This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 705 You don’t have to have a family! Jax must die!

The moment the baron was stolen, Suning's players almost collapsed.

Why is it so dirty on the other side? Why steal the dragon when the advantage is so great?

In the LPL, where such a big advantage is simply forcing people to come and join the team, KT actually stole all the dragons in a sneaky way, which is really a bit unethical.

It can only be said that Suning's players are still too young. Lin Cheng has been hanging out with these old guys like KT for a year. What can't he do to win?

Brother Khan once said: In order to win the championship, he can sell his soul.

It's a pity that the belief is firm enough, but the champion is always one step ahead of him.

After winning the Baron, it will be much easier for KT to advance.

Returning to the city to add another wave, KT is still preparing for the familiar 41 points.

Suning's men took advantage of the opponent's return to the city to clear out the upper half of the field of view, and then organized their troops to try to delay the opponent's advance later.

Suning was also very thoughtful. After sorting out the middle line of troops, everyone ran to the grass on the side roads in advance to prepare for an ambush.

This sideline was pushed across the river. They knew that there was a high probability that someone from KT would come to lead this line and prepare to ambush here.

The wave after the Baron is taken down is indeed the most vulnerable point for being caught. At this time, the army line has not been sorted out and the field of vision has not been expanded. Once the baron is caught, the advancement rhythm of the side baron will be seriously hindered. .

If the people on KT's side go out and go online directly, Suning here can capture the people without any cost and then go back to defend. Anyway, the line of troops has not threatened the high ground yet.

However, KT's distribution system is very strict, and Lin Cheng did not go up to lead the line at the first time.

He squatted behind him, waiting for his teammates in the middle to send their troops forward first.

Although two lanes with high troop lines at the same time can put more pressure on the opponent, you should not rush to lead the first wave of Baron troop lines before they have a good vision.

The five Suning brothers had been hiding in the grass outside the alcove for a long time. Their legs were numb from squatting, and they were stunned to see no one from the other party to lead the line.

Don't be afraid that your opponent is better than you, just be afraid that your opponent is better than you and not make mistakes.

That is really disappointing!

Seeing that the middle line of troops had been sent past the ruins of a tower, Suning's men could only start to return to the city.

Remember: "Suning teamed up and wanted to catch the side players... There is really no way! If League of Legends enters the middle and late stages of the game and you still have to make decisions like five guarantees to catch people, that's true. It shows that the disadvantage is already very big, even so big that you don’t know how to win the game through normal methods, because if you have a five-for-one on this side of the map, then you will definitely lose something on the other side of the map.”

Wang Duoduo: "But Suning's wave of edge grabbing seems to be difficult to achieve results... Jax crouched behind and stopped motionless. Wow~~ Brother Chengzi has such a good idea! Before I saw the person in front of Suning If you don't show your face, if you don't give them any chance, Suning's people will have no choice but to return to the city."

"It's so funny! A group of people are squatting here to hold a fan meeting?"

"Brother Chengzi, we are your fans!"

"World's Dark Painting! I can feel the despair from this scene of five people squatting on the grass."

"Brother Chengzi is so aware! Doesn't it mean that all operational top orders like to give away? Why is he so stable?"

"If Brother Shai went online, he would be dead!"

"Fart! Brother Shai is here and kill them all!"

"Brother Shai came and flattened all the grass and killed everyone on the other side!"


When the middle line of troops was about to reach the high ground, Lin Cheng finally appeared on the top line.

It doesn't matter if you are ambushed again at this time, your teammates can definitely get more things from the front.

As a result, at this moment, Suning and everyone canceled the return to the city with only the last second left.

no! Still have to kill this guy!

He is the culprit who stole the dragon.

Remember: "Hey! The return trip is cancelled! Isn't it? I don't want the high ground? I want to kill Brother Chengzi all the way! Suning is so hard-working!"

Da Sima: "The boss is here! He just wants to kill the weapon and let it get angry."

Lin Cheng was already very cautious. In this situation, he followed the troops and tried not to stand near the grass on the side.

But Snake flashed his hand directly in the grass, and Japan's Zenith Blade pointed up.

Lin Cheng reacted extremely quickly and subconsciously activated E Counterattack Storm.

The Japanese girl's Q skill failed, and her ultimate move, Sun Flare, was launched.

The prince's EQ starts.

Lin Cheng's hand speed was so fast that he instantly jumped to avoid Japanese girl's ultimate move and Prince's EQ.


When the prince's ultimate move came down, Lin Cheng dodged without hesitation to avoid the damage from the earth-shattering attack.

The prince canceled the terrain, spun a W to accelerate, and led his teammates in pursuit.

Qinggangying's hook lock has already been released.

When Lin Cheng fled in embarrassment, he turned around coquettishly to avoid Jhin's deadly brilliance.

At this time, there was only one thought in his mind:

Crazy ball! The opponent is going crazy!

Oh shit! Five people came to ambush Brother Cheng. Your family doesn’t want it anymore?

Lin Cheng only ran two steps, and Qinggang Shadow's second stage EW flashed and kicked him up. While kicking and stunning Jax, he used Hex Ultimatum to avoid the stun of Counterattack Storm.

Jax is retained.

no way! Lin Cheng could only use his ultimate move to react hard.

AWA, Qinggangying immediately lost nearly 40% of his health after using the three hammers.

Abin only had one three-phase, and when he was two big pieces behind, he was like a crispy shrimp in front of Jax.

But I can’t stand the crowds on the other side!

The people behind Suning followed up, and Lin Cheng continued to beat up Qinggangying.

Now the W skill only has a two-second CD. With the bonus of the three phases, Jax can instantly cripple Qinggangying.

Abin moved and pulled back, and Clockwork directly launched his ultimate move.

The shockwave pulled Jax back.

But now the max-level Q Jump Slash only has a CD of four seconds. Qinggang Ying was unable to move away due to being decelerated by Destruction. Jax got up and went over to complete the kill with a heavy hammer.

grass! It's on fire!

The BGM sounded in Lin Cheng's mind, and he felt that he could beat five with one.

Unfortunately, the reality is cruel. Just when he was about to chase the clockwork hammer, he was knocked unconscious by the female tank's second Q.

Jin dropped the trap, and Suning and the four gathered fire.

Although Lin Cheng's Jax is very capable of fighting, the triumph and blood-sucking effects are greatly reduced when he is ignited by a Japanese girl.

Fortunately, he had avoided the female tank's first wave of control with his extreme reaction, otherwise he might have been directly controlled by the control chain until he died.

Qinggangying hit the second stage of Q's real damage before dying. Jax lost a lot of blood, and the continuous damage of the big mask cannot be underestimated.

In the voice.

The immediate instructions from his teammates were: "Lin Cheng, hold on, we've broken through the heights, and we're going to tear it down immediately."

Lin Cheng happened to kill Qinggangying and sneered: "Hold on? Are you looking down on me too much? I'm going to fight five of them..."

Before he finished speaking, he realized that he seemed to be a little powerless, so he quickly changed his words: "Forget it! I'd better hold off, for the sake of the team!"

While changing his face at the speed of light, while inserting the last real eye on his body, Jax jumped back and ran away.

The opponent's pursuit was very resolute. The prince waited until the second flag and EQ flashed away Jax, and QW took Jax's head.

His sinful life was brought to an end. In the end, Lin Cheng died in battle after killing seven almost super gods in a row.

In fact, this time Lin Chengtie wanted to rely on his ultimate move to counterattack and at least get a crispy one who didn't dodge, but the main purpose behind it was to delay his teammates, and he basically had no intention of turning back and counterattacking.

On the other side, teammates are already dismantling the incisor tower.

When Suning's personnel successfully returned to the city, the base had only half health left. The people in front of KT didn't care about anything else. Seti went up to delay the opponent, while the rest of the team demolished the blue base.

Suning paid the price for their wave of edge grabbing. Insisting on canceling the return to the city when the middle line of troops had already reached the high ground would cause trouble for Lin Cheng.

As a result, although Lin Cheng was killed in battle, their family was also lost.

In fact, the main reason is that the control chain was not connected at the first time. If the control chain was connected and Jax was killed in seconds, Suning would fall all the way to the top at most, and KT would not dare to continue to advance because of the lack of players.

Maybe Suning will still have a chance to seize the opportunity to counterattack.

Unfortunately, Lin Cheng's reaction was too fast and delayed long enough for Suning's decision-making to directly ruin the game.

Of course, Lin Cheng also had an embarrassing statistic in this game.

Suning got two heads in the audience, all of which were gifts from Lin Cheng.

He killed Lin Cheng once at the beginning and again at the end.

But Lin Cheng is optimistic.

My teammates never died once, why do you want to beat me?

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