This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 417 Lin Cheng’s Stress Resistance Training

The opponent showed a spider and a crocodile in the first round, which really surprised everyone in KT.

Aiming: "Lin Cheng, you are going to be targeted. Can you withstand it?"

Lin Cheng: "It's not a big problem."

Kuro gloated: "If you die less than twice, you will be successful. Lin Cheng, don't fatten your opponent too much."

Lin Cheng decisively suggested: "Coach! Actually, I want to play Syndra. Let's choose Thain to move Li Shiheng to the top lane to get beaten."

Kuro: "·····"

In the second round of banning, the red side JD directly knocked out Olaf first.

KT on the blue side disables Tahm with his backhand.

KT's combination of Thresh and Aphelios in the bottom lane will definitely have an advantage against EZ. At this time, locking out heroes like Tahm is because they don't want to make the opponent too comfortable.

The last BAN slot on the red side was given to Tetsuo, obviously not wanting Lin Cheng to resist the pressure with Tetsuo.

The scariest thing about spiders and crocodiles is their unbreakable ability to jump over towers. However, after level 6, Tetsuo is the hero who is least afraid of being jumped over towers. As long as Tetsuo uses his ultimate move to call out spiders under the tower, the spiders will basically be unable to escape. Lose.

KT finally sent Braum to the BAN position on the blue side, further weakening JD's defensive ability in the bottom lane.

Starting to select people, the red square immediately locked Shen on the fourth floor.

Wawa: "Shen? This hero hasn't appeared in the LPL team's lineup for a long time, and I don't think Lu Mao has played Shen much."

Xiao Xian: "Shen is not a very difficult hero. Jingdong's posture is to fight in the upper half! Spider Crocodile is already very competitive in jumping over the tower. There is also Shen below who can support with big moves. KT's top jungler feels like he can fight anything he chooses. But that’s it.”

Wawa: "Indeed! The top and jungle combinations that put forward in front of them are the top half. This caution is equivalent to overweighting. KT should avoid the edge in the top half."

Seeing that the opponent locked Shen, the blue square showed the prince first on the fourth floor, and Lucian showed up on the fifth floor but did not lock it down.

It can be seen that KT was very entangled in the choice of the lane position in the last move, and it was not until the last two seconds that Poppy was revealed.

Wawa: "Poppy! KT really chose to go on the road to resist the pressure. It was a wise choice for Lucian not to lock down. Otherwise, even if Lucian can suppress the crocodile in the lane, it will still be too easy to give him a chance."

Xiao Xian: "Brother Chengzi rarely uses this kind of functional top laner. Let's see how his Poppy proficiency is."

"Where's the promised top laner Lu Xian? He's scared."

"Brother Cheng is playing with tanks, Ye Qingjie!"

"Orange brother RANK has never played Poppy, so he just paid it in the competition?"

"Training as a hero in a competition? That's okay."

"Don't worry! If Jess is so sneaky like Cheng, Yoder Jess must also be very good."

"Brother Cheng Zi played well with Poppy in the cannon form. Let's see how he plays with the small cannon in the hammer form."


KT's lineup was selected, and, the red side, showed its cards for the last time.

When Lin Cheng saw the card coming out, he secretly exclaimed that he was lucky.

Fortunately, Lucian didn't come out, otherwise he would have been killed and gone crazy.

Originally, Lin Cheng planned to use a long-hand single-player operation, but the opponent's mid laner card and the assistant Shen obviously did not give Lin Cheng the idea of ​​​​a single-player operation.

If KT dares to take Lucian or Quinn on the road, they may become a cash machine.

The lineups of both sides are selected.

Blue square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Fortitude of the Hammer, Poppy)

Jungler: Bono (Prince of Demacia, Jarvan IV)

Middle: Kuro (Dark Leader, Syndra)

Bottom lane: Aiming (the solemnity of the waning moon, Aphelios)

Support: Tusin (Soullock Warden, Thresh)

Red square JDG:

Top lane: Zoom (Desert Butcher, Renekton)

Jungler: Kanavi (Spider Queen, Elise)

Middle: Yagao (Card Master, Drizzt)

Bottom lane: LokeN (Explorer, Ezreal)

Assist: Lvmao (Eye of Twilight, Shen)

Wawa: "Here we come! In a desperate situation, finally chose to change their formation and gave up their most accustomed jungle-centered play style. This round is all about rhythm."

Xiao Umbrella: "Yes! JD's lineup in this game is easy to understand. In the early stage, the upper, middle and jungle should take advantage to start the rhythm, and end the game in the middle stage. However, KT's focus is on the bottom half, and Orange Brother's Poppy must be on the top road. Withstand the pressure.”

The hero Poppy is a character with strong laning ability as a top laner and a tank. He performs well against many long-hand laners, and his ability to withstand pressure and counterattack is extremely good.

However, Poppy does not have the simple and direct ability to start a team like Ornn and Thain, which results in Poppy's appearance rate in professional games being very low.

Moreover, Poppy requires too much proficiency. Most professional tank hero players can perform it on the field with a little practice, but Poppy is not that easy to mess with. He is a tank hero who pays great attention to details.

Although Lin Cheng's Poppy doesn't play as much as the warrior hero, it is already one of the tank heroes with which he has the most proficiency.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng's Poppy chose the main system of Resolute: Eternal Grasp, Holy Shield Slam, Skeleton Plating, and Resurrection, and the secondary system: Biscuit Delivery, Time Warp Tonic.

This set of runes is very strong against crocodiles, and the time warp tonic in the secondary system is a rune whose actual effect is far greater than its description. It can squeeze out unlimited value from a 500-yuan formalin potion.

Entering the game, Lin Cheng's Poppy carried the corruption potion on his back and carried a hammer as he staggered straight to the grass on the river on the upper road.

Both sides did not start the war lightly at the first level, and each started peacefully.

Lin Cheng took advantage of Poppy's passivity and took a more aggressive stance, while Zoon had no intention of stepping forward and just waited for the line's health to decrease.

Lin Cheng A'd one of the soldiers in advance, and then stood next to the melee soldiers fighting between the two sides with a threatening look.

Finally, the health of the melee minions on both sides was very low.

The crocodile began to move forward.

Just as the crocodile was approaching, Lin Cheng used his basic attack to kill the minion he had just hit.

If Poppy directly kills the minions, he doesn't need to pick up the soap, and a passive shield will be generated immediately on his body.

Generating a shield, Lin Cheng took a step forward, crossed the line of soldiers, and launched Q Holy Hammer Slam.

Poppy jumped up and punched the ground hard, just hitting the crocodile's feet and punching the ground into the shape of a prosperous senbei.

Zoom's crocodile just stepped forward and used his Q skill to take down three minions with residual health. He immediately pulled it to the side to prevent the secondary damage of Wangwang Senbei.

Taking advantage of his opponent's position, Lin Cheng stepped forward and secretly hit Crocodile before turning back to replenish his troops with satisfaction.

Although the basic attack failed to activate the indestructible effect because he did not enter the combat state in advance, the passive shield blocked the crocodile's Q skill so that Poppy was completely unharmed by this wave of exchanges. Lin Cheng took up a big or small share of it. of cheap.

Lin Cheng first set a small goal for himself: to suppress the crocodile online and try to delay the opponent's spider to gank.

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