This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 419 Don’t send me off on my way

Doll: "The spider has retreated. Brother Chengzi should be dead this time... Hmm? What does this TP mean? Brother Chengzi made a mistake! He pressed TP by mistake at the critical moment of escaping."

Xiao Umbrella: "He seems to want to pretend to be a teammate and come to TP for support, but Jingdong will not accept your trick at all. After all, Jingdong can see the prince's position. Even if Syndra comes, others will not be afraid."

"Then this Bobby is broken!"

The baby who came back to his senses laughed: "Originally, even if Poppy was caught to death, he still had TP to replenish the line, but now he has handed over the TP himself first and then given it to him for free. The TP advantage that Brother Chengzi played just now is gone, let alone himself. There’s still a loss.”

Xiao Umbrella: "This is really ridiculous! There was a cookie on Poppy's body and she had a chance to escape by hiding in a cocoon. But in the end, she voluntarily gave up her chance of survival and threw TP in the opponent's face. I can only say that she had too many ideas. .”

"??? Why don't you report this?"

"It's so funny! I'm forcing TP on someone's face. Isn't Brother Chengzi acting?"

"The idea is good, but the other side is not cooperative."

"Brother Cheng is thinking of sexy ideas every day, but now he's overturned."

"Smart yordle, 2333."

"Brother Chengzi: Aren't the opponents afraid of my teammates? Do you know how to play games?"

"Brother Cheng always gives blood in various strange postures. Only we can't think of it, but he wouldn't be able to do it."

"Last time, his river dance to get first blood was played repeatedly in the LCK pre-match highlights. Now we have material again."


Not only were the commentators and the audience dumbfounded by Lin Cheng's TP forced first blood, but his teammates were also puzzled.

Bono: "Lin Cheng, what are you doing? Is this how you make friends with TP?"

Tusin: "If you die, you'll get one blood coin. If you hand over the TP, you're afraid that you'll collapse too slowly, right?"

Kuro: "If you don't want to play Poppy, just say so. Are you trying to give me a hard gift?"

Lin Cheng was dissatisfied: "Is this my problem? It's obviously their problem, okay? You didn't even retreat when you saw TP light up."

Aiming: "Don't send me off on my way, lie down and wait for me."

Lin Cheng:_

So angry!

If he hadn't just made a wave of blind B operations that were not straight-forward and strong, Lin Cheng would have had to talk to his teammates.

After sending out the first blood, Poppy was resurrected, bought the red crystal, and ran to the line.

However, after Lin Chengbai gave up, KT's bottom lane quickly regained its place.

Aiming's Aphelios eyed Shen in the grass, just in time to catch Shen, and fired directly at Shen with his devastating Q skill.

Lu Mao decisively taunted and tried to fight back.

But Tusin's reaction was also very quick. Thresh next to him made an oblique E that just cut off Shen's taunt and then made a backhand hook.

Shen was not weak when he didn't trigger Aftershock. Thresh was attached to ignite Aphelios' output.

After getting off the hook, Shen's HP was very low.

Seeing the sword array being laid out, Aphelios and Thresh stopped at the same time and pressed forward.


Green hair can only cross-dodge in advance.

However, this flash did not open up, and the KT duo decisively flashed and pursued at the same time.

Although EZ was nearby and provided treatment, the ignition effect greatly reduced the treatment and did not increase Shen's health.

Aphelios killed Shen with the last two blows of his green knife.

Wawa: "Hey! There's something wrong with Jingdong's bottom lane. It's not right to be knocked out of the lane in 2V2."

Xiao Umbrella: "There is no problem with Lu Mao's first move. The JD duo has one more healer. As long as Shen hits Aphelios in taunt, JD should have an advantage.

It can only be said that Tusin's Thresh is so eye-catching. The E skill is really crucial to interrupt Shen's taunt. No matter what the bot lane combination is, the hard assistant's only first-hand control will definitely be difficult to play if it is interrupted. "

Wawa: "But I think, since Jingdong has decided to play in the top half of this game, wouldn't it be better for the duo to be a little more stable? Try to reduce this kind of confrontation and not give the prince a chance to seize it later."

Xiao Umbrella: "Aphelios was chasing Shen just now, Lu Mao must backhand him! EZ itself can't push the line, if you don't fight back, Aphelios will have to eat tapioca. What kind of training is it?

Although the hero Aphelios has the right to push the lane in the early stage, Aphelios can easily be hit if he wants to suppress people. If it weren't for Thresh's performance, Aphelios would actually be dead in this wave. "

While his teammates took advantage in the bottom lane, Lin Cheng continued to develop in the top lane.

Lin Cheng handled the details very well, constantly maintaining his position and clearing the line. Crocodile used the Red Fury E skill and wanted to come up for blood, but Lin Cheng directly blocked it with W.

Moreover, Lin Cheng's resistance to pressure is not just to shrink back and replenish troops. Seeing the crocodile handing over his skills to clear the line, Poppy decisively picked up the soap and used the Q skill to slow down and kill him, and then the E minions ran away before the shield dropped.

If the crocodile wanted to push the line, it would be impossible to hold the Red Fury forever, but Poppy took the opportunity to pick up the soap and exchange blood.

In this way, even though Lin Cheng was taken first blood, he gradually gained the upper hand in terms of blood volume thanks to his abundant supplies.

As long as the Crocodile is in a skill vacuum period, Lin Cheng is completely in a face-saving posture, regardless of whether his jungler is not in the top half.

In fact, this is the only way to keep the line of troops from being sent under the tower by crocodiles.

Bono's prince can only walk around spiders in the jungle. If Lin Cheng imitated some gangster's top laner's play style of replenishing the tower knife on time within three minutes, he would have been defeated by the spiders long ago.

Instead, Lin Cheng kept his troops outside the tower as much as possible. When there were no wild monsters in the jungle, it was impossible for the spider to stay in the upper half of the area.

After all, there is really no way to go on a hunger strike in this version. Players like Kanavi will definitely not be shopping in the upper half if they cannot see the tower jump.

For more than 5 minutes, the army line was still close to the blue side, and Poppy ran to the grass in the river to get a view.

Having finished all three sips of formalin and saving as much biscuit as he could carry, Lin Cheng wanted to push his troops forward to find an opportunity to return.

Moreover, the wild monsters above have been refreshed. I don’t know when the spiders will come. It’s important to go home early and replenish equipment.

Immortal Poppy's consumption ability is very strong. Lin Cheng's W every time prevents the crocodile from getting close with the E skill. The slowdown of the Q skill also ensures that the crocodile cannot move away to shoot the red W.

On the contrary, due to the advantage brought by Poppy's passivity, Crocodile's health volume is now less than half. Seeing Poppy pushing the lane, Zoom has no intention to stop him.

Just as Lin Cheng was pushing the line, he suddenly discovered that the crocodile was moving too close to the river wall.

At this time, Poppy still had more than half of his health. Lin Cheng saw the opportunity for a solo kill and manipulated Poppy to press forward.

Zoom also seemed to find something wrong with his position, and quickly took two steps away from the wall.

Just in time, Poppy activated her E skill to charge heroically.

Bobby lunged forward and pushed the crocodile back a certain distance.

But it's a pity that Zoom's last two steps away from the wall were just enough for Bobby to fail to stun the crocodile.

Poppy hits immortal, jumps up and hits with a hammer.

The Q skill Holy Hammer slammed and reversed, creating a crack in the shape of a prosperous senbei on the wall.

At the same time as Poppy Q took action, Red Fury W, which was just in Crocodile's hand, took action.

Poppy was stunned, Crocodile E passed through Poppy's body and leaned towards the soldier line, hoping to Q the minion to restore health.

However, Lin Cheng had already predicted the opponent's movements. The area hit by Poppy's reverse Q skill was exactly in the direction of the army line. After the crocodile's E, it was still on the edge of the senbei-shaped crack.

Poppy's second Q bursts.

The crocodile's health itself is not high, and it is already very dangerous after taking two hits from the Holy Hammer.

But at this moment, Lin Cheng's vision that he had just inserted found a spider touching the triangular grass.

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