This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 677 Taobo: How could I be robbed twice in a small BO5?

Remember: "Wow~~No one could have imagined that it would end like this! In the mid-term, when KT could no longer take over the team, they really relied on Sword Princess to complete the comeback. With a score of 2:0, KT was about to enter. Got their match point.”

957: "The final processing of Ornn in 369 feels a little delayed. It's too much for Ornn to clear the troops after the top tower has been demolished. He should go back to guard the front tooth tower as soon as possible. As long as Ornn is still alive, Sword Princess has the most Break the road."

Cat: "Hmm~~~ I feel like there is still something wrong with Taobao's operation. They completely underestimated the ability of Sword Lady to lead the lane with the Baron BUFF. In fact, it might be better to release the dragon directly in this wave. KT only has one dragon. There’s no need for Taobo to be so anxious.”

"Fuck! Can this be turned over?"

"Zinima! Refund the money!"

"We were ahead for more than half an hour, and our lineup also had an advantage. I thought we were safe."

"I'm numb! Taobo's mentality is about to collapse."

"Winning by stealing doesn't count as winning! If you have the ability, you can fight in an upright manner."

"Sword Lady is so shameless! This speed of demolishing the tower is unscientific."

"It's such a disgrace to Taobo. It's hard to lose to an inferior horse with such an advantage and lineup."

"Haha! That's not what you said when beat KT Rolster."

"Originally, Dragon Soul was on the same team, but 369 was single-killed by Yue Jianya and ruined the game."

"369 is such a piece of trash! He was left to guard the house, but he was killed alone."

"If Taobo wins this game, 369 will kowtow to Brother Ka, but 369's legs and feet are not good and he can't kneel down, so he decided to give it away."


Korean commentary box.

CT: "We really won! KT still used the belt system to win the game in this version. It was really a wonderful comeback. Cheng's Fiona single-handedly carried the game."

Lee Jung-hyun: "And KT played very smart in this game. TES was not prepared for KT's decision-making twice. Fiona's unexpected TP participation in the team for the first time wiped out all KT's disadvantages, and the last wave did not have TP. The single belt directly ended the game."

"Although the version is changing, KT will always have a distribution system that makes all opponents wary, because we have the best top laner. No matter whether Cheng chooses Camille or Fiona on the side, he can play in the appropriate position. It’s time to give your opponent a fatal blow.”

Jin Zhixian was still smiling.

Ten minutes ago, when she said she believed in Lin Cheng, many T1 fans were gloating in the Korean net barrage, thinking she was being harsh.

Now KT fans are excited, while T1 fans are silent.

Once upon a time, T1 also had a player that fans could trust. He was the banner of T1.

But now he is old.

After tearing down the opponent's base, Lin Cheng glanced at the post-match data panel, and Bono, who had just taken off his headphones, pounced on him.

"Handsome! Lin Cheng."

"Ouch! Damn it!"

Lin Cheng's butt had just left the seat and was about to stand up, when Bono's full weight was pressed on his shoulders.

Then he slid off the chair and disappeared into the competition seats.

Before Lin Cheng could get up, his teammates came over one after another and rubbed his head vigorously.

"I thought I was going to lose this one, Lin Cheng did a great job."

"Fiona of yours is so handsome. If you don't want to win the skin, choose Fiona?"

Lin Cheng got up and opened his teammates' hands dissatisfiedly, "Are you so excited? It's just a routine operation. My hair was messed up."

In Lin Cheng's opinion, his teammates were a little too excited, but he rarely participated in frontal battles and could not appreciate the suffering of other teammates.

The main reason is that KT has an obvious disadvantage on the field. It suffers from head-on fights and loses confidence the more it fights. The teammates still have to give Lin Cheng space, but they are always on tenterhooks for fear of being kicked.

Fortunately, Lin Cheng kept up the good work, but he was afraid that when his teammates put their hope in one person, that person would just play the happy game.

This game is considered the biggest difficulty KT has encountered in this world.

The group stage went smoothly and they beat their opponents hard. Everyone is guessing who will be the first team to see KT Highlands in this World Championship.

However, despite this, Taobo still failed to touch the high ground of KT.

Because Lin Cheng put enough pressure on the wing, it was difficult for Taobo to move the baron, so they couldn't force the high ground.

After missing this opportunity, Taobo soon realized that this year's World Championship journey would also end here.

In the third game, KT adjusted their BP strategy after coming to the blue side and selected the top, middle and jungle of Jess + Card + Spider.

Spider is almost out of play in this version, because other wild core brushes are used to maintain the strength in the early stage and can exert force in the later stage, but the hero of Spider is useless.

Taobo continued to give 369 Ornn, hoping he could withstand the pressure.

However, Lin Cheng could no longer handle 369 alone, and it became even harder to handle 369 when KT joined the midfielder.

Bono caught the opponent's male gunner's movements at the beginning and went to counterattack directly in front of the opponent. However, Karsa had no time to defend the first half of the jungle and had no choice but to switch to the jungle.

In this way, the junglers of both sides exchanged jungle areas. Lin Cheng was very arrogant in the top lane.

369 already knew that the tower was coming from the other side, but he had no choice.

While Jace was suppressing people, he also accumulated a large wave of troops. At level three, he called the spider over and successfully overcame Ornn.

The male gunman couldn't find his way back down there.

This hero clears the jungle quickly, but his tower jumping ability is too weak, not to mention the KT duo is Tahm + EZ.

Bono continued to cooperate with Lin Cheng to play Ornn wildly.

Lin Cheng pressed hard, and Ornn had no way to clear the line. Every time Jace pushed the line, he had to worry about whether the spider was nearby.

The result soon became a reality. After Bono returned to the state after clearing the jungle, he came over and surpassed Ornn with Lin Cheng.

Then after the middle card reached six, he came up and cooperated with Jace and Spider to surpass Ornn once.

369 was killed three times before reaching level 6, and the top lane collapsed.

Moreover, KT's tactical tendency towards Lin Cheng is very obvious. Tusin's first wave of roaming home did not go to the middle lane to provide vision, but ran to the top lane to help Lin Cheng provide vision, allowing Lin Cheng to continue to put pressure on 369.

The top half was badly beaten, and Taobo suddenly launched a four-pack and two-two attack on the bottom lane.

As a result, although Tamu was killed, Lin Cheng killed three in a row after TPing, and lost blood after a wave of tower jumps.

Lin Cheng's Jace is already unstoppable, and Ornn is as brittle as a piece of paper in front of him.

KT snowballed around Tianfei Jess by taking two vanguards in a row, and the situation was very painful.

Moreover, KT's Jace's line-leading system is different from that of Sword Princess. His teammates completely light up the half area where Jace is located. Bono also relies on Jace's half area, and the card is always ready to support with big moves.

Generally, Jayce is easy to get caught while leading the lane, but KT's style of play makes it very difficult for Jayce to die when he has an advantage. Taobo caught a wave and even killed two of his own.

After 20 minutes, Taobo finally seized the opportunity and killed Jace for the first time in the game.

However, the price they paid was that the baron fell.

Because of this Baron BUFF, Taobo's outer towers were all broken and he also lost the bottom lane high ground.

KT played steadily and continued to wait for the second dragon.

After the second big dragon was refreshed, the Taobo River gathered together to prepare for a desperate fight.

However, their troop lines were not handled well. The two sides struggled in the river for a while, and KT's bottom lane super troop quickly reached the opponent's high ground.

Lin Cheng decisively handed over T to steal the house, and the card also followed with TP.

The teammates on the front kept people, and the two of KT successfully completed the steal.

In two consecutive games, Taobo had his base stolen, which can be said to be very dramatic.

The advantages were stolen, and the disadvantages were also stolen. Now Taobo fans directly broke through the defense.

They were stolen twice in three games. Why is KT so stupid?

It is recommended that this game does not allow house stealing in the future.

It’s just two chapters. I’ll update it after a while. I’m going to eat and watch the World Championship.

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