around and take a look."

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