This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 497 Reverse E flash, establishing victory

After annihilating the opponent and scoring three kills, Ahri already had 7 heads in hand, one step closer to becoming a super player.

It happened that Lin Cheng dealt with the middle line of troops in advance, Han Bing ran to demolish the opponent's first tower in the middle, while the others took the drawing dragon.

The stacks of killing rings on his body were full. Lin Cheng went home and combined a 10-layer killing book and a stopwatch, and then began to cooperate with his teammates to speed up.

Relying on the equipment advantage, KT chose to press in from the third line.

Seti and Ahri led the two sides, and the others put pressure in the middle, compressing the opponent's range of activities between the second tower and the high ground, and then constantly sweeping the opponent's jungle area.

It is very dangerous to press all three lines when there is no Baron BUFF, but Lin Cheng's Ahri has become so fat that no one on the opposite side can handle his lead line.

Ahri is flexible enough not to be afraid of being caught, and may even be manipulated if there are fewer people on the opposite side. His teammates completely ignore Lin Cheng and focus on the upper half of the field.

The opponent's ability to start a team is very poor. If you have good vision, KT's teammates in the middle will not be afraid of the trolls with Karma.

To say the least, even if Senna's W draw can open up the team, Ahri and Sett both have TP to support them.

It seems that the only easy thing for DYN to catch is Luseti.

But KT arranged their vision in the upper half, and it was very difficult for the opponent to catch Seti.

Once the red side gives all their skills to Seti, it will be very dangerous if Seti's teammates come to support him in time and fight back.

Therefore, DYN was pressed against the high ground tower by KT for a while and could not find an opportunity to attack. The people on the line just passively dealt with the three lines of troops sent over.

Lin Cheng brought the lower lane troops to the second tower and went into the jungle to try to ambush him, but the opponent was not fooled. No one came down to the jungle to wander around when Ahri disappeared.

KT conducted a two-minute offensive and defensive drill in the opponent's half.

However, without the Baron BUFF, it would be difficult for KT to break the tower without a group of five people.

At the beginning of 20 minutes, the bottom lane once again pressed the troops in front of the second tower, and Lin Cheng touched the middle lane.

In the past, whenever he approached the Three Wolf Pit, the position of the person in the middle of the opponent's lane would be particularly obscene. This time, I don't know if the ornament eye disappeared. The people under the red square tower did not react at all to Ahri's approach.

Yasuo's lane clearing speed has increased now, and he has exploded with the green cross. The duo of Zanfeng forcing his face to face and fighting KT is really dangerous, so before, Hanbing and Karma did not dodge except for throwing some skills from a distance. I don't even dare to go up to light the tower.

Just as the KT duo sent their troops over again, Yasuo and Senna were still preparing to clear the tower under the tower as before.

Just when Yasuo was Qing soldiers under the tower, a white figure passed through the jungle wall in the direction of the Three Wolf Pit like a monster and appeared in the red side's field of vision.

The vitality bomb had already attracted the hatred of the defense tower, but Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to use his skills. He first turned his head slightly to avoid Senna's W, and then launched another soul attack.

Ahri's figure flashed and landed on Yasuo's face.

Just in time, Ashe's magic crystal arrow shot directly under the tower.

Yasuo shouted, and a wind wall was erected at an angle of 45 degrees. It not only blocked Ashe's ice arrow angle, but also happened to be in front of Ahri.

When setting up the wind wall, Yasuo didn't forget to Qi the minions in front of him and summoned Whirlwind Slash.

Yasuo wants to show off!

The cool guy under the tower can show off no matter how bad his equipment is!

Lin Cheng decisively pressed the E skill to the right.


Ahri, who was originally on the right side of Yasuo, suddenly flashed across the wind wall to the left side of Yasuo, and used the charm magic to attack his face.

Yasuo was unprepared and was hit by Lin Cheng's reverse E flash.

Ahri threw out the deception orb in his hand.

This Q skill rubbed half of Yasuo's body and flew out at an angle parallel to the wind wall, just enough not to be blocked by the wind wall.

Ping A played electrocution, and the strange fox fire directly knocked out Yasuo's green cross shield.

Next to him, Senna was frantically giving milk for treatment.

But Yasuo took two more steps toward Ahri while being charmed. Lin Cheng didn't even need to adjust his position, and the second stage of the Deceit Orb flew back and passed through Yasuo.

Flame bullets shot out from the face, and Yasuo died suddenly under the tower.

Lin Cheng was three levels ahead of Yasuo. Under the crushing force of his equipment, the shield of the green cross vaporized his opponent.

At this time, the trolls who rushed from the light gate erected pillars to block Ahri under the tower.

At the same time, a missile was fired from the shadows.


Lin Cheng pressed the stopwatch and reset the hatred of the defense tower.

Lin Cheng: "Hurry up and save me! The other side is coming so fast!"

Bono: "Don't panic, I'm right next to you."

Tusin: "We chased Senna, but Senna didn't dodge."

Senna had already lost a lot of health due to Ahri's skills, so when she saw Han Bing and Karma pressing in, she quickly turned around and retreated.

Karma rushed forward with his shield, and slowed down with a Q from a distance.

When Lin Cheng's stopwatch ends when the ice is broken and slows down, this person's head will be free of ice.

Ah Li let out a light scold, and the three spiritual souls suddenly moved upward. After Ping A started his hand, three balls of blue and strange fox fire hit Senna.

Senna died suddenly under the Highland Tower.

The prince on the side blocked the troll and the plane. Because the troll did not dodge, the prince kept him and cooperated with the teammates who came to complete the kill.

Everyone in KT immediately turned around and demolished the second tower in the middle, breaking through the high ground.

However, because there is no big dragon BUFF, the resurrection time is also fast now. After destroying the highland tower, everyone on the blue side will withdraw rationally.

Corgi: "Wow~~ Why is he everywhere? This Ahri just disappeared in the bottom lane. Rich didn't even signal to his teammates, but his teammates suffered badly because Ahri's spiritual wandering KT directly took the middle lane. Highlands.”

Rita: "The operation to kill Yasuo just now was really cool! The reverse E flash bypassed the wind wall and dropped Yasuo instantly. Moreover, the angle at which the Q skill was released was very tricky, and it flew back and forth against the wind wall."

After a complete wave, KT didn't want to waste time developing the aircraft, so they went out and forced Baron directly.

The opponent had to bite the bullet and come over to fight after the blue jewelry was exposed.

As a result, it exploded immediately.

Because of the full stack of Ultimate Hunter effects, Ahri's ultimate move CD is now very short, which is already good when forcing the baron. Even if the opponent's C position has flash, there is no room for maneuver against the flexible Ahri.

Taking advantage of his field of vision, Kuroseti flashed forward, picked up the troll in the front row, and smashed it into the back row.

The prince followed up with EQ.

With the blessing of Karma, Han Bing went crazy with A.

With the control of his teammates, Lin Cheng's Ahri Q skill hit all three people in two stages, and cooperated with Luden to directly deal explosive damage.

Although the planes flashed to increase the position output, Lin Cheng found him as soon as he set up the machine gun, and with his ultimate move, he rushed into E and was instantly killed.

It is very scary when a scholar is filled with knowledge.

Killing the plane, Ahri circled the field and began to harvest easily, ending with a triple kill, and then sent the opponent to a wave of destruction.

This time, there was no need to fight the baron. KT's five-man team in the middle bulldozed the opponent's base.

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