This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 403 The Reality of the World Lin Xiaocheng

After winning the game, Lin Cheng followed his teammates to the lounge and waited for a while. The staff came to inform the MVP winner to prepare for an interview.

In the last game, Lin Cheng's Qinggangying held down Taobo and killed him violently. This MVP naturally had no other choice.

Returning to the stage, Kim Ji-hyun, wearing a white shirt and a black hip-hugging skirt, was standing in the center of the stage, looking at her card seriously, preparing for questions later.

Lin Cheng stood next to Jin Zhixian, she put down her card and bowed slightly.

"Hello! Player Lin Cheng."

Her slightly curly hair was flying, and a delicate fragrance penetrated the tip of her nose, which smelled particularly good.

"Hello, Miss Zixian."

Lin Cheng quickly bowed politely, and finally raised his head and took his eyes away from Jin Zhixian's slender legs under her hip-hugging skirt.

Jin Zhixian smiled and shook his card: "I never thought I would have the opportunity to interview player Lin Cheng. You know I am a loyal fan of KT. Your performance is really great."

Lin Cheng was delighted. Just as he was about to chat a few words, he heard the on-site director indicating that the interview would begin immediately.

Jin Zhixian quickly straightened his body and faced the camera, and his original gentle smile faded.

"Welcome to the post-game interview session. The person we invite for this game is player Lin Cheng. Welcome!"

Lin Cheng nodded towards the camera: "Hello everyone, I am KT top laner Lin Cheng."

After speaking, Lin Cheng greeted the domestic audience again in Chinese.

There was no microphone when he appeared before, so Lin Cheng finally found an opportunity to say hello to the domestic audience.

"Holy shit! Is this Chinese?"

"He's from Mars? You don't even know Brother Chengzi?"

"Brother Cheng looks so handsome no matter how you look at him. This picture is so eye-catching."

"Yo ho! This LCK player's Chinese is much better than Poison Coin."

"What's the ingredient upstairs?"

"Why don't you just speak Chinese? You have to say hello in Korean first."

"It's so funny, go and prepare a translator for them."


Kim Ji-hyun: "First of all, I would like to congratulate KT for becoming the first team to enter the knockout round of this mid-season cup. Now, can player Lin Cheng tell you how you feel?"

Lin Cheng: "This is my first time playing against a team outside the LCK division. It's really great to enter the knockout round because I don't like the feeling of sitting at home and watching others play."

Kim Ji-hyun joked: "Has your mentality changed since you became a professional player? What was it like watching games at home before?"

Lin Cheng: "In the past I could cheer for my favorite team, but if I am eliminated now, of course I would like them to die. At least the championship cannot be taken away by the guy who eliminated me."

Jin Zhixian couldn't help but smile, Lin Cheng's real face was not concealed at all.

CuVee actually said something similar to Lin Cheng when he was in GEN·G.

It was during the S9 World Championship, and fans in the live broadcast room asked CuVee which LCK team he supported.

As a result, CuVee said, 'What does it have to do with me? I wish they all lost! It’s not like I’m going to fight, I can’t see others doing better than me’.

CuVee unintentionally expressed the sentiments of most professional players. In fact, this is the norm.

Everyone fights to the death within the competition area, and there are usually a lot of scolding battles between fans. It is too common for fans to attack fans, and for fans to attack players.

Some unknown fans are constantly hurling all kinds of ugly and insulting words at the players' heads. It is simply outrageous to expect that they will suddenly be harmonious and harmonious to the outside world during the World Championships.

Just like Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​the centuries-old rivals have been in constant friction. Do you expect Barcelona to cheer for Real Madrid after they are eliminated?

Players who have not gone to the World Championships can only give a few compliments in the live broadcast room. No one else knows what they are thinking.

That is to say, when many professional players are invited to the commentary box, they are very considerate to the fans. Maybe they want their "ones" on the field to be beaten up.

Jin Zhixian: "In this game, Lin Cheng's Camille has been constantly killing the enemy's top laner from the beginning of the line. It has put a lot of pressure on the opponent both online and in team battles, but in fact, it is generally difficult for Camille to As you have a huge advantage online, can you share with us your Camille game ideas outside of the laning period?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "The idea is quite simple. When leading the line, kill less and spend less. When roaming, look at the map more and get more K-heads. When playing in a group, wait for your teammates to go first, and then enter the field later to find the opponent's C position. "

After a pause, Lin Cheng added: "Actually, Camille does not necessarily require very precise operations in the lane. The mechanism of this hero is that as long as it can choose the timing to lead the lane and enter the team, then it will be very powerful."

Lin Cheng's words caused the barrage to start a riot.

"Haha! This is called a simple idea."

"Let me translate. Brother Cheng means that you only need hands."

"Brother Chengzi is not a human again. Can you please stop being disgusting to us black iron players who have no hands and no brains every time."

"Most Qinggang Shadow players can't do the phrase 'die less and make waves'. They really want to show off when playing this hero."

"I can only do it with multiple K heads. I can lead the line with waves and be easy to catch. I always rush to the front in group fights."

"You are actually watching the interview. Aren't the beautiful legs of the young lady more interesting than looking at Brother Chengzi?"


Jin Zhixian: "Before the Baron refreshed, we saw KT push forward with the Rift Herald in the middle. At that time, when his teammates had already retreated, player Lin Cheng suddenly used a very amazing E flash WE operation to instantly drop the KT on the high ground. Ezreal.

Why is player Lin Cheng suddenly so aggressive? The other members of KT obviously couldn't keep up with that wave, so they could only hand over all the flashes and force a one-for-two, but it was actually not profitable. "

"When I saw the opportunity, I didn't think too much. I rushed forward and told my teammates not to sell me. In fact, our communication was not done well this time."

After saying this, Lin Cheng couldn't help but feel happy: "Fortunately, my teammates didn't really abandon me, otherwise I wouldn't be able to surpass God after that wave of death."

Jin Zhixian smiled: "Thanks to my teammates for providing timely support. It seems that player Lin Cheng is not so perfect on the court, and there are times when he is impulsive."

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "The main reason is because after killing the monkey alone, I haven't touched anyone for four minutes. Every time I have a huge advantage, I feel empty if I don't beat people often. So when I saw EZ, I Rushed straight away."

Lin Cheng's description made Jin Zhixian unable to hold back, and he leaned over and laughed.

"Is this Ta Ma talking about people? Is the advantage empty if you don't beat people?"

"I haven't touched anyone in four minutes, so I went to kill the AD?"

"Damn it! You pretended it for him again."

"Ah Shui: Originally it was my turn to hold the cup."

"Young lady has such a beautiful smile."

"I can play with this leg for a year."

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