This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 455 369: I called the jungler, and he killed me in front of the jungler.

Zeyuan: "Nine treasures! Why are you being beaten again as soon as the camera comes over? How come you are in this situation after just one knife? Is it so cruel to hit level 1 and level 3?"

"Brother Chengzi is really brave. He knows that the blind monk is open in the lower half of the field, and the skateboard shoes come up and he doesn't even look at it and presses him hard."

I remember joking: "Probably Brother Chengzi's mental activity is this: Lucian might take the opportunity to add two pawns when I am doing the eyes, but no! I have to tell him not to eat."

Tong Xi: "Karsa is heading up after beating the toad, but now she really can't catch Kalista. Lucian is only at level one and his condition is still very poor. Plus there are so many minions. The blind monk may still be killed by Kalista when he comes. Fight back.”

Zeyuan: "This should be preparation for counter-crouching. The HP of 369 is too dangerous. Karsa is afraid that the opposite jungler will come over and directly overtake Lucian. After all, Taobo also knows that Olaf is blue."

"Classic level 1 fights level 3, then shrink down the tower before three minutes."

"I'm so confused! How can I play in this laning?"

"369 is collapsing faster and faster each time. Now it's cracked at the first level?"

"369: Let me lie down here, you C."

"Skateboarding shoes are so powerful, why are all the top skateboarding shoes I encounter stupid?"

"Brother Chengzi is very proficient. Are you planning to switch to AD in the future?"


Lucian, who was 369, was beaten violently when he came up. After consuming three bottles of corruption potion, his blood volume was still only about half.

This amount of health is extremely dangerous in front of level three Kalista.

Fortunately, the army line is in front of the tower. No matter how fierce Lin Cheng is, he can't stop 369 from gaining experience.

Lucian hid behind his father, preparing to reach level two first.

However, because the previous experience was basically not gained, even if the defense tower killed two soldiers, Lucian still had not been promoted to the second level.

Lin Cheng's Kalista pushed the lane into the tower and pressed directly forward, driving Lucian behind the tower.

Lin Cheng went so far that he didn't even want his opponent to stand under the tower. As long as Lucian appeared within range, he would top the tower and kill him.

Now that Kalista is almost at full health, she has every chance to kill someone while the defense tower is not paying attention.

At this moment, the blind monk emerged from the blue square triangle grass.

Kalista, who had already pressed under the tower, turned around to retreat.

Lucian, who was originally driven back, immediately turned back.

Blind Sin inserted his eyes, and W touched Kalista's side.

If Karsa really doesn't dare to take action outside, the situation of the army line and the bearish situation of his top laner are destined to be unable to move Kalista.

But it was different in his own defense tower. Karsa was sure that the opponent would not dare to fight back.

However, Lin Cheng really fought back.

Just when the blind monk was inserting his eyes in front of him, Lin Cheng had already pressed the Q button.

Kalista turned around and threw the spear in her hand, sliding downwards at the same time.

The dark green spear accurately penetrated Lucian behind the tower. Kalista slid into the attack range. With the support of the cluster blade, she raised her hand and threw the spear again and slid down.

Top laner Kalista is main Q and secondary E, and basically doesn't know W or ultimate skills in the early stage. Lin Cheng's second level Q damage at this time is very high. Lucian, who is almost half health, was suddenly beaten to a quarter by QA. Less than one blood volume.

Moreover, as soon as the blind monk touched his eyes, Lin Cheng decisively counterattacked twice and slid away to distance himself. Tian Yinbo had no choice but to take action.


The 369 below saw that his blood volume was too low, and he dodged back in time.


Lin Cheng immediately dodged down, just in time to avoid the Tianyin wave flying from above.

Ping A rubbed down and pulled out the defense tower. Even when Lin Cheng could take action, he didn't even bother to inflict damage from the last cluster blade of A and directly started to draw the spear.


Lucian died suddenly in front of the autistic bush.

"First Blood!"

At this time, the second attack from the defense tower caught up.

Triumphant reply, although Kalista's health does not look very healthy, Karsa no longer dares to take it.

Without close-range means, unless he flashes past directly at this time, the blind monk will probably be stuck with a lot of spears when he walks up.

Moreover, Olaf is in the top half, and Karsa has to worry about his own safety.

Watching Kalista retreat from the Triangle Grass, Karsa could only tearfully repair the gun truck that was about to be killed by the defense tower.

Remember: "Hey! Brother Chengzi started to act like a human being, and Lucian was not allowed to stay under the tower, but Karsa happened to come over, and this wave was an opportunity to take action under the tower...Hey! What happened to 369? It was Lucian who died. .”

Zeyuan: "Oh! 369 This is too miserable! I called the jungler, and he killed me in front of the jungler. I can't stand it anymore! It's been three consecutive games, and I have been defeated by my opponent for three consecutive games. There's something wrong with Yi Xue's mentality."

Remember: "Although the skateboard shoes hit the tower twice, Brother Ka did not dare to go up. Now Cong Ren only has an eight-second CD and does not have to leave the battle. The blind monk has a high probability of being shown off when he goes up, and there is also Olaf to give him pressure."

Tong Xi: "Hmm~~~ I just saw that 369 was careless when he retreated with skate shoes. As long as he hits Kalista's Q in this wave, he will basically not be able to survive. After all, Lucian with this amount of health is only level one, and even Kalis There is also a cluster blade at the end of the tower, which is enough damage without the A."

Zeyuan: "Hey! What are you doing, Chengzi? Isn't it too arrogant to return here?"

Lin Cheng's Kalista ran to the wall behind the triangle grass and started reading the return trip.

This position is stuck in the shadows, and the opponent must step out of the triangle grass from this direction to find Kalista.

The blind monk blue BUFF has been defeated. Bono's Olaf just blocked the blue side's vision in the river in the middle road, almost telling the opponent that he must control the river crab.

Once this information was combined, Lin Cheng felt that Karsa would not run to this location. If it was safer, he would not bother to run a few more steps before returning.

Kuro: "Zoe has disappeared, Lin Cheng, please be careful."

Seeing Olaf waiting in the river for the river crabs that were about to spawn, Lin Cheng felt that the problem was not big: "I will return soon. There is no vision on the other side and you can't catch me."

Knight's Zoe in the middle has already intercepted from the jungle in advance.

Zoe knocked off the explosive cones on the back of the blue BUFF and dropped them into the blue BUFF pit. She took a step forward and stuck the wall opposite the blue BUFF to throw the hypnotic bubble.

It was originally a blind-field E skill used by the left hand to try its luck, but Kalista, who was returning from the wall, was hit by it.

Seeing that Calista was just over a second away from returning, she was left behind by the bubble.

Lin Cheng quickly took two steps and threw his Q skill, hoping to use his passive to get over the wall.

However, Lin Cheng slipped too early this time and actually hit a wall.

Calista twisted left and right and fell into a deep sleep.

"Kim Ki-bum, save me!"

Zoe smashed out the full flying star.


Bono came over from the river, and he sidestepped directly to help Lin Cheng block the flying stars.

However, after all, Lin Cheng's position on the return trip was too sexy, and coupled with sliding into the wall, the angle after Olaf flashed still did not block Kalista's figure.

The flying star flew past Olaf and took away Callista's head.

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