This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 385 You can fight more aggressively

Kindred died in the battle, and Bono's Kha'Zix wanted to delay his recovery by taking drugs, but Brother Khan very decisively chose to use the E skill to get close, and the two WQ skills killed Kha'Zix, who had low health.

Although Lin Cheng chased the crocodile and punched him a few times and dealt real damage to W, he had no means to keep the crocodile.

The junglers of both sides exchanged one for one, and both heads were taken by the top laner.

Remember: "Xiaotian still needs to operate! Mantis enters the grass in time, Xiaotian can wait for the crocodile to come and kill first... Wow! Seti flashed E and just pulled Kindred into Mantis's face! Xiaotian died first! Brother Chengzi This wave is so decisive!”

957: "Seti knew that Kindred would definitely dodge him when facing E. If he dodge directly into the grass and then E, the opponent would have no chance to react. This timing was really clever.

If I had waited for the crocodile to come over and killed the mantis first, this wave would have been FPX's 0 for 2, but Seti forced the flash E operation to become a 1 for 1. "

Remember: "This person is so stable! When Qian Jue was on his face just now, he didn't even use E, because he just didn't want to give Xiaotian a chance to operate! This wave of one-for-one KT still made a profit, not to mention Sett's first blood , Brother Khan reached level 3 and came to support us even before the troop lines were cleared, and we still have to lose a few soldiers."

"Fuck! I thought both KT and KT were going to die."

"I thought it was Xiaotian who was going to do it, but I didn't expect that it was Jinfu who was doing it."

"Jinfu's Flash E is so handsome!"

"IQ is suppressed, and the little bastard is not given any chance to operate."

"Who would have thought of this? Brother Cheng has a lot of cool ideas."

After taking the first blood, Lin Cheng's Seti immediately started to return to the river, while Brother Han had to go back to clear the line of troops under the tower.

Just as the next wave of soldiers arrived, Crocodile chose to push the soldiers completely out and then read the return.

When Lin Cheng returned home and had just enough gold coins, he directly took out cloth-armored shoes. In this round, the only source of AP damage to the opponent was Karma, and the profit from cloth-armored shoes would be very high.

Because he returned while pushing the lane, Lin Cheng saved TP this time.

Even though Brother Han took advantage of Lin Cheng's time to go home, he recovered a lot of CS after being far behind. However, because of Lin Cheng's advantage in pushing the line, he returned to supply supplies. As soon as Crocodile finished pushing the line and returned home, he saw Seti reappearing. He ran back to the line and quickly started clearing the line.

This time Brother Hanzi didn't save his TP anymore, so he handed it over via teleportation.

There was a TP gap on the top lane, and Lin Cheng immediately sent a message to his teammates.

"The crocodile on the other side doesn't have TP, so you can make waves with it."

Of course, just because his TP is the backing of his teammates, Lin Cheng must ensure the lane rights on the top lane.

If his teammates really listen to him and become wild, it will be very embarrassing if he is pushed out of the lane and unable to support him at the critical moment.

The two went on the road peacefully at first, but Brother Han felt that his equipment was not lagging behind, and it was time for the crocodile to take the initiative.

While Seti was replenishing his troops, Crocodile used a Q skill to break Seti's bone coating.

Lin Cheng immediately used his E skill to drag the crocodile over, and directly raised his W to his face to punch him deliberately, with a thin shield appearing on his head.

Since there is no Red Fury, Brother Khan chooses the E skill to directly pull away to avoid taking damage from the center of the punch.

Both sides hit the target, and both sides broke the opponent's bone plating.

Later, he used the minions to build up Red Fury. Seeing Lin Cheng's position and giving him a chance, Brother Khan walked up and started with the E skill.

The crocodile rolled forward in a death roll, and then launched the classic combo of red, angry and white whoring.

But as a top laner, it is impossible for Lin Cheng not to be familiar with the idea of ​​​​Crocodile exchange.

At the moment when the crocodile launched the E skill to rampage, Lin Cheng had already pressed E.

Seti opened his arms wide and used his strong hand to pull the crocodile down, then punched it with two backhand fists.

Although the crocodile was not stunned, Lin Cheng's E skill interrupted the opponent's advance, and the crocodile's E skill entered the CD.

Brother Khan never expected that his opponent would react so quickly. He started with A and reset the basic attack with W, hit the Red Fury stun, and immediately turned around and ran back. At the same time, he also used the Q skill Tyrant Slam.

The damage of Crocodile Red Fury W is still very high. This set will reduce Seti's health to about 60%.

However, Seti's pride level is almost full.

Crocodile's Red Fury W has a very long backswing, and after a set of forced damage, Seti has already woken up.

The opponent does not have the second level E as a means of pulling away. Lin Cheng cannot let the crocodile run away after the prostitution.

The Q skill, Conquering Power, is activated. Seti accelerates to catch up and punches out with two punches. While stacking up the conqueror, W deliberately punches and sets up.

The crocodile tried hard to move, but was still hit by the real damage from the center of the punch at close range.

The almost full heroic spirit value was converted into the damage of the punch, and the crocodile's health dropped directly to less than 40%.

The two sides faced each other head-on for the first time after Level 3, and Lin Cheng still had the advantage.

Although Brother Hanzi had made all the preparations for this wave of exchanges, first breaking the bones and then building up the red rage, it was a pity that Lin Cheng broke his leg in the first step of using the E skill, which turned the free prostitution into a forced exchange. .

Due to Sett's heroic mechanism, Sett is definitely more profitable in this situation where he takes a beating first and then inflicts damage, even if the opponent has Red Rage.

After this wave of blood exchanges, Lin Cheng fought even harder.

Sett's recovery ability is much more direct than that of Crocodile. With his health advantage, Lin Cheng no longer gives the opponent a chance to easily use the minions to accumulate anger. Settika stands in the middle of the opponent's minions so that Crocodile does not dare to step forward easily.

However, it is indeed Crocodile who takes the initiative between these two heroes. Even if Lin Cheng has an advantage in blood volume, it is not easy to block the opponent's anger in exchange for blood.

If Sett uses the E skill first, he can punch the crocodile at most two times to pull away the E skill. If he doesn't use the E skill first, Sett won't be able to touch the obscene crocodile.

After all, the hero mechanism is there. As long as Brother Khan has no problem with his thinking, Lin Cheng will not be able to find opportunities first.

But for Lin Cheng, having control of the line is enough.

The situation between the two sides in the early stage was relatively stable, and FPX's signature coordinated rhythm did not appear when Xiaotian did not get a rhythm jungler.

Nearly six minutes later, Kuro also chose to return when Doinb went home first in the middle to replenish TP.

But just after Kuro returned, Kalma in the middle pushed the line and leaned down.

Kindred in the jungle is also leaning down.

Karma and Kindred stood on the exploding cones next to the red BUFF, knocked off the cones and dropped them into the dragon pit, then went around to the downward route.

At this time, the bottom line of troops was stuck just outside the blue square tower.

Remember: "Here it comes! FPX's classic four-for-two. The view above the river is just bypassed by Kalma. This wave has a great chance."

957: “KT’s mid lane is already sending signals to alert teammates, but it’s really uncomfortable for the troop line to be stuck here. The KT duo still want to push the troop line in first and then return.

This position of the troop line is really the most classic GANK opportunity. Many LPL teams will deliberately block the troop line here in the bottom lane and ask their teammates to come over and catch a wave. "

Remember: "But Seti and the Tsar have TP. This wave of FPX is difficult to move, and look! Kuro's Tsar is waiting at the spring after replenishing his equipment. Even if the soldiers enter the tower, he is not in a hurry to TP. He has already foreseen it. Teammates may need support!"

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