This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 392 Tsuin’s Happy Game

After TES and DRX ended, it was KT's turn to play again. Their opponent was DRX, a team from the same division that had just played back-to-back games.

Perhaps because they know the basics, both sides played very unrestrainedly in this game.

Lin Cheng used Captain in this game, preparing to remind Dolan of the fear of being dominated by him in the LCK, when bad news came from the bottom lane.

Because Bono was farming down, the duo of Kalista and Titan took the initiative to grab the line at level one.

Facing the powerful Kalista Titan combination, the DRX duo Varus and Niutou retreated under the tower at the first level and waited for their opponents to push the line.

Tusin looked at the opponent's incompetence and helped Kalista push her troops into the opponent's defense tower.

Then, Tusin hooked Varus under the tower.

As a result, the hook was empty, and Titan hooked himself under the opponent's defense tower.

He hooked into the tower. When Tusin saw that the defense tower did not attack him, he refused to turn and flashed, trying to go out despite Varus's output.

Forget about walking outside, Tusin just needs to use the E skill to slow down the bull head that is coming towards him.

Keria is also very smart. When he sees his opponent actively attracting aggro from the defense tower, he is not in a hurry to move over and give opponent A a chance to deal aftershocks.

Just when the first attack from the defense tower was about to fall on the Titan, Tusin had already stepped half of his foot outside the tower. At this time, Keria decisively chose Q Flash to knock the Titan into the air.

Just in time for the stuck Titan to be knocked away, the defense tower attacked for the second time and chased it out.

At this time, the Titan, who was only at the second level, could not take the damage from the two defensive towers and was taken away by Varus with one arrow.

Tusin's wave of forced delivery stunned all the language stream commentators.

Remember: "Tsuin is too crazy! Seeing the effect of Orange Bro. and Bono on the show, Tusin is no longer willing to watch the show. He wants to perform in person."

957: "If he didn't use the E skill, he wouldn't have died. As a result, he had to use the E skill and was pinned down by the Bullhead Q Flash. Without triggering aftershocks, he couldn't take the damage from two towers at this level."

To be honest, not only were the audience and commentators shocked, but Lin Cheng had never encountered such a situation.

Opposite Varus and Niutou are both level one.

Grabbed second and was killed by the line! Lin Cheng has never encountered this situation since he started his career.

At this time, the audience seemed to have remembered that Tusin was not a support known for his stability. He had caused countless famous scenes.

Tusin has been very stable this season, but his game style of proactively looking for opportunities has not changed.

When you are in good condition, actively looking for opportunities is a miracle. When you are in poor condition, actively looking for opportunities is often a waste of money.

Tusin sent a blood, and after resurrecting, he did not run down the route, but went directly to the top lane to gank.

Not to mention, because Bono's position was discovered by the opponent's vision in the lower half, Dolan's vampire was not at all wary of the second-level Titan GANK on the road, and was hit by Tusin's hook from the side grass without even paying the blood pool.

Lin Cheng's captain immediately connected the barrel and successfully completed the killing of the vampire.

It's a bit of a pity that the head was taken off by Titan's ignition.

GANK succeeded in the top lane. Tusin went below to cover Kalista's wave line and slipped away. In the middle lane, he cooperated with Kuro to catch Chovy's flash.

Two consecutive waves of wonderful moves, just when everyone thought Tusin was going to wash away his mistake of sending first blood, he made another reckless hook on the line and hooked himself to the corner wall.

At this time, young general P was crouching next to him, and Tusin's hook killed him again.

After resurrecting, Tusin immediately ran to the middle again, and went around the opponent's F6 grass. Hex flashed through the wall and blocked Chovy's hand.

Chovy, whose health was suppressed by Kuro Lucian, was instantly hit by Lucian after taking the hook. Titan lost his head with an E skill and K again.

If nothing else, Tusin's voice was infinitely loud in the first five minutes.

The score on the field was 2:2. Everyone on the opposite side was killed by the Titans, and all of our own heads were sent by the Titans.

Later on, Tusin took all the limelight on the field.

Titans are all kinds of hooks when it comes to people, and they constantly start wars in the canyon.

KT has Lucian and Kalista in the middle and bottom, plus the captain's ultimate move in the upper half. KT will obviously have an advantage once they fight in the lower half.

Tusin's strategy is not wrong. In terms of pure lineup, KT is better than the opponent.

When a Titan hook is accurate enough, it will be impossible for the opponent to develop in a clumsy way.

Through the small-scale battles that Titan took the lead and continued to provoke, KT really gradually gained a considerable advantage.

But it was the advantage in front that gave Tusin the illusion.

At 16 minutes, Lin Cheng already indicated that he had no TP or ultimate support, but Tusin just didn't want to let his opponent leave after defeating Xiaolong.

When Titan had no vision, Hex flashed down the river, and led his teammates in the lower half to send out a wave of small group annihilation in a four-on-five manner. The advantage gained from the front allowed him to send it out with his own hands.

Remember: "Oh! Tusin is so brave! The captain was not present. I didn't expect that a level 6 Titan would dare to flash Hex on the faces of five people on the opposite side."

957: "This wave of opportunities was quite good. He hooked Varus's ultimate move and knocked back three of them. However, he dodged through the wall and his teammates' output couldn't keep up. Moreover, Kalista's ultimate move was on CD and it was hard to save. Can’t be saved.”

Remember: "Something's wrong! In this game, Tusin had a faint hint of being too excited to give away. He can start a good team and lead his teammates to give away. He should calm down."

957: "The key is that my teammates can't hold me back. The captain on the road will definitely say that there is no big or no TP. I can only say that this Titan is super brave."

The commentators and the audience naturally found it funny from the perspective of God, but Tusin did seize the opportunity in this wave. The only problem was that he was in a hurry to start the group and did not notice that his teammates could not keep up with the output.

If there is a Czar in the middle of this wave, DRX is likely to explode in one wave. It is not often that the Titan's ultimate move knocks away three of them and hooks AD at the same time.

Seeing that his teammates were so gifted, Lin Cheng decided to carry himself and quietly work on the wing to develop.

As a result, Tusin is really part devil and part angel.

Lin Cheng was still trying to save money to get equipment, but Titan suddenly found an opportunity to cooperate with Lucian to kill Chovy instantly, and Pyosik, who came to the rescue at the same time, was also killed.

At this time, the big dragon has been refreshed, and all KT members gathered in the big dragon pit to fish.

The health of the newly born Baron is very low. The lineup of Lucian, Kalista, Rock Bird and Captain cannot beat the Baron too fast.

After KT successfully RUSHed the baron, the remaining three opponents came over as a group.

Tusin started the team battle with another Hex flash that blocked his vision, and the three DRX brothers were sent back to the spring one by one.

After winning the Baron, KT's advantage was already very obvious. Through the pressure exerted by the Baron on the line of troops, all the opponent's outer towers were removed.

Just as the dragon was about to finish, Tusin hit the bull's head with a hook.

It is not a wise choice to start a bull head in a balanced situation, but KT's equipment advantage is too obvious at this time, and the team battle declares the opponent's failure.

After a team wipeout, KT took advantage of the trend to end the game.

After taking off the headphones, Lin Chengren was still a little dizzy.

This game felt like it had nothing to do with him at all. The classic outsider brushed his teammates and suddenly called to get the baron, and then won the game naturally.

What about waiting for my captain to acquire equipment and take over the game?

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