This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 55: Cook like a master

"Why don't you zoom in?"

Faced with Qi Jiang's doubts, Lin Cheng coughed dryly, "Because I'm only at level five."

Ming Kai opened his mouth, "I'm sorry, brother, my, my, my, I didn't see it."

"It's no use even if I say it."

Lin Cheng muttered in a low voice: "How can I go if you ask me to go? The enemy on the other side keeps entering my tower, and the people below ask me to go. It's useless for me to TP down, and I lose a lot of soldiers."

Ming Kai: "······"

"I'm laughing so hard! This guy's words are really interesting."

"It's started, it's started, the director's Bible is starting to chant."

"The bottom lane asks me to go there, how can I go there? The other side keeps entering my jungle area, how can I go there?"

“Qi-chan’s sentence ‘Why don’t you zoom in’ really made me laugh.”

"Although I have retired, my 7 power still envelopes Summoner's Rift."

"It's not normal for people to be offline for so long. The factory director actually forgot."


When he went shopping this time, Lin Cheng couldn't touch anyone except for a Q to support him. He could only watch the two men on the opposite side of the field with very low health leave.

At this time, Brother Li in the middle obviously saw the wonderful scene below, and slowly played a yellow question mark-shaped signal on the map below.

Although there was no typing interaction, Brother Li’s meaning was obvious: What are you doing?

In Brother Li's opinion, it was unreasonable for a stone man with neither dodge nor big power to go on like this. Instead, he killed Mantis. Of course, he didn't know that the stone man was tandem with the jungler. Lin Cheng's ability to go down was completely unreasonable. Jiang ordered.


Hide on bush:.

Cheng:》. 《

Qi Jiang was a little curious: "What are you talking about?"

Lin Cheng: "I asked him if I could cook like a master, and he said yes."

Ming Kai: "······"

Although Lin Cheng lost another wave of lines in TP, Lin Cheng finally got the chance to prove himself after level six.

The current version will refresh the first pioneer in 8 minutes, and the red death song will activate the canyon pioneer after eight minutes.

After all, the advantage of Nuoshou above is very great, so there is no reason for the opponent not to play vanguard.

While the stone man was still clearing the line under the tower, Nuo Shou also ran outside the Dalong Pit to help Death Song take the vanguard.

However, this wave of blue side did not intend to let go directly. The duo had already TPed home in advance and rushed here to start a battle with the opponent at the vanguard.

Mantis and Brother Li's Yasuo looked ready to move below, forcing the red side's Death Song and Clockwork to take up positions above.

Lin Cheng had already moved to the wild area and stood next to the exploding cones.

Lin Cheng: "Director, look at me, look at me. According to their movements, I will explode on the other side."

Ming Kai: "Don't be too crooked. The opposite duo is coming. If you are too crooked, I will have to sell you."

Lin Cheng: "Don't worry, I understand. EDG will never be destroyed."

Ming Kai: "······"

Mantis entered the void in front of his opponent, and Death Song and Clockwork were so frightened that they quickly adjusted their positions.

After dropping a yellow ornament, he saw Death Song and Chongzhang standing behind Nuo Shou. Lin Cheng knocked back the exploding cones with his backhand.

At this time, the red party suddenly discovered that the stone man who had just been clearing the line under the tower fell from the sky and plunged towards the outside of the dragon pit.

Duang! ! !

The stone man's precise headbutt directly hit the upper, middle and jungle trio on the red side. Brother Li's Yasuo launched the Breathless Strike without hesitation.

The mantis has emerged from the void, rushing over and waving a scythe to pour out damage.

The policewoman who was still far away also opened her gun and started shooting.

Ming Kai: "Strong, brother, your ultimate move is too accurate."

Lin Cheng: "Don't worry, just rush with me and it'll be over."

Lin Cheng's ultimate move was too deadly. The stone man used a set of military punches to coordinate the damage to his teammates. When the opponent landed in the middle and jungle, only one Nuo Shou was still missing his arms and legs, and the other two died suddenly on the spot.

However, Nuoshou couldn't hold on for two seconds and was killed by Yasuo's sword. In this case, there was no chance for Nuoshou to stack Blood Rage. Li Ge's Yasuo scored three kills.

Brother Li gave a thumbs up on the spot, obviously very satisfied with Stone Man's ultimate move, and Lin Cheng was cleared.

"This stone man is a bit ruthless. This ultimate move will destroy the world and destroy the world."

"You were acting like a master just now. Now, Brother Li, is he going to give you likes?"

"The director smiled so hard that his mouth was twisted. Did you forget that guy who just said, 'EDG will never be destroyed'?"

"Oh! I've been cleared in one move. Brother Chengzi is still very capable of seizing opportunities."

"I suddenly thought of Brother Ba. The scene where he could make a fool of himself with five people in his face is still vivid in my mind."


After a wave of cleansing, Lin Cheng's stone man reconnected to the game, and after seeing that Nuo Shou dared to press the line, he started to shake people again.

Now Nuoshou is not so easy to operate. When the Mantis support arrives, the stone man attacks first with his ultimate move. After a set of military punches, Nuoshou has no chance to quickly hit Blood Rage.

Then Lin Cheng didn't hesitate. After hitting the military fist, he pulled back to prevent Nuoshou from stacking his passive, allowing the factory director's Mantis to enter the field for output.

Nuoshou was still in a state where his attack speed and movement speed were slowed down. He couldn't even make two axes before he was killed by a burst of Mantis.

Later, Nuoshou finally realized the power of Ueno's combo.

Mantis not only put the vanguard on it for the stone man to eat tapioca, but also went up the road when he had nothing to do.

As long as the Stone Man has the Big Nuo Hand, he will definitely die suddenly. The Stone Man's control combined with the mantis's burst will make it difficult to operate even if the Nuo Hand dodges.

The red team jungler Death Song tried to come over and help Nuo Shou squat once, but before he could squat to the death song, he was found by Mantis in the wild area in advance, and Mantis easily completed the solo kill.

Immediately afterwards, Clockwork in the middle of the red side came up to support a wave of support, but Brother Li's Yasuo also followed up, and Noshou died tragically again.

The situation became like this: when Nuoshou could beat the stone man, Lin Cheng would not get close to him, and then when Lin Cheng had his ultimate move, people from the blue side would rush towards Nuoshou's face in groups. .

Mr. Mingkai couldn't help but sigh: "The opponent Nuoshou's mentality has collapsed. He has gone from 2-0 to 2-8. You stone man is a bit disgusting."

Lin Cheng was very modest: "No matter what, you are more disgusting. You are the one who killed Nuo the most. I am at most an accomplice, and you are the mastermind."

Ming Kai: "·····"

Even though I was the one who started the conversation, why did I feel something was wrong as soon as this guy opened his mouth?

The situation later became very clear. A super ghost player turned into a super soldier, and Lin Cheng's stone man always performed very wonderfully in key team battles.

He specifically picked the C-position leader who didn't dodge on the opposite side, and cooperated with Brother Li's Yasuo and Mantis. Basically, whoever was the leader would die. The red side lost several consecutive team battles and was bulldozed to the base.

The Factory Director's Mantis had a final record of 12-3-5, while Lin Cheng's Stone Man achieved an excellent record of 1-1-18.

Thank you all for the tips, okay~~~~

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