This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 489 Insidious position exchange

Corgi: "The fox should just shine. After all, there is Yasuo on the opposite side... locked down! Wow~~~ It's really locked down. It's hard to imagine that this version can actually see the fox as a hero, and it's Taking it down against Yasuo, this lane is difficult to fight, and Yasuo’s wind wall team battle will also cause a lot of interference to Ahri’s skill release.”

Rita: "It's really hard to beat Yasuo in the fox lane, but you can bring him in the weak lane without too much danger. Moreover, Yasuo has too many skills to block. It's impossible to just focus on the fox wall in a team battle. It’s not like I can’t use my fox skills at all.”

"Fuck! Ahri!"

"The acrobatic queen can also compete on the stage? My youth is back."

"It's 2020, is there anyone still playing with Ahri? I haven't seen him in three years."

"It seems that Xiye used one last spring."

"Damn it! Ahri is now Riot's skin-selling tool."

"Dog fist! Ahri doesn't want to strengthen, she just sells the whole skin."

"Fox now has nothing left except his looks and popularity."

"Isn't it Brother Cheng's job? The day before yesterday, he had a top laner named Ahri during his live broadcast."

"I still remember that three years ago, the LCK director specially played the four sounds of Ahri's death to listen to. Workers were directly deprived of their right to fight for spouses for four years when they played it outside the classroom."


Although KT's reverse-hand version of Ahri is playing with snakes, it is also done in a planned way.

I'll take out the fox, can you Yasuo make a move?

The purpose of this fox is to fix Yasuo in the middle, and there is really a chopper team on the opposite side.

Because of EZ's strength, bottom lane Yasuo has become a targeted choice against EZ.

During the MSC, T1 played two bottom lane Yasuos. Although they carried themselves home, it was T1's own cerebral palsy, and Yasuo's early and mid-term effects were indeed achieved.

Not only T1, many LCK teams will practice Yasuo in the bottom lane. Although this one does not have an EZ, there is a chance that the opponent will put Yasuo in the bottom lane.

On the contrary, the opponent can move Yasuo to the bottom lane, but the bottom lane may not necessarily be able to play core.

Once DYN really uses Yasuo to fight Ahri, there will be too few AP hero options in the bottom lane to match Senna. At most, the entire bottom lane will be Rambo to make up for AP damage, but there is no room for Rambo to play in front of KT's lineup.

DYN does not have stable control, and Karma's shield rambo may be useless.

KT's calculations are ringing, but not everything goes as planned.

They ignore that the opponent's bottom lane may not have magic core, but there are heroes other than Rambo who can compensate for AP damage.

The red side locked the plane with the last hand. This heroic AD player is basically playable.

Corgi: "Huh? Airplane! Then let's go down like this! Yasuo plus Sena... It's hard to say how strong this combination is, but Yasuo's wind wall can eat a lot, so in the lane It should be more comfortable than Cena paired with any fighter."

Rita: "It doesn't have to be the middle of the plane. It feels possible to pair the plane with Senna and move down. DYN's lineup is also very rockable. I even feel that KT's foxy hand is deliberately trying to trick Yasuo into the middle, allowing DYN to form a team The chopper team Seti and Prince couldn't deal with it, but they didn't expect that the other side could afford a plane to match Senna."

The lineups of both sides were selected and the heroes began to be exchanged.

The current lineup is as follows:

KT went up with Luseti, the fox in the middle, and the ice and Karma in the bottom.

DYN has Jess on the top lane, Yasuo on the middle lane, and Gasena on the bottom lane.

This matchup with KT can be said to be very uncomfortable for all three lanes.

It's hard for Seti to beat Jayce on the top, and it's also hard for the fox in the middle to beat Yasuo.

Although the bot lane plane is not technically strong in confrontation, Senna is very good at laning. The plane's hand length consumes plus Senna's long hand and milk, so he is not afraid of the suppression of KT's Ice Karma.

Seeing that DYN was indeed preparing to put Yasuo in the middle to fight against the fox, KT chose to change positions in the last two seconds.

Lin Cheng got the fox and walked forward, while Kuro got Seti and walked forward.

Although the opponent was not forced out of the chopper team because of the last plane, KT still implemented the originally planned lane change strategy.

This Ahri was originally prepared for Lin Cheng. Except for Lin Cheng, Kuro will not practice these weird sewer heroes in this version.

Let’s not talk about the effect of Lin Cheng’s fox against Jace. At least Lin Cheng vowed that he can at least hit 50-50, but Sett’s mid-lane victory over Yasuo is like a father beating his son.

In this kind of matchup, Kuro can't lose no matter how messed up he is, and yesterday he used Sett to beat Yasuo to 0-13 in RANK, and now he is full of confidence.

Originally, if the opponent chose a battered warrior to team up with Cena to form a chopper team, KT's swing could ensure absolute lane rights in the middle and lower lanes. Coupled with Lin Cheng's "50-50", the lineup team battle itself would be more reasonable than the opponent's. It can be said that we have already won at the starting line.

Even if the opponent unexpectedly takes out a plane, KT can still guarantee absolute lane rights in the middle by changing lanes. KT's plan can be described as super insidious.

However, I don’t know if today’s DYN is playing in the LCK for the first time, so the players are highly focused.

In just two seconds, the DYN team members reacted quickly.

With just twenty seconds left on the clock, Yasuo and the plane exchanged positions, and Yasuo walked to the bottom lane to avoid facing Seti.

When the time is up to twenty seconds, heroes can no longer be exchanged, and the lineups of both sides are selected.

Blue square KT:

Top road: Cheng (nine-tailed demon fox, Ahri)

Jungler: Bono (Prince of Demacia, Jarvan IV)

Middle: Kuro (Wrist Hao, Seti)

Bottom lane: Aiming (ice shooter, Ashe)

Support: Tusin (Apocalypse, Karma)

Red square DYN:

Top lane: Rich (Future Guardian, Jace)

Jungler: Beyond (Troll King, Trundle)

Middle: Kuzan (Brave Bombardier, Kuchi)

Bottom lane: Deokdam (Wind Swordsman, Yasuo)

Assist: Guger (Soul Purifier Holy Spear·Senna)

Corgi: "Hey! KT changed the lane and asked Seti to face Yasuo... DYN reacted so quickly! They also quickly changed the lane and let the long-hand plane go to face Seti, and Senaga went down with Yasuo. .”

Rita: "KT is so insidious. They deliberately changed lanes at the last moment, but the opponent still reacted."

Corgi: "It seems that DYN will not suffer at least in the lane. Although the aircraft may be pushed by Sett in the early stage, the aircraft commander can develop with peace of mind and will not be suppressed by Sett like Yasuo. Jayce is in the top lane. It should also be easy to beat the fox, but the bottom lane may have to be suppressed a little before Yasuo reaches level 6, and it should be easier to beat after level 6."

"Are these two parties engaged in a spy war? The last two seconds were swaying wildly."

"It made me laugh so hard! It's the first time I watched it and it was still swaying at the last second."

"DYN was almost tricked. I beat Jinfu with Yasuo, and everyone was stunned."

"Brother Cheng is really a fox in the top lane. He's too crazy."

"Fox plus Ai Xi! The AP Gua Sha Queen and the AD Gua Sha Queen are both alive. How can KT win?"

"The hero Fox is the official vase. The enhancement of others is to increase damage, and the enhancement of Fox is to update the special effects of skills."

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