This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 423 How to lose this team battle?

With three kills, Lin Cheng's Poppy became tougher now.

Although it was still difficult to defeat the crocodile in a one-on-one fight, even if he could defeat Lin Cheng, he had no intention of fighting the opponent in a one-on-one fight.

After all, his teammates were Ka Kao and Shen, so he lost his wits and found someone on the wing to challenge him.

The dilapidated crocodile is very powerful in a one-on-one challenge, but it still can't push Riyan Poppy through the lane push. It's still very easy for Lin Cheng to hold the sideline at this point in time.

The third little dragon was refreshed. Just as the crocodile and the card's ultimate move were not ready yet, Jingdong's midfielder just lost flash in the wild area. The red side pulled the dragon pit for a while and found that it could not get in. After that, it could only draw the card. Wind Dragon was released to KT.

Fortunately, this round is about Wind Dragon Soul, so if you are ruthless, you can let it go.

After the opponent's ultimate move improved, KT did not choose to hand over the initiative to the opponent. The red BUFF refresh time of JD was timed, and Lin Cheng cleared the line and leaned over in advance to prepare for an ambush with his teammates.

Just when Lin Cheng was approaching, the spider appeared.

The prince had already squatted in the red BUFF grass. Without saying a word, EQ picked up the spider, and Syndra caught the ball from a long distance.

Shen immediately used his ultimate move to protect the spider from being killed, and the card also lit up its ultimate move next to it.

Lin Cheng arrived at the scene of the incident just in time. When he saw Shen landing on the ground, he was about to taunt Syndra. Poppy immediately opened W to block Shen.

Interrupting the opponent's backhand control, the three KT players did not want to fight and retreated quickly.

After all, the crocodile has disappeared on the line. Since there is no way to kill the spider first, let's stop it as soon as possible.

The spider's cocoon was empty, and the cards did not dare to come up and throw yellow cards before the crocodile arrived.

At this time, in a real 3V3 head-on fight, KT's upper midfielder is definitely much better than JD's midfielder and supporter. Cards and spiders are added with caution, which is equivalent to having three fewer ultimate moves than the opponent. How can we fight?

Toothpaste was also very sensible and did not choose to force people to stay.

As a result, could only watch as KT's upper, middle and jungle trio swaggered away.

Wawa: "It's so uncomfortable! I handed over all the cards and Shen's ultimate move, but I only saved the spider. Jingdong is at a huge loss this time."

Xiao Umbrella: "To be honest, Card and Shen's ultimate move is only as powerful as taking the initiative to find the rhythm. If it is used passively to protect teammates, it really loses the meaning of using these two heroes. Now there are two key supports. The ultimate move was gone, and couldn't find its rhythm in the next few minutes."

Wawa: "I can only say that KT played well. They took advantage of the slight time difference between the top laner and lane transition to easily deceive's two key moves, and they also retreated decisively after discovering Crocodile Miss.

However, the cards did not dare to force themselves up and throw yellow cards. If the opponent decisively counterattacked, these three people would definitely not be able to defeat the opponent. If the crocodile was not present, Jingdong would explode if they dared to attack. "

Xiao Umbrella: "This KT team really grasped the situation very accurately. obviously chose a lineup that is easier to play with, but the rhythm is obviously not here with

Although had successfully captured several waves of Brother Cheng before, KT exchanged things when Brother Cheng acted as a self-destructing truck, and raised a very fat Aphelios, plus Bobby had killed three times in one wave just now. After gaining weight,’s plan for going on the road can be said to have completely failed. "

Wawa thought for a while: "In this game, finally managed to hold down the point of Brother Cheng Zi in the top lane, but KT had a great advantage in the bottom lane, and then KT surrounded Aphelios to control Xiaolong and Vanguard.

In fact, this is very similar to the previous situation where Orange Brother had an advantage. The midfielder and jungler stabilized and controlled resources around the sideline where they had the advantage, and then rolled the snowball.

This is a typical example of pressing the gourd and raising the scoop! Even Bobby is so fat now that the gourd floats and now he can no longer hold down the gourd. "

As the commentator said, this team of KT has been difficult to defeat for a long time because they are too difficult to target.

Not to mention Lin Cheng's almost stable advantage, even if he was occasionally defeated by the opponent's frantic attack, other teammates would still stand up.

Kuro played ten games, and he probably froze when Lin Cheng was lying down.

When the opponent is targeting Lin Cheng crazily, they are often unable to control the bottom lane. The two radicals Aiming and Tusin often have a slight advantage and can open up the gap when they are not targeted.

Just like this game, when Lin Cheng was beaten, Aiming's Aphelios was already ahead of EZ by a lot of money in the early stage. In the mid-term, he used some F6 and three wolves to replenish his body, and Aphelios found it in 19 minutes. A two-piece set of Endless and Split Bows.

At 21 minutes, Aphelios just happened to draw the red and white sword, and KT decisively forced the dragon directly.

It’s still the same point: Jingdong’s lineup is very good at sneak attacks, but it’s actually very weak if they really want to fight head-on. Unless the opponent can directly cut off Aphelios, it will be difficult to fight in a team fight.

Wawa: "KT rushed the dragon directly in front of JD. They didn't even want to wait for the wind dragon soul."

Xiao Umbrella: “This wave is also an opportunity for, let’s see what you say?”

The prince resisted the dragon, and Aphelios quickly stacked the flywheel.

The newborn dragon has very low health, and soon only half of its health is left.

Jingdong’s personnel have already surrounded the river below.

Poppy and Thresh were stuck outside, while Aphelios and the prince were still dealing out the baron.

The red side crocodile touched the triangle grass and activated his ultimate move to get around, but the blue side's eye position had already detected the movement in advance.

The card's ultimate move opens up the field of vision, and the dragon's health is getting lower and lower.

Just when everyone on the red side was covering the spider and pressing forward to fight for punishment, Bono's prince suddenly turned around and EQed out of the dragon pit.


The prince flashed forward to close the distance, and without saying a word, he launched his ultimate move, Heaven Shattering and Earth Shattering.

The prince shouted and jumped over, just in time to trap EZ and the card in the ultimate move.

Shen moved forward and began to taunt.

The crocodile is circling behind, and if Shen E dodges and taunts Aphelios and Syndra behind him, KT may explode directly in conjunction with EZ's ultimate move.


Lin Cheng was very decisive and did not give the green-haired E a chance to dodge. Poppy directly interrupted Shen's sliding step with a W dodge.

Moreover, this W flash caused Poppy to appear right next to the spider, so Lin Cheng made a decisive move with his E skill.

The spider that had just formed a cocoon and was about to deal damage to the prince was bumped into the terrain created by the prince's ultimate move.

Regardless of the spider, the hammer in Poppy's hand whirred.

Let's go!

Little Bobby took a step sideways, jumped up and hit the ground.

A shock wave just bypassed the spider in front of him and quickly spread back to EZ's feet.

EZ had just handed E out of the range of the prince's ultimate move, and now he couldn't dodge it.


Xiao Huangmao drew a parabola and quickly disappeared into the battlefield.

Lin Cheng's judgment is very accurate. At this point in time,'s biggest threat comes from the flexible and long-handed EZ.

Although the quality of the equipment is not as high as that of Aphelios, the cheap two-piece set of EZ with Demon Cut already has enough output.

Bono didn't have a stopwatch to start the team. If EZ wasn't beaten away, he really couldn't withstand the output of spiders, cards and EZ.

Now that EZ has been beaten away, Lin Cheng doesn't even know how to lose this team battle?

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