Zeyuan: "Come on, come on! Brother Cheng Zi Dao Mei finally shines! This hero that Brother Cheng Zi is most confident in finally shines in the finals.

I believe that countless viewers and fans of Brother Cheng are regretting that they did not see Dao Mei appear in this MSC, but it doesn’t matter! Don’t be afraid of being late for a good meal! I’m really looking forward to Brother Chengzi’s performance as a knife girl.

You must know that Brother Chengzi’s sword sister line kill rate is 100%! In other words, as long as he takes out Dao Mei, he will definitely complete an online solo kill. Let’s see what he says today? "

Remember to interject: “What do you think the colonel will say today?”

"Of course I am..."

In the middle of speaking, Zeyuan suddenly changed his tone: "Of course I am looking forward to Brother Chengzi! Do you think I will cheer for Brother Chengzi?

Although I am also looking forward to Brother Chengzi's performance, I am even more looking forward to 369 being able to overthrow Brother Chengzi! Come on 369! Today you are the number one top laner in the world. "

"It's so funny! The senior colonel's desire for life is extraordinary."

"Brother Chengzi chooses Sword Girl, the senior colonel is so excited."

"Aren't you excited about having two chefs in the university?"

"A certain explanation of the journey of the mind: full of joy, full of treasures, sudden awakening, reining in the precipice, desperate for survival."

"The front is brilliant, haha."


Remember: "Taobo should be on guard against Brother Chengzi. 369, like the Duke yesterday, directly locked the crocodile in the blind selection round."

Tong Xi: "Crocodile is indeed a very good hero against Dao Mei. Once Dao Mei cannot have an advantage in team fights online, it will be more difficult to play. It still depends on whether Taobo can effectively target Dao Mei."

Lin Cheng locked the knife girl, and Bono cooperated and sacrificed the pig girl.

This is a very classic combination, with strong ability to cooperate with GANK online in the early stage.

After all, once Sword Girl is out, we must ensure the upper lane advantage. Otherwise, Sword Girl, a hero with a disadvantage, will be really difficult to play.

In the middle, Kuro thought about it and locked Galio.

Of course, it's not because I want to mess around, but because I want to cooperate with Dao Mei's entry.

Although Lin Cheng hated his teammates every day, Kuro decided to forgive him because he was so bad.

As for support, Tusin locked Tahm Kench.

After all, there is no need for support to start a team, and in this game KT has decided to tilt the tactical focus upwards. The two brothers in the bottom lane only need to do one thing well:

Hold on, don't give it away.

As for Taobao, Knight chose his signature Syndra, while Prophet locked Thresh.

After all, both Cs have no displacement. Thresh has a better choice than Tahm Kench, and he also has the ability to cooperate with the blind monk GANK in the bottom lane.

The lineups of both sides are selected.

Blue square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Blade Dancer, Irelia)

Jungler: Bono (Wrath of the North, Sejuani)

Mid lane: Kuro (Colossus of Justice, Galio)

Bottom lane: Aiming (Arrow of Punishment, Varus)

Support: Tusin (River King, Tahm Kench)

Red square TES:

Top road: 369 (Desert Butcher, Renekton)

Jungler: Karsa (Lee Sin, Lee Sin)

Middle: Knight (Dark Leader, Syndra)

Bottom lane: Jackeylove (Arrow of Punishment, Varus)

Support: Yuyanjia (Soullock Warden, Thresh)

There is not much difference in the bottom lane between the two sides. In terms of lineup, Taobo is more three-dimensional. The top, middle and jungle positions have good combat effectiveness in the early and mid-term, while KT relies more on Dao Mei in the top half.

Once Dao Mei fails to produce results, KT's midfielder and midfielder will be completely unable to compete with their opponents.

However, the KT coaching staff has never worried about the problem of fault tolerance. This season, there was no time when Lin Cheng couldn't play when he was given the sword girl.

Kang Dongxun was a little worried at first, but every time he entered the competition, he would see it, haha! Go on the road and kill the opponent early.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng is still familiar with the set, with the main series being precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Joy, and Perseverance, and the secondary series being enlightenment: magical shoes and biscuit delivery.

Pretending to choose the corruption potion when going out, Lin Cheng controlled the knife girl and rushed straight to the road to stop in the river grass.

The five KT players stood parallel to the river, and the red side's middle and lower sides were also exposed to the blue side's vision.

At 1 minute and 10 seconds, the crocodile touched the grass in the river from the direction of the line.

Lin Cheng's first reaction was to withdraw.

But then I thought about it, the blind monk on the opposite side was unlikely to ambush him at this time. The crocodile probably wanted to take the opportunity to run to the blue square jungle area to ward and capture Bnono's open field route.

As a result, Lin Cheng gave up his plan to retreat and got stuck in the bushes to get the first shot at level A.

The 369 crocodile took two steps forward and found that the sword girl had retreated after completing the forward swing of the basic attack. The crocodile chased after two steps and chose to turn around and retreat when he couldn't make a basic attack.

Just after the crocodile turned back, the knife girl suddenly turned around and hit another flat A.

The crocodile quickly turned around and wanted to fight back.

But Lin Cheng had already controlled Dao Mei to turn her head again.

Crocodile A won't come out!

The Sword Girl's 200-yard shooting range is still too advantageous against the Crocodile, which only has a 125-yard shooting range. As long as the Crocodile doesn't use its skills, Lin Cheng can make the opponent's mentality collapse.

This time the crocodile chased for several more steps, but when it found that it still couldn't reach its opponent, 369 turned around and retreated again.

Lin Cheng's sword girl decisively turned around and waved the blade again.

An inch is long and an inch is strong, this principle applies to most situations on the road.

369 retreated towards the line and had no choice to fight back this time.

Lin Cheng chose to pursue.

There are already six layers of Conquerors stacked up, so there is no reason not to be aggressive.

However, he didn't learn the skill Q to go up, just because the time was already 1 minute and 15 seconds, and Lin Cheng wanted to suppress the position so that the crocodile could not return home.

Just when Dao Mei chased the corner wall, the crocodile suddenly turned back.

The knife girl took the lead in slashing at the crocodile. After being hit four times, the crocodile finally fought back for the first time in the game.

Lin Cheng stopped pulling and pressed forward to strike again.


A small golden ax appears, and the stacks of conquerors are full.

The crocodile still stabbed him with his backhand regardless.

Lin Cheng felt that something was wrong. Anyone with weak brains shouldn't be so strong.

At this moment, the blind monk's figure suddenly emerged from the grass in the middle.

Lin Cheng showed Teemo a thumbs up expression.

Karsa squatting here is so unexpected. The wild monsters are almost out of the jungle and they are still ambushing above. Even an immortal would not have guessed this.

Knowing that Lin Cheng had already chased him down outside the grass near the side road, he quickly turned around and retreated after showing off his expression.

The blind monk chased after the flat A twice and directly inserted the eye. W touched the front of the sword girl and punched her again.

The crocodile finally learned the skill, and the AW shot was full of conquerors.

But because it wasn't Red Fury, Dao Mei quickly got up and continued running down the tower.

Lin Cheng is also a ruthless person. He doesn't learn any skills in this situation and just rushes down the tower.


Just when the sword girl was about to enter the tower, the blind monk happened to punch out the conqueror.

Lin Cheng can only learn the E skill, the double-winged sword in seconds.

At this time, Dao Mei's blood volume was less than one bar, and something would happen if she tried to save skill points again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Almost three people handed over Flash at the same time.

Crocodile and blind monk flashed at the same time to avoid the twin blades, trying to kill the sword girl.

But Lin Cheng's reaction was too quick. When he saw his opponent's first flash and handover, he also flashed and handed over.

After taking only one basic attack from the crocodile, Dao Mei dodged under the defense tower with a trace of blood on her skin, while the Blind Sin dodged into the tower and was only punished for standing.

Karsa pushed the tower and turned around quickly.

A naughty Poro expression lit up on the sword girl's head.

Lin Cheng used one flash to replace two flashes, and also delayed the blind monk's opening time.

Not a loss!

Even my own TP has to be forced out.

Thinking about it, I'm still a little angry.

If you don't kill 369, you'd be a bit sorry for the treatment Tao Bo gave Brother Cheng.

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