This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 654 Brother Chengzi wants to destroy Chinese e-sports! draw lots

After the interview, Lin Cheng took his teammates out to eat Malatang, preparing to show his teammates the authentic Malatang.

Malatang is actually quite popular in Korea, but because Koreans hardly use peppercorns for seasoning, and their spiciness is not as strong as in Sichuan and Hunan, the taste of Korean Malatang is somewhat different from that in China.

Although the local taste in Shanghai is on the sweet side, many locals in Shanghai are now gradually beginning to accept spicy tastes. Lin Cheng found a Malatang nearby that has abnormally spicy flavors.

Of course, even if his teammates didn't understand Chinese well, Lin Cheng didn't have the evil intentions to give them really spicy flavors.

After all, Namei has learned a lesson from his beef. If his teammates were admitted to the hospital at this time, KT's opponents in the knockout round would be all smiles.

While a group of fools were eating spicy hotpot, Lin Cheng’s interview today became very popular on domestic forums.

"It's so funny! This guy is so funny."

"It's okay to help Emperor Chi plan his route back to South Korea."

"The top laners in North America are so incompetent and furious on Twitter that they are clamoring to teach Orange Brother a lesson."

"We can't run into each other anyway, so you can say harsh words freely."

"North American bastard: Cheng has never defeated us, why is he called the world's best top laner?"

Of course, Lin Cheng later said that he wanted to meet SN and LGD in the knockout round, which also caused huge discussion in the country.

"I thought Brother Chengzi wanted to fight Taobo, but in the end he didn't take it seriously at all."

"Lao Gan Daddy: Is this what it feels like to be valued?"

“It’s not enough to beat up Zoom and 369. Do you want to beat up the LPL top laner?”

"Too arrogant! I want to teach LPL top laners."

"He wants to break the mentality of all LPL top laners."

“Brother Chengzi wants to destroy Chinese e-sports!”


It has always been the keyboard warrior's specialty to be criticized for going online, but Lin Cheng was accidentally accused of "wanting to destroy Chinese e-sports."

Ed Zhu calls out the experts.

In the next two days, all remaining two group matches will be played.

In terms of Group C.

GEN·G performed well in the second round, winning three consecutive games and finally qualifying first in the group with a record of 5-1.

FNC successfully qualified with a 4-2 record.

Lao Gan Daddy's performance in the second round was a bit disappointing.

Perhaps because he saw Bono's hunger strike yesterday, Lilia Zhuyu was in front, and Little Peanut also imitated Bono with a wave of second-level catches.

As a result, in the first round of the first round, Little Peanut used both QW skills and only dealt normal attack damage. Lilia rushed to the tower and gave Rascal a blood plus red BUFF, and personally put on the mask of pain for Wolf Xing.

Ueno and field were split at the same time, and Lao Ganba struggled a lot in the mid-term but ultimately failed to regain the situation.

If the first game was a big pot of peanuts, then in the second game against FNC, Lao Gan Daddy’s other designated scapegoat, Mark, also stepped up.

At level 1, Mark Titan brought a Senna who dared to run 2V2 to hook the Japanese girl, but the bottom lane was opened in vain. Even though Xiye tried desperately, he still couldn't save the situation of the old godfather.

In this way, Lao Ganba only scored one point against TSM in the second round and was eliminated with a record of 3-3.

As for TSM, they have made history again!

This year's TSM became the first team in history to be eliminated 0-6 in the group stage. In previous years, this kind of record could only be achieved by wild cards.

Although the North American Dream Chaser's seventh round of elimination in the top 16 is a bit heartbreaking, but Lilia's ultimate move failed for five times and no one dared to hurt it. TSM like this really does not deserve to win.

In terms of Group D.

Everyone thought that the focus of the second round was the second confrontation between DWG and TES, but no one expected that Taobao overturned first.

North America's last hope, FLY, rose up to challenge Taobo and pulled off a big upset in the second round of Group D.

In the second match between Taobo and DWG, DWG reacted and did not give Draven to the Ghost King. After focusing on the top half, DWG successfully defeated Taobo.

In this way, DWG finally qualified as the top spot in Group D with a record of 5-1.

However, Taobo was forced to take second place with 4-2 due to an overturn on FLY.

FLY also became the second North American team to be eliminated 3-3 after TL.

Speaking of which, the most embarrassing among the three LCS teams in this group stage is actually the top seed TSM.

The 3-3 record of the other two North American teams is actually not too bad. At least they have defeated opponents in the same group who are obviously stronger than themselves. Unlike TSM, who directly fell flat in the group of death.

At this point, the qualifying quotas for the four groups are as follows.

Group A: SN, G2

Group B: KT, JDG

Group C: GEN·G, FNC

Group D: DWG, TES

All three LCK teams have become the number one seeds, and countless LPL viewers online are exclaiming, ‘LCK is going to cheat’.

It looks like the visitor is ill-intentioned.

However, there are also quite a few fans who are very calm.

After all, last year in the LCK, all three seeded teams qualified first in their groups, but in the blink of an eye, two fell to the quarterfinals and one fell to the semifinals.

Not enough to be afraid of.

Putting aside the online public opinions of both sides, the draw ceremony for the knockout round will be held after the last game of the group stage.

After watching DWG's revenge battle, the entire KT team gathered in the hotel room to watch the knockout draw.

This time, KT watching the draw will be broadcast simultaneously on Youtube and can be seen in KT’s official live broadcast room.

In fact, every year starting from the draw of the group stage, many teams will live broadcast the process of players watching the draw. However, this year, all KT members were still in isolation during the draw of the group stage, so there was no live broadcast at that time.

It can be said that the live broadcast rooms of each team in the annual lottery ceremony are very effective, and there are many face-slapping scenes, and they are later whipped to death.

Not to mention, when FNC drew FPX last year, the players in the live broadcast room laughed so wildly.

Bwipo slapped his thigh and burst into laughter, looking like he had won the jackpot.

They all felt that FPX's stumbling performance in the group stage was unconvincing and that it was the best number one seed to deal with.

The second seed looks down on the first seed, which is really good.

Everyone knows what happened later, and FNC mentioned their big daddy amidst laughter and laughter.

This smile lasts until this year.

In addition to the European and American brothers who are often slapped in the face, there are also many people who are slapped in the face in the LPL lottery.

The most famous one is probably the RNG of S8.

Before the quarter-finals were divided into half divisions, the RNG lounge began to discuss who would be easier to beat in the finals, as if they were bound to make it to the finals.

When G2 was drawn in the quarterfinals, not only the LPL commentators laughed and shouted, "Okay, okay," but everyone in the RNG lounge also clapped and laughed to celebrate the good draw.

Then, the legend of G2 sending away a favorite to win the championship for two consecutive years began.

RNG, which had been glorious all year, exploded at the last moment of S8.

At this time, many fans were already in KT's official live broadcast room, looking forward to watching the results of the draw with the players.

There are various languages ​​for barrage, including Korean, English, Chinese, and Japanese.

It seems that KT's performance this year has indeed conquered many viewers.

"It doesn't matter who you draw, whoever you beat is 3:0."

"We KT are invincible!"

"Watch the FNC live broadcast room. Everyone is praying not to run into us, KKKKKK!"

"The prize money will be reduced for teams that meet us. Let's see who is the lucky one."

"I just want to give Cheng some Irelia! Let's reward him with an Irelia skin."

The barrage that filled his eyes suddenly bulged, and Lin Cheng couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the camera.

I don’t know if it’s because of the trend he started, but KT’s fans are also a lot of gossipers.

Aiming: "Hey! Who do you think we will draw better?"

Kuro: "Among the three second seeds, FNC is definitely the best."

Bono: "I have a hunch that I will definitely get FNC."

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "Promise me, no matter who I draw, I will try to smile less."

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