This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 451 Dragon Zai’s Invitation and Taobo Lounge Bible

Back in the preparation room, during the break between games, the KT guys drank water, chatted, and played with their mobile phones.

We have entered the match point, but everyone seems to be no different from usual.

The atmosphere of the entire lounge is outstanding.

At the beginning, the coaching staff will take advantage of this time to briefly remind the players of the problems that occurred in the previous game and clarify the general play style of the next game.

As a result, after fighting Kang Dongxun later, I found that he seemed to have done a bit redundant. The originally arranged tactics may change at any time as the BP progresses, and the most important thing is that no matter what the pre-game arrangements are, it will have little impact on the subsequent games.

We win anyway, we KT are invincible.

So, unless someone was on the court and the crazy criminal coach would give a few words, Kang Dongxun basically left time for the players to rest and adjust themselves.

It’s not that everyone lost their minds after winning too much, but that their usual tactics are engraved in their bones. Except for Lin Cheng who can do some fancy things, KT is not a team like Hanwha that prepares all kinds of black technology tactics. To put it simply, it’s just training matches.

KT's tactical focus will basically be on the top lane. As long as Lin Cheng doesn't have problems, KT will basically not have problems. Even if Lin Cheng does have problems, other teammates will not be able to cover up.

Moreover, KT has a group of big brothers, and the team itself has good adjustment capabilities. Every time a player makes a huge mistake on the field, there is no need for the coach to remind them, and the players themselves can communicate quickly.

Although it is difficult for veterans to compete with young players in terms of overall operation, their experience is a more valuable asset in a sense.

Kuro was happily taking a sip of the black tea he had brewed. Lin Cheng, who was looking at his cell phone next to him, suddenly raised his head and asked, "Li Shiheng, what gift do you Koreans usually give to you on your birthday?"

Kuro glanced at him: "What? Is there a friend celebrating his birthday?"


"It depends on what your friend likes! It's nothing special. It has nothing to do with where you are from."


Lin Cheng looked at the friend's birthday reminder on the communication software and was a little troubled.

No wonder Park Ji-yeon asked him if he was free next week when we played games together last time, and invited him to play games offline and look at snowflakes. He casually accepted the invitation.

Park Ji-yeon didn't explain either. If his mobile phone software hadn't set up automatic reminders, he wouldn't have even known about it.

How bad would it be if he was waving his hands and really ready to play games?

Birthday gifts should be prepared, but apart from knowing that Park Ji-yeon likes to play games, Lin Cheng doesn't know what she likes.

It’s nerve-wracking, why not prepare a sweeping robot? Or a rice cooker is also good.

As for gifts, they must be practical.

The atmosphere on KT's side was relaxed, but on the other side, the atmosphere in the Taobo lounge was a little tense.

Originally, this MSC was held in a hurry. It is said that Riot Games has not even prepared the trophy. Many players in the Tobo team do not pay much attention to the MSC itself, and even have a disdainful attitude.

And as a team with a short break-in time, although Topbo is the runner-up in the LPL Spring Split, most of their players are participating in international events other than the intercontinental competition for the first time.

After all, there is little experience in foreign wars, so reaching the semi-finals is considered a success.

It stands to reason that reaching the finals is not bad, but the opponent in the finals is an LCK team.

As a team in the first division, TaoBo is destined to be stared at by all LPL viewers when it enters the finals. In the eyes of the audience, TaoBo now represents the entire LPL division.

Although Taobao players do not necessarily want to represent others, reality has put them here.

Even the clear-thinking audience has regarded this final as a duel between the Chinese team and the Korean team.

As for Lin Cheng, he was even expelled from the country.

In this situation, it can be imagined that if Taobo wins, it will be fine. If he loses, his head will definitely be sprayed. If he is beaten in three rounds, public opinion will really explode.

The LPL has a large audience and a lot of trolls.

In fact, after losing the first game of TaoBo, many people started firing with all their strength. After the second game, some players even had their family trees confiscated by netizens.

Although there are still TaoBo fans trying their best to line up, if they are still completely crushed by KT in the third game, TaoBo fans may not be able to clean up.

It's not unreasonable for Ah Shui to complain about this competition in the live broadcast room. There won't be much benefit if he wins, and he will still be criticized if he loses.

Although I didn’t read the comments online, Taobo players probably know what the trend is now.

All members of Taobo sat together and their expressions were not very good. The head coach Bai Yueya stood in the middle of the lounge and spread his hands and said:

"Brothers! We are not playing as a unit now. We can't beat each other line to line. We have problems in team fights. We make a lot of mistakes on the court. Every time there is a team fight, someone will get into trouble first. Yu Wenbo wants to Pay more attention to your position in team battles, and you, Bai Jiahao..."

Speaking of 369, Bai Yueya looked very angry: "You really don't take what I said yesterday seriously? The opponent's handle will be blown up by the opponent. If you can't beat it, just pull it. Don't confront the opponent head-on. Your strength will Can you beat him?"

On the first day of the group stage, 369 was killed by Lin Cheng in a crazy way. Later, he was two big pieces behind and almost made the coach angry to death. Bai Yueya painstakingly advised 369 to just push and beat him if he couldn't beat him. Don't go to head-on contact and focus on development. Waiting for a group fight.

As a result, I didn’t expect that today 369 would still get a crazy solo kill. In the first game, the opponent got the Sword Girl. In the second game, 369 Ornn not only insisted on going out to lead the lane but was single-killed by Reksai in the middle of the second game, he even committed consecutive crimes and almost died. The white crescent moon in the background was so angry that she banged the table.

"I really pulled it. If you don't believe me, go watch the video."

369 is also very aggrieved. His Ornn has tried his best to fight around Rek'Sai, but the opponent uses his own ability to seize the opportunity to kill him. What can he do?

Pulling is really a skill for top laners. Many games that cannot be beaten can be overcome by pulling, and many lines that cannot be matched can also be obtained by pulling to gain room for development.

But the top laner on the opposite side is too fierce, and he can't pull it off. What can be done?

Regarding 369's attitude of not admitting his mistakes, Bai Yueya became even more angry: "It's you who should go back and watch the video. It's been two games. Are you just waiting for the opponent's skills to get better before you go up and get beaten? And what about Baron's wave?" How did you join the group?"

369 scratched his neck and retorted: "That's how I hit you. I told you that I really pulled it."

"Why do you talk back to me? Was I too gentle before? Or are you in the rebellious stage?"

The white crescent moon slammed the table: "You pull during the game, and you pull with me when you come back to the lounge. Is this your pull?"

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