This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 575 It’s getting bad

After completing a double kill in the lane, KT's bottom lane duo took advantage of the situation and pulled out the next tower with remaining health. The gap in the bottom lane matchup was already very large.

The second dragon spawned and was controlled by Bono immediately. DWG did not even come over to take a look at the dragon when it exploded in the bottom lane.

By targeting the bottom lane in the early stage, KT has established a great advantage in this game.

After the second vanguard was refreshed, the blue side quickly gathered in small groups, and Bono pulled the vanguard to the river to start the fight.

DWG frontline personnel began to gather and press the position from below the river, not wanting to release the vanguard easily.

The red side's vision spotted Qiyana touching above the dragon pit.

At this time, Ornn had just cleared the top lane and decisively chose TP to join his teammates head-on.

Zeyuan: "DWG doesn't want to let go of this vanguard. If the Niu Bao soldiers line can't be pushed, I choose to hand it over directly to the T."

Remember: "But now the equipment gap between the two sides, especially AD equipment, is too big. If DWG doesn't start well, it may explode directly. The risk is really high."

Lin Cheng didn't know whether his position was exposed, but he didn't get too close to the enemy when his teammates were playing vanguard, so he leaned against the wall above the dragon pit to ensure that he could enter the field in time after the fight started.

Lin Cheng's position put a lot of pressure on the red side. The red side hesitated for a while in the river. When the Leopard Girl failed to grab the vanguard, DWG chose to retreat.

Zeyuan: "I still don't dare to make the first move. The main reason is that the existence of Karma makes it difficult for Orn to make the first move with his big move. Even if Niu Bao's big move can hit people, KT's people will definitely be pulled away by Karma's acceleration. DWG It’s hard to follow other people’s output.

Once the Japanese girl takes the lead, no one will care about Qiyana. After all, Xu Xiu's crocodile must be in the front. He is the strongest combat power of DWG now. The crocodile cannot go to the side to watch Qiyana. "

Remember: "That's right! Brother Chengzi put too much pressure on me, which led to DWG not daring to start a team easily even though it was very strong. They also knew that they were at an obvious disadvantage now. If they couldn't start a team, let Qiyana come in again." , a single ultimate move DWG may completely explode.”

At this moment, Han Bing suddenly took the lead and hit the Japanese girl from a long distance with a big move.

DWG didn't dare to start, and KT took the initiative to start a team battle.

Kalmar's shields accelerated, and the KT personnel on the front rushed up like crazy dogs.

Lin Cheng also walked around the wall of the dragon pit towards the front.

But it turns out that it is not a wise choice to open a female tank in terrain like rivers.

The people in front of the blue square rushed forward in a swarm, giving the opponent a chance to counterattack.

Niu Bao was too decisive. When he saw his opponent's pursuit position was close to the river wall, he didn't call the sheep first in this situation. He directly flashed an E skill and knocked the KT duo away.


Ornn began to call the sheep in front of them.

Although Gou Xiong kept his Q skill to interrupt Ornn's second-stage sheep, Rinu's ultimate move Sunfire Flare landed on top of Han Bing's head.

The two sections of the crocodile's E cut straight through the ice.

Senna's ultimate move, Shadow Rebellion, penetrates the river.

Aiming had no flash, and could not survive through treatment alone. He was instantly killed by the crocodile's damage and AOE.

Han Bing fell first, and Lin Cheng's Qiyana was preparing to enter the scene to save the world from the side.

However, DWG was already prepared for Qiyana's entrance. The moment Lin Cheng showed up, the Japanese girl's E Zenith Blade accurately pointed over, imprisoning Qiyana at the corner of the dragon pit.

Being stared at by the Japanese girl, Lin Cheng's Qiyana was unable to enter the field quickly.

The Leopard Girl pounced and knocked out Kalma instantly, while Bono's bear was beaten on the field.

Kuro's Akali came in from the side and cut to Senna.

After Lin Cheng broke away from the control, he didn't care about the Japanese girl in front of him. He threw out the grass element in his hand to create a sneak path and quickly moved towards the battlefield outside the dragon pit.

When he reached the grass in the middle of the river, Lin Cheng grabbed the grass element again and continued to create a grass element path toward the entrance of Longkeng.

Bono is also very tough. When he knows he can't run away, he jumps on the spot and challenges three people on the opposite side.

Probably due to Beryl's voice prompts, the Leopard Girl consciously took two steps towards the center of the river.

But it was already too late, Lin Cheng had already made a move.


Qiyana suddenly appeared next to Leopard Girl, and the shocking scene unfolded.

Lin Cheng's Qiyana has a habit. He likes to sneak in with the grass element Q when entering a team battle, and then look for opportunities to use his big move.

This kind of operation is too concealed. From the opponent's perspective, Qiyana's ultimate move has already been released instantly, and it is basically impossible to react.

It was the same this time. Even though Beryl frantically reminded in the voice that Qiyana was coming, everyone in DWG was prepared for Lin Cheng's entrance.

But just can't prevent it.

Leopard Girl, Ornn and Crocodile next to her were pushed to the wall of the dragon pit by the shock wave.

A violent explosion spread along the wall, and the three of them were stunned at the same time.

Tianzong's Bravery is activated, Qiyana rushes to Leopard Girl and uses level A to trigger passive and electrocution damage, killing Leopard Girl instantly.

"Pull, pull, don't hit."

Lin Cheng's Qiyana immediately pulled back as soon as she connected with Tiamat.

Although Lin Cheng's ultimate move is very good, the broken crocodile is too powerful at this time, and it is impossible for a hero like Qiyana to be tough.

However, Bono's bear's HP itself is not considered healthy. He was defeated by the crocodile and slowed down with two knives. He then chased a red angry Q and killed it with Ornn.

On the other side, Akali had already killed Senna, but was imprisoned by Senna's endless protection and couldn't come over immediately to deal damage.

After the bear is dead, KT's remaining two assassins can only run.

The anger in the crocodile is so scary.

The Japanese girl is in a forced position, and as long as the two of them are controlled, they will end up being beaten in seconds.

Fortunately, Lin Cheng grabbed the grass element and avoided the volcanic chasm behind Ornn. DWG also gave up the pursuit after Qiyana, who was lagging behind, entered the grass element path.

DWG played 2 for 3 in a wave of vanguard team battles when they were at an obvious disadvantage.

And just as the middle line of troops was advancing towards the blue side, the blue side's middle tower, which had very low health, was moved over by the crocodile and demolished.

Zeyuan: "Oops! It's getting bad! Something happened to KT who started the team first! DWG really didn't dare to take the first move, but they felt very comfortable when KT took the first move and they counterattacked. This wave is simply DWG's ideal scenario.

Karma turned to the group shield and accelerated to chase, but Ornn pushed two of them away. Then the Japanese woman just used a big move from the front, turned around and stared at Qiyana. If it weren't for Orange, he forced two grass element Qs to enter the field and push the big move. Three of them were stunned, and not even Leopard Girl could kill them this time. "

Remember: "This is what we call KT's lineup with a low fault tolerance rate. Now most of the advantages are concentrated on Han Bing, but once Han Bing is activated, it will be difficult to maintain it with Kalma alone.

In fact, the effect of the two assassins in this wave was good, but they did not dare to fight after they lost their ultimate skills, because after Hanbing died, they lacked stable and continuous output. Qiyana is so big and beautiful, but After killing Leopard Girl, there will be no harm. "

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