This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 364 Another Massacre

The teammates are all playing jungle, and the Lee Sin in the pattern decisively chooses to help Kled, the only top laner who has not collapsed so far.

When the blind monk moved from touch to the back, Kled launched his ultimate charge and hit Noshou at close range, then used his Q skill to slash.

One sword, two swords, three swords.

Kled's violent nature was fully revealed, and he waved the weapon in his hand wildly.

The extra damage of W combined with the second stage of Q directly knocks out two-thirds of Noshou's health.

However, Nuoshou also hit A twice and went out.

The blind monk had already reached close with his W, and Nuoshou used his Q skill, and kicked him straight with his second Q.

At this moment, Lin Cheng pressed the E skill and shouted in a very neutral tone: "Ruthless Iron Hand!"

Nuoshou fiercely waved the giant ax in his hand, and the blind monk and Kled who were flying in the air were pulled into Nuoshou's face at the same time.

Lin Cheng moves and activates his Q skill.

The ax blade accurately scraped through the blind monk and Kled, and Nuoshou, whose health was already dangerous, regained a mouthful of blood.

However, the current version of Kled's second stage Q comes with serious injuries. Even though the two people in Nuoshou's Q still have less than 40% health.

Lin Cheng's backhand AW instantly struck Klie, entering a state of blood rage.

And Kled's horse was directly beaten away by Noshou.

At this time, the blind monk finished slapping the floor and stepped out to kick Nuoshou against the wall.


The moment he saw the blind monk raising his feet, Lin Cheng took the initiative to cross-dodge and adjust his position to appear below the blind monk, allowing the blind monk's ultimate move to kick him to the rear line of troops.

Lin Cheng's initiative to help blind monk R exceeded everyone's expectations.

Originally, they were kicked to the wall next to them. Blind Sin and Kled were still able to compensate for damage and knock out Nuoshou instantly when Nuoshou was under control. However, now they kicked their opponents away and did not have the chance to respond immediately.

Moreover, Kled, who had dismounted, just fired his pistol towards Noshou's original direction to move him downwards. As a result, the blind monk kicked Noshou over again, causing the two people to be not very far away.

Little Klie hurriedly ran up and distanced himself from Nuoshou.

Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to chase him, he was waiting for Klie to bleed.

You must know that the effect of five layers of bleeding is very exaggerated, and little Kled's body cannot withstand it at all.

And it's my tower up there. Where are you going?

The blind monk had already activated the second stage E skill to slow down, and he walked over with his legs and punched Nuo Shou.

Lin Cheng stabbed the five layers of bleeding to the blind monk with his backhand, then started sprinting towards Little Kled.

Little Klie's escape speed was very slow and he couldn't put any distance between him and Nuo Shou.

After pulling each other for two steps, the blind monk shot Tianyin Wave again.

There is a chance to kill directly!

But Lin Cheng's Q skill happened to have finished cooling down.

Nuoshou swung the ax to his side, and his thick waist began to twist.

Although the pattern was crazy and the Q key was pressed continuously, the ballistic flight of the Tianyin Wave took time. When the blind monk took off in the second stage of Q, Nuo's hand was already spinning.

Lin Cheng very accurately used the outer edge of the ax blade to hit Kled and the Blind Sin at the same time.

At this time, the effect of the serious injury had disappeared, and the blood volume that had been depressed by the blind monk suddenly increased a lot.

The blind monk kicked over, but the damage was far from enough to kill him.

Nuo's hand moved forward and slashed at Kled, then he jumped up high.

The Noxian guillotine executed young Kled directly.

Triumph returned another mouthful of blood, but the Conqueror's blood-fury Nuo hand was too strong. Lin Cheng slashed the blind monk with a backhand, and the Noxian guillotine was delivered again.

Although this ultimate move did not directly kill the blind monk, it also made the blind monk's health extremely dangerous. Lin Cheng slashed the blind monk again and turned around confidently.

The blind monk bled to death in an instant.

"Double Kill!"

Lin Cheng was very proud: "Brothers! Is my Nuoshou 6 or not? Is it better than Yu Xiao C's Nuoshou?"

"Damn it! What did you shout just now? You scared me."

"Suddenly he said "Ruthless Iron Hand", I thought Emperor C was broadcasting it on his behalf."

"It's a pity that there is no dubbing later, and the C language failed."

"Let me tell you, Brother Cheng's Nuoshou is really strong, better than Little C."

"As for the E skill that can cut off the blind monk's Q, the current King C can no longer do it."

"Brother Cheng is handsome only when he pulls Q and two away from behind. I will never be able to learn that in my lifetime."


Lin Cheng hit the road with a one-two double kill, and Bono's Zach was still playing the vanguard in the river, showing no intention of coming over the whole time.

Bono: "Awesome Lin Cheng! One against two, I thought you were going to die and I wasn't going to save you."

Kuro: "Yo ho! Lin Cheng stood up too? This is a huge advantage."

Aiming: "Make up for the shortcomings, and then the massacre will begin."

Lin Cheng: "Do you mean me by the shortcomings you are talking about?"

Aiming: "Haha!"

The blind monk's wave of GANK allowed Lin Cheng to operate, and Kled's top lane, which he could barely withstand, collapsed.

Next, KT, with the third-line advantage, continued to firmly hold the rhythm in their hands.

Usually on the field, KT will continue to expand the snowball around resources at this time, and then wait until the snowball is big enough to kill the game in one wave.

But the exhibition game naturally does not need to be so rigorous. The game relies on rhythm and resources to snowball. In this game, KT relied purely on killing people to snowball.

Due to Lin Chengnuo's lack of mobility, he simply played on the top lane by himself, while the rest of his teammates roamed wildly to coordinate.

The three prodigal boys, Enchantress, Niutou, and Zac, took Kai'Sa with them, and almost the whole place was looking for people to fight with.

As long as they are encountered in the wild, KT will have the advantage in a fight.

The heroes in the middle and lower jungle of KT are either flexible or strong enough, and the opponent simply cannot handle them when their equipment is lagging behind.

In addition to encounters, the existence of Tauren Zac made it unsafe for Xerath to hide under the tower, and he was constantly killed by jumping over the tower.

The EZ on the bottom lane is not much better when it comes to jumping over the tower against the red side. Although the EZ is flexible, its burst is low. The EZ on the opposite side cannot forcefully jump over the tower even if it requires a kill.

In this way, the score got bigger and bigger, becoming 3-23 in 17 minutes.

With the equipment itself in the lead, KT continued to win in active attacks, further widening the equipment gap.

It was difficult to catch the others, so Douyu anchors had an idea and ran to kill Nuoshou to vent their anger.

A wave of five packs successfully made Lin Cheng unable to escape, but Lin Cheng delayed enough time before Lin Cheng died. His teammates rushed over and wiped out the opponent four-on-five.

The anchors were probably paralyzed by the killings, so they resorted to huddle tactics at first, letting go of the outer towers and defending the high towers.

KT saw the opponent getting up and finally ran to attack Baron in the 24th minute.

The Douyu anchor seemed unwilling to lose the dragon for nothing. When the blind monk came over and tried to punish him, he was killed first. Then the others started to perform gourd dolls to save grandpa.

The blue side was wiped out by another wave, but KT still easily won the baron.

After winning the baron, the advancement was very easy. Tusin forced a second team fight when ascending to the high ground, and KT directly crushed the opponent with a huge advantage.

The final score was fixed at 5-43, and Lin Cheng sent out more than half of the team's kills.

"Tragic! It's really a massacre."

"Oh my god! I thought it would get better when Emperor C went down, but I didn't expect it to be even worse."

"Emperor C: Without me taking the blame, this is what you are doing?"

"Please change the team next time for the exhibition match. This KT attack is neither light nor heavy."

"Look at how T1 plays in exhibition games. KT is a bit too much."

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