This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 671 369 was stunned

KT’s choice of Sword Girl in the last hand was indeed beyond everyone’s expectations.

The hero Sword Princess is great in single combat and small-scale battles, but the 5V5 large group is very weak. In most cases, Sword Princess can only be led to the end alone.

However, this year's pure single-band system has become very rare in the professional arena, because various neutral resources in the Dragon Soul version now force both sides to fight in large groups, and Sword Princess's weakness in group battles has been infinitely magnified.

Having said that, the four-one-point belt system was really considered a unique skill of the LCK.

The LCK team's excellent vision control and frontal pulling ability allowed their division system to dominate the world for a time, and also brought several world championships to the LCK.

However, with the changes in the version, the split-band style of play has almost disappeared in the LCK, and you can't even see two in a season.

Moreover, Lin Cheng has never selected the hero Sword Girl on the field since his debut, so this move really triggered a heated discussion.

"Fuck! Sword Princess is really here! Brother Chengzi is using Sword Princess for the first time in the competition."

"The four sisters in the top lane are all alive now."

"Brother Cheng has a new member in his harem."

"Fans in Brother Cheng's live broadcast room said they wanted to watch him play Sword Princess in a match. He said he would definitely choose it if he had the chance. They all thought he was perfunctory, but they didn't expect that he actually played Sword Princess in the World Championship."

"Crying! He is so gentle."

"I bet 50 cents that Brother Chengzi, an old pervert, will definitely use the skin of the female principal."


The game started to load, and the audience suddenly discovered that Lin Cheng was indeed using the skin of the headmistress.

This time Lao Se criticizes for real.

The main reason is that Lin Cheng RANK also often uses this skin. Although it has almost no special effects, it does not affect the feel for him.

It's enough to look good.

After all, the big-breasted OL in black stockings is still very eye-catching, and the snapping sound of the pointer waving is also very clear.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main series of precision: conqueror, triumph, joy, and perseverance, and the secondary series of resolute: blasting, and bone plating.

Sword Queen definitely has a clear advantage against Ornn in the laning phase, but Ornn is actually not afraid of Sword Queen when laning, and 369 also implements the word "mixed" to the end.

369 even managed to get 150 mung bean bottles to go out, and the three wretched Q soldiers then knocked out the Dolan Shield.

That’s right!

The 369 sub-system Enlightenment Rune brings the future market, and it actually has its own understanding.

The first level of labor and management is mung bean bottle + Dolan shield. No matter how awesome you are, can you kill me alone?

When you have money, you can wear cloth armor. What can you do to me if my father wears a vest?

In fact, Lin Cheng didn't really think about how to beat Aoun because he was extracted.

Ornn's damage in the early stage is very high. As long as it can be suppressed a little, there is no need to take risks and exchange blood wildly.

As long as 369 has a normal mind and doesn't constantly give opportunities to expose too many flaws, it will be difficult for Sword Princess to cooperate with the bear to kill Ornn when the sword queen's troops are pushed forward.

The two sides started relatively peacefully on the road, and 369 even showed off Lin Cheng.

The second wave of troops was pushed in front of the blue square tower. Ornn stepped forward and Q-killed two minions to advance to the second level. Lin Cheng seized the opportunity and launched Q-Breaking Slash to poke out the flaw on Ornn's left side.

369 activated W Bellows Flame Breath when Sword Queen Q came up.

Aoun breathed fire and put a fragile sign on Sword Girl. When Lin Cheng Q went to the back of Gang Gang, Aoun had already raised the hammer.

Lin Cheng subconsciously pressed W, and the headmistress lowered her body and raised Laurent's knife.

As a result, 369 pressed the S key very cunningly, and moved to avoid the W that the Sword Princess put on her face.

Although Ornn didn't hit Fragile this time, the W that deceived the opponent made 369 feel proud and excited, showing off Zoe's grimace.

369 has faced Lin Cheng several times, and it can be said that this is the only highlight. Suddenly the Chinese commentators and the audience became excited.

Remember: "Wow! Jiubao's very detailed S deceived Brother Chengzi's first W, and his expression lit up. I was so proud! I finally got scared."

Cat: "Hmm~~~Although this wave has no practical significance, it boosts morale. Finally, it's not like the camera cuts to 369 and they are beaten unilaterally."

957: "Indeed! Confidence in the solo lane is very important. I'm afraid that I will lose all confidence after being shown off and beaten all the time."

"Crying! Jiubao finally stood up."

"My nine treasures! Stand still and let it do something."

"It seems that Bai Yueya gave 369 psychological treatment in the lounge? How dare you use the S key to show off Brother Chengzi."

"Fart! It's obviously the lounge that pulled 369 Xiaosheng Bai Yueya, so I'm temporarily overconfident."

"It's so funny! Those who didn't know better thought that 369 had a solo kill, but when I saw that the last hit was suppressed, the blood volume was suppressed."


Lin Cheng, who was defrauded of W, remained unmoved.

The details of how Sword Lady and Ornn deceived each other's W are actually not that important in the early stage. No matter who deceived whom's W, the laning situation of both sides would not change much.

Anyway, they are just developing each other, it doesn’t matter! I have extracted... but I am still angry!

Lin Cheng stopped pretending and was really annoyed by Xiao Xiubo.

We have to find a way to get the situation back.

But before Lin Cheng could pull back a victory, bad news came from the middle.

At the beginning of three minutes, Syndra, who was pressing the line in the middle, was pulled in by Silas' E skill.

The Prophet's Tamm suddenly emerged from the grass in the river below, while the male gun emerged from the grass in the river above.

This was really beyond Kuro's expectations.

Forget about the male gun, the auxiliary came to the middle in three minutes!

In the bottom lane, because Senna and Tahm were rushing to grab the lane at the first level and did not help the male gun open the field, the KT duo who came up had no choice but to release the lane.

This also caused the Taobo duo to grab second place while still having a lot of power in the line, and the prophet ran directly to the middle.

At exactly this time, the red square's view of the river disappeared, and Tam was just touching it. Tam was not seen in the lower lane, and the red square even had the bushes where Tam was hiding behind.

Kuro's Syndra was pulled by Silas's second E and was slowed by the Q skill. The male gun E came up and shot him.


Syndra dodged and tried to run away.

Bang! Bang!

The prophet dodges very resolutely and uses his tongue to slow down, and the male gun follows and dodges to output.

This time Kuro didn't have to run away, and was knocked down by the male gun.

Remember: "Beautiful! The Prophet's 3-minute spiritual wandering helped Karsa get first blood. This wave of GANK was really weird, and Kuro was completely unprepared."

957: "Who would have thought that Tahm would run to the middle to gank in 3 minutes? It was mainly due to the first-level Tao Bo's line grabbing operation that laid the foundation, so Tahm had this opportunity to roam."

Cat: "The opportunity has come! The male gun is the core of Taobo's lineup. This blood is very crucial. Brother Ka needs to be C-level with this one."

"What a parade! Kuro is so confused."

"Damn it! Taobo finally has an advantage in the early stage."

"This is a great opportunity! The opponent's lineup is not good either."

"It's been 3 minutes and 369 is still not dead? Brother Cheng is not very good at this."

"Brothers, get better! 369's delivery speed is not as fast as his teammates' kills. There is a chance in this wave of attacks!"

"Are you going to laugh me to death from now on?"

"It's useless to kill Kuro! Whether Taobo has a chance depends on how long 369 can hold out in front of Brother Chengzi."

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