This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 448 Some people don’t want to win, but I won’t say who it is!

KT has a strong ability to seize operational opportunities. It knows that the opponent must defend the sidelines and quickly gathers personnel in the middle.

The blind monk took Tahm's car to the middle lane and was not in a hurry to release the Rift Herald. He was ready to work with his teammates to suppress the health of the middle tower.

Knight, who had already had a premonition of danger, did not give Tsar a chance to spin back and retreated early to call for his teammates.

But after all, as a passive defender, Taobo's personnel gathering was much slower. The four KT players demolished the tower very quickly, and Rek'Sai also had explosives.

Bono summoned the Canyon Herald, and the Herald shook his butt and went down, directly knocking the defense tower into pieces.

After receiving the information that the opposite winger had disappeared, everyone in KT was not greedy. They left the remaining health defense tower behind and pulled away contentedly.

The middle tower is of great strategic significance. When you see the opponent's wing personnel disappear, you must be prepared for the opponent to return to defense.

The defense tower is there. If you dismantle it early and dismantle it late, it will only cost you more money to build a tower. If you are left here at this time, it will be very dangerous.

Just in time, the dragon immediately refreshed, and KT stood in a group on the river and easily won the second dragon in the game.

After taking down the dragon, the Czar went back to guard the center line. When he saw the plane and wanted to clear the bottom lane, the other four members of KT directly covered it.

Although the plane had vision in the jungle and could fly fast enough, the bottom tower of the red side was undefended and was directly pulled out by the four KT players 14 minutes ago. All Taobo received in exchange was two of the top towers eaten by Ornn. Layer tart crust.

The troll wanted to cooperate with his teammates to move the Tsar in the middle, but Kuro was too stable. His ultimate move and drift easily resolved the opponent's three-man siege.

Remember: "This operation of KT is really comfortable to watch! Use the vanguard to remove the tower, turn to the mid-range to suppress the health of the mid-tower, and then turn to the dragon to take down the tower. The rhythm of these few minutes is extremely tight.

The source of everything is Ornn handing over TP to protect the female gun in the bottom lane. Because of this information, Taobo began to passively follow KT in the first half to switch lanes to defend. However, except for the remaining health of the tower, there was no Nothing is being held. "

Zeyuan: "369 is probably full of regrets now. If I do it again, I won't hand over the TP. Even if I can't keep the female gun, I really can't hold the tower if I leave Troll and Thresh on top. Then KT will By using lane changes to put pressure on other lanes, Taobo was completely exhausted on defense and was ripped open."

Remember: "Is this the charm of operations? Although there is no head-to-head confrontation, the pace is really fast. You must know that before taking the vanguard, Taobo was still somewhat ahead of the economy. After only four minutes, Taobo was already behind three thousand economies, and in the middle In fact, KT only gets one kill, and the rest are defense tower economy and neutral resources.”

Tong Xi: "Although Taobo is still one head ahead, Tapi's economy is too far behind. KT almost took all the plating, except for the last layer of Tapi in the middle."

Seeing that the blue side had established a clear advantage, KT took the initiative to send a wave when the commentator was sighing.

The jungle area caught the troll's position, and the five KT players teamed up to force down the middle tower in front of the opponent's duo.

Unexpectedly, Ornn from 369 happened to be wandering nearby.

The prophet's Thresh hook hit Tahm, and he directly hooked it to activate the ultimate move, and started the stopwatch to delay time.

Ornn calls sheep from a distance.

Everyone in KT was restricted from moving by the Netherworld Prison. Before they could retreat, Ornn's big move knocked three people off the tower.

Ah hahaha~~~~

The female gunman activated her ultimate move directly from behind, and a barrage of bullets came down.

Of course, KT has no shortage of interrupting methods, but they all require close range, and a single extra second of sweep with a female gun covering a large area will cause explosive damage.

Although Bono flashed his eyes and kicked off the female spear's ultimate move, everyone's health was suppressed a lot.

Knight has already TP fallen into the grass in the river.

When Ornn's E skill knocked several people away, the plane entered the scene with an explosive pack.

All members of KT were wiped out by the female gun's ultimate move. The power of the plane's explosives to block the road was really terrifying.

Rek'Sai lifted the plane and tried to fly away, but Knight used W and Blink to open a distance of more than 1,000 yards, avoiding the killing damage of Rek'Sai's ultimate move.

On the contrary, Rek'Sai, who had lost his ability to close close quarters, was bombarded by the plane's big move and died under the red side's remaining health tower.

Except for the Czar who drifted away, the rest of KT were killed in the middle.

Fortunately, Aphelios insisted on taking down the outer tower on the red side, otherwise this wave of KT would really be a free gift.

What was a little surprising was that Ornn, who had 369, scored three kills. The originally ugly data suddenly looked like a human being.

Zeyuan: "Perfect team! KT was careless and was beaten by Taobo. A wave of perfect team came out. Ornn was three bigger, and the female gun was bigger by a group. Then the plane explosive pack perfectly blocked the road. This Combo was played, not to mention three thousand, No matter how far behind you are, you can still win a teamfight financially."

Remember: "369 is a crime! Ornn's ultimate move and E skill combined with the female gun plane are simply devastating. KT thought he had seized the opportunity of the opponent's small number to force the tower. Logically speaking, Taobo should not defend this A defense tower with a lot of HP, but Ornn’s ultimate move and E control are too strong, allowing the female gun and aircraft to play their full role.”

KT was a little depressed after being beaten into such a team fight by the opponent, and became more cautious later on.

Although it is true that KT rarely makes mistakes in their operations this season, players are human after all, and it is impossible to judge the situation completely accurately every time.

Fortunately, this kind of scene did not happen at the most important moment, and everyone still has a chance to make amends.

At 17 and a half minutes, just when the third dragon was about to refresh, Bono suddenly appeared on the wing and cooperated with Lin Cheng to seize a wave of 369 opportunities.

Even though 369 is very meaty, there is nothing he can do about being beaten up by two conqueror thugs.

With Ornn killed, KT successfully took down the third dragon in the game, their second dragon.

This game is Fire Dragon Soul, which is a big bonus for both sides.

The situation on the court fell into calm again, and Lin Cheng's Rek'Sai continued to put pressure on Ornn from the wing.

Rek'Sai already has ruins and black cuts. At this time, the opponent only dares to let Ornn guard Rek'Sai's line.

Although Ornn can only serve as Rek'Sai's target, he still has the ability to clear the line under the tower. If the plane dares to fight against Rek'Sai, it will be dead if it is pushed up.

Lin Cheng was also very careful when leading the line. Several tunnels were laid out behind him to ensure that the other side would not be able to catch him.

Taobo's hard control was too little to limit Reksai's lead. After two attempts, the red side stopped trying to catch Lin Cheng.

Three towers and one tower on the opposite side were all destroyed, and KT began to use its familiar method to operate the snowball, accumulating advantages bit by bit.

At more than 22 minutes, when the fourth dragon in the game had half a minute to refresh, 369 had another problem.

This time no one came to catch him. When 369 was not satisfied with his blood volume, he led the line too deep and was dug in by Lin Cheng's Reksai.

Rek'Sai's W-top minion was just a set of quality three-combination attack. Ornn turned to E and ran back, but Lin Cheng's big move followed him.

Seeing Rek'Sai, which was full of conquerors, slow down and chase after it, 369 had no choice but to activate his ultimate move.

But Lin Cheng's W just now was the top minion. Now Ornn's big move in front of him was knocked into the air without hitting the second stage of the sheep. Rek'Sai chased with his backhand to complete the single kill.

Remember: "Hey! How did 369 bring the line here? He should know that Rek'Sai is still nearby! He was killed alone again! Then this little dragon Taobo has no choice but to give in."

Tong Xi: "The key is that he handed over his ultimate move. Even if his teammates drag Ornn to the resurrection TP, they still have no ultimate move. Without Ornn's key ultimate move, it will be difficult to fight in a Taobo team battle."

Zeyuan: “Someone doesn’t want to win, but I won’t say who it is!”

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