This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 481 Catching Insects

After friendly negotiation, the breakfast menu for the two finally settled on miso soup with real vegetables and egg rolls.

Zheng Shiyan is the chef and Lin Cheng is the assistant. Although they went through many twists and turns, the two finally made the breakfast a success.

"Little lazy pigs, get up quickly! Breakfast is already ready."

Lin Cheng went into the house and woke them up one by one.

Han Shuyan opened her eyes first. Seeing her dazed look, Lin Cheng quickly kissed her cheek.

"Yeah! I hate it."

Han Shuyan punched him angrily, feeling sober all of a sudden.

Lin Cheng chuckled and turned around to wake up the two little girls.

Enxi was okay, but Xiaoying was obviously angry. She closed her eyes and kicked her short legs randomly, almost kicking Lin Cheng in the face.

After everyone got up and had breakfast, the three of them entered the back mountain with the two little girls.

The back mountain is not high, and the woods on the mountainside are very dense. Everyone stopped in a small pavilion next to the mountain stream.

"Now! Just catch bugs around here and don't get too far away."

After giving instructions, Zheng Shiyan left the task of taking care of the two little girls to Lin Cheng. She and Han Shuyan sat on the high steps of the pavilion to control the overall situation and take a rest.

There are no poisonous insects or snakes in this mountain, so they can rest assured with Lin Cheng watching over them.

Xiaoying excitedly grabbed her little net bag and took the lead in looking for the giant longhorned beetle, while Enxi fearfully followed behind her friend, tightly grabbing Xiaoying's clothes and looking down at the ground, for fear of encountering the scary bugs.

"Don't worry Enxi, uncle will take good care of you."

Lin Cheng followed and comforted the little girl for a while, finally making her less nervous.

"Uncle Enxi, look! Xiaoying has caught the big beetle."

The little girl Xiaoying, who was digging at the bushes in front with her little head buried in her head, suddenly grabbed a dark thing from the tree trunk next to her and waved it towards the back excitedly.

The insect was covered in shiny dark horny armor and had very long horns on its head. The ends of the horns formed double-forked horns, making it look very fierce.

With good luck, the first insect that little girl caught was the unicorn fairy.

There are not many unicorns distributed in South Korea. They are mainly concentrated in Jeju Island. Being able to catch unicorns here can be said to be extremely lucky for Xiaoying.

Although the rhinoceros has a powerful appearance, it has a gentle personality. Xiaoying girl held it in her hand and shook it for a long time. She was probably knocked unconscious and even forgot to struggle.

Lin Cheng praised, "Xiaoying is so awesome. Such a big unicorn can be sold for a lot of money."

Xiaoying retracted her little hand warily: "Xiaoying caught the big beetle and is not allowed to sell it."

"I got it! Put it in the bottle first, and Xiaoying can take it back to show off to her friends."

The unicorn has an overly gentle personality, so it would be good to keep as a pet for children. However, in Lin Cheng's impression, only little boys like to raise insects, and not many girls are interested in insects.

For example, when Lin Cheng was a child, he was inexplicably interested in moving things. When he was in kindergarten, he even put a frog in his schoolbag and took him to school.

It happened that the frog came out of Lin Cheng's bag while the teacher was in class, causing a lot of excitement in the classroom.

"Enxi, help Xiaoying hold it. Xiaoying will help you catch a big beetle and bring it back."

Xiaoying handed the glass bottle containing the rhinoceros to Enxi, turned around and continued to search the tree trunk excitedly.

The little girl Enxi looked at the unicorn in the bottle curiously. She didn't know why her friend liked this scary-looking insect.

Lin Cheng did not relax and continued to monitor every move of the two little girls.

Especially Xiaoying.

Xiaoying is the kind of silly and bold supporting character in disaster movies, the first supporting character to receive lunch when the zombies arrive.

Sure enough, Lin Cheng's hunch was right.

Xiaoying led the girl to search for a long time and found the second giant longhorned beetle, shouting loudly.

But what she found this time was not the unicorn fairy, but the stag beetle.

In Lin Cheng's hometown dialect, the stag beetle is a pincer beetle. Its oversized jaws extend from the top of its head like a pair of iron pincers.

This thing is different from the one-horned fairy. The stag beetle is very aggressive, and Xiaoying rashly wants to catch it with her hands.

Fortunately, Lin Cheng reacted quickly and picked up Xiaoying. Otherwise, no matter how strong the little girl was, she would have been pinched by the big pliers of the stag beetle and cried.

"Uncle, let me go, the big beetle is going to run away!"

Xiaoying was picked up by Lin Cheng, and she shook her short legs in dissatisfaction.

In the little girl's mouth, the insects covered with armor are all longhorned beetles, and she doesn't care about the difference between longhorned beetles, stag beetles, and rhinoceros beetles.

"Xiaoying, listen to your uncle, this is not a giant longhorned beetle. This insect will bite people. How about we not catch this one?"

"Uncle, you are lying. Big beetles will not bite. Uncle, you are lying!"

"How could uncle lie to you? Uncle is..."

Xiaoying struggled stubbornly: "You are just lying. I want to catch the big beetle for Enxi."

Lin Cheng was furious. He couldn't bear to be betrayed by a little girl.

"Uncle, I'm not lying. If you don't believe me, just look at me."

Putting Xiaoying on the ground, Lin Cheng pinched the armor on both sides of the spade armor with his right hand, and stretched the index finger of his left hand into the middle of the giant pliers.

The stag armor didn't hesitate, and immediately closed the pliers and clamped Lin Cheng's fingers.

"Hey~~~Xiaoying, look, did uncle lie to you? This thing is capable of trapping people."

Xiaoying shrank her neck in fear.

Uncle didn't lie. Sure enough, this bug can bite people.

"Mom! Uncle was bitten by a giant beetle! Come and save uncle."

Enxi shouted nervously at her mother, who was leaning over. She looked anxious, as if Lin Cheng was about to die.

Han Shuyan and Zheng Shiyan were speechless when they saw Lin Cheng's unique words and deeds.

In order to prove that the bug bites people, she deliberately bites the bug with her hand. What if Xiaoying doesn't believe that tigers can eat people?

"How old you are! Why are you still acting like a child?"

Han Shuyan couldn't help but complain and feel a little distressed.

"Don't worry, it's just a little painful and not even bleeding."

Lin Cheng chuckled, winked at Xiaoying, and took out his index finger from under the stag beetle's pliers.

The shape of the stag beetle's pliers is a bit special. Only the tip part has an inward bite shape, and the bottom cannot fit even when the pliers are closed tightly.

Lin Cheng deliberately put his fingers at the bottom of the pliers, which was equivalent to being squeezed, and the skin would not be punctured at all. Lin Cheng often used this trick to tease people when he was a child.

Although it hurt a little, it at least proved to Xiaoying that he was not lying.

"Uncle, if Enxi blows on you, the pain will go away."

The little girl puffed up her cheeks thoughtfully and blew hard on Lin Cheng's fingers.

"Hehe! It doesn't hurt as soon as Enxi blows it. Enxi still feels sorry for her uncle."

Feeling Enxi's concern, Lin Cheng couldn't stop being happy.

Seeing Lin Cheng's careless look, Han Shuyan couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

This guy may really not grow up.

Zheng Shiyan was a little jealous.

Her little cotton-padded jacket was almost worn by someone else.

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