This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 648 The whole team is on the road! Ultimate Pain Mask

Qinggang Shadow's E flash is a very common operation in the professional arena, but it usually uses flash to interact with the second E.

Except for Lin Cheng, professional players have almost never flashed before an E to show off.

Lin Chengxiu succeeded.

When Qinggangying was still alive, he sneaked into the tower and killed Seti in front of Leopard Girl, and actually escaped.

The defense tower didn't react, neither did Leopard Girl, nor did Seti.

Of course, Zoom may have reacted, but even though he almost smashed the keyboard, the cooldown of the W skill was still a little short, and Seti didn't wait for the shield of Fist.

And because Leopard Girl missed the point, Kanavi couldn't dodge and could only chase Qinggang Ying who was pulling away in the second stage of E.

But as the long-distance target was dodged by Lin Cheng, Qinggangying was no longer in danger.

Remember: "The fight started again on the road! Brother Cheng was even fiercer without the cornerstone runes, and the Duke relied on his army line to fight back... Hey! The real damage of the deliberate punch was avoided, and the Qinggang Shadow brushed out of the cluster. Blade, Sett can only run.”

Hitomi: "Zoom seems to be in danger! Qinggangying's skill CD is faster, but Leopard Girl is leaning up... flash and give milk! Wow~~~JD Ueno brothers have a good relationship! Kanavi flashes and gives a mouthful of milk Help, the Duke showed an expression...Huh? Wow!!! He killed all this? This is a flash before E, and the defense tower didn't react! Leopard Girl also missed it! Brother Chengzi is so awesome !”

Yutong: "Does this make him show off? He's no longer a human being! Besides, Kanavi can't catch up with this green steel shadow with residual blood even if he doesn't dodge."

Remember: "Is this the charm of the world's No. 1 top laner? I even thought that Brother Orange might be caught by the Leopard Girl who came to support, but I didn't expect that he could show off like this! I can only say that he is indeed a steward. A man who can’t even cast spells with his fists is too strong.”

"Fuck! This is so cool!"

"What a handsome Qinggangying, I love you."

"You can still use Qinggangying's E Flash like this? I've learned a lot."

"This operation is not difficult. The key is that he is so brave. Ordinary people would have flashed away long ago."

"I was all deceived by his arrogant appearance. I forgot that when Brother Chengzi is not a human being, he has to step aside to show off to the teacher."

"Everyone is numb. This is so realistic."

"Basic practice, don't 6."

"The top laner dares to show his expression, I'm laughing so hard."

"Stop showing off your face! No one who shows off his face in front of Brother Chengzi will end up well."

"Although Brother Chengzi looks insidious when shaking people, he is really talented when operating."

"One jungler was not a human being, and the other jungler was killed in front of the jungler and defense tower. It was a judgment call."


Although with the continuous help of his jungler, Lin Cheng completed a single kill by taking a lead with a brilliance, but in the end he still had the courage to operate with remaining health, which really shocked many people.

The LCK Korean stream commentators have started roaring with cheers, and the LCK English stream commentators are Lin Cheng’s home base, and the two English stream commentators are even more cult-like brainwashing.

"Give your hope to Cheng! He can always deal with his opponents."

"God Cheng will bring a shadow to the top lane opponents in the World Championship. He is the top lane Uzi."

"Don't compare Uzi and Cheng, it's an insult to Cheng."

"I want to say sorry to Uzi, but believe me, if you saw Cheng's performance, you would agree with me."

English commentators have never been afraid of death. Any player who can compare with Lin Cheng will be severely damaged by them.

It is estimated that if they wait for another two years, Faker will have to step aside in their opinion.

The director's replay is also very essential. This wave is first slow-played from the God's perspective, then Lin Cheng's first-person perspective operation replay, and finally there is a wave of victim's perspective.

Before Seti was killed alone, Zoom was still talking to his teammates, seemingly asking Leopard Girl to kill the remaining-blooded Green Steel Shadow.

Then the Zoom camera suddenly shook. It was clearly because he was pressing the keyboard furiously when he saw the Qinggang shadow flashing up.

In the end, Zoom frowned dejectedly, and the expression on his face was extremely helpless.

He died three times in less than four minutes. Who knows what it feels like.

Lin Cheng has a huge advantage in the top lane, but Bono is also far behind Leopard Girl in the jungle due to the first two waves of GANK.

Although the Leopard Girl did not kill the remaining blood Qinggangying in this wave, she successfully controlled the Upper River Crab. As for the Lower River Crab, since both and had online rights, it was obviously difficult for Lilia to fight for it.

The second half of the jungle was countered by the Leopard Girl. It is conceivable that Lilia will be significantly behind the Leopard Girl in the jungle in five minutes.

With nothing to do, Bono could only go to the middle lane to gain experience in the name of helping Kuro push the lane.

It doesn't matter! Good brother, as long as Lin Cheng has the advantage, it won't be a big problem.

KT is a team that is very good at keeping the top lane. Bonno went shopping and got a little lane in the middle lane. He just went home frugally and squeezed out money to buy real eyes to help Lin Cheng lay out his vision.

This time, Lin Cheng hit even harder. The Almighty Stone caused aftershocks and he even dared to take advantage of his passivity and kick him directly to exchange blood.

However, in this game, due to Lilia's lagging level and the loss of lane rights in the middle and lower lanes, KT's confrontation intensity in the second half of the jungle was slightly insufficient. activated Xiaolong in just over five minutes.

Qinggangying had no TP, and the red party had no intention of going to see Xiaolong.

Lilia ran directly up.

The card also disappeared in the middle.

At this time, Qinggangying pushed the wire into the tower.

The river crab's field of vision had dissipated. After Lilia scanned it, the upper half of the blue area was completely black. Zoom, who had a premonition of danger, retreated to the grassland in advance.

Lin Cheng didn't care about anything else and just ate the pie crust.

With such a large wave of soldiers under the tower, even if Zoom is not defeated, it will be painful to lose.

Bono's lagging experience in the jungle has been completely made up for by Lin Cheng, and the scene of level 6 Qinggang Shadow fighting level 4 Sett will soon appear.

Seeing that Kuro couldn't find a chance to climb up the tower, the card turned and returned to the middle route.

The card showed up, and seeing Qinggangying trying to retreat, Seti finally dared to go up and take the line.

After all, KT's top and jungle players have not flashed, so it is still difficult to surpass Seti's tower at this time.

However, the Duke still thought too simply.

He didn't expect that KT could use the entire team as a dog on the road.

Before the opponent moved Xiaolong, Tusin had already returned to the city and ran directly to the top road. obviously didn't realize that the opponent's support actually dropped AD in advance and ran away when they were pressed.

When they want to help disappear on the line, they may only arrange their vision in the middle and lower half.

Now the bull's head suddenly ran up and the duke suffered again.

After Seti returned to the tower, the cow head suddenly came out from the triangle grass with Lilia.

Tusin directly hit Seti flying under the tower twice, triggering the aftershock and starting to carry the tower.

Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow took control.

Seti was only at level four, and his equipment was a Doran sword and a long sword. He had no way to deal with three people jumping over the tower.

In more than five minutes, Seti died on the top lane for the fourth time, and Qinggangying scored another kill.

In the lower left corner of the broadcast screen, Zoom's chubby face was completely wrinkled.

What a pain! This feeling.

Remember: "The mask of pain has been put on! Duke has been numb in this game! This expression is really sad."

Yutong: "The opponent is short of AD. In just five minutes, the jungler, mid laner, and support have all come, and the jungler has already come three times. Who can withstand this?"

Tong Xi: "The top lane has been penetrated! Zoom is so painful and teammates seem to be hard to help. Orange Brother's tactical status in KT is really too high. When the entire KT team is on the top lane, no one can fight against him. Wire."

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