At five o'clock in the afternoon Seoul time and four o'clock BJ time, the players from both sides officially entered the field.

As a substitute, Lin Cheng sat in the preparation room and watched the live footage on the screen.

Due to the epidemic, there were no spectators, so the players even skipped the appearance stage and sat directly in the competition seats to start debugging the equipment.

In the first round of BP, when T1 on the red side released Seti, KT on the blue side chose to grab the prince and released Seti and the very powerful female gun in the current version to the opponent at the same time.

When I saw SoHwan taking out Ornn to beat Seti, I felt something was wrong. Although Ornn is more restrained against non-displacement heroes like Gunslinger, how do you beat Sett online?

The current version of Sett is too strong. Most short-handed heroes are not easy to face Sett in lane. Once SoHwan does not have the lane power prince in the jungle, he will be driven out like a dog again.

However, the scene where Lin Cheng expected Ornn to be severely suppressed did not appear, and Bono's prince did not feel the pressure in the jungle.

In the first game, the tempo on both sides was very slow. After ten minutes, no kills occurred. Even the first dragon and vanguard were controlled by KT. KT still had a small advantage on the field.

It’s hard to imagine that this is a battle between the top team and the bottom team.

From Lin Cheng's God's perspective, it was a bit strange that Cuzz didn't GANK even though his opponent had given him opportunities several times.

Kang Dongxun: "How do you feel after watching it for so long?"

"It makes me want to sleep." Lin Zheng said honestly.

"I'm not asking you that."

Kang Dongxun's eyes twitched, "I mean, what do you think of your opponent?"

"T1 doesn't seem to be strong online, and the jungle rhythm isn't very good either, so he just keeps grinding away."

Lin Cheng felt it was a bit magical. He often encountered Cuzz in RANK. It would be no exaggeration to say that Cuzz was a GANK maniac, but in competitions, Cuzz was quite conservative and could play any hero like a brush.

Kang Dongxun nodded and said nothing. Anyone who saw T1 playing on the field did not look like a strong team.

At 16 minutes into the game, a scene that changed the situation occurred.

The two sides competed for the second canyon pioneer. Sett on the red side found an opportunity to smash Ornn into the crowd, and combined with the explosive output of the female gun's ultimate move to create a one-for-five team battle.

Even with men and towers, T1 had a team battle with an economic gap of more than 3,000. From then on, the situation was firmly in the hands of T1. Bono's two attempts to find opportunities looked like giving away.

Lin Cheng finally understood how T1 won the game. They didn't emphasize lane play at all, but relied on cooperating to win team battles to gain advantages.

What they do is to ensure that nothing happens online in the early stage, and try to wait for opportunities in small-scale team battles to create advantages.

We all know that the pace of the game has become faster now, but that means that there are more resource points that can be competed for. A small dragon and the accompanying dragon soul and ancient dragon can be released in five minutes, and the Canyon Pioneer can be released in eight minutes.

In fact, judging from Lin Cheng's impression of the several LCK games he has watched this season, online players have played more harmoniously, including the jungle.

In this round, the junglers of both sides made very few GANK attempts in the early stage. This is because the fault tolerance rate of the jungler in the early stage of the current version is very low. Once the jungler makes a GANK move and cannot do anything, he will almost certainly lose something.

Changes in jungle experience and resources allow junglers to choose GANK more flexibly, but the consequences if GANK fails are more obvious than last season.

Now that there are many resource points, even if your jungler kills the opponent's top laner, if the opponent's jungler is below, you can still trade for the dragon.

If the GANK attempt fails, it will waste time and easily lose resources in the other half of the area.

The changes in the jungle experience compensation mechanism also make it less easy to catch up with the level difference once the jungler falls behind, so many junglers are more conservative.

This is the difference between professional games and RANK. Players on the field have many more things to consider, and a hot head may tilt the situation in a big way.

Including the LPL that has already started, the style of junglers is more conservative compared to last season. There are often decisions to release two dragon junglers in the early stage to exchange resources, and then take over the dragon team later.

Of course, this does not whitewash Cuzz's jungle style. Many times he seems to have forgotten that he is a jungler, and his support enthusiasm is even less than that of Faker in the middle.

Seeing that his team had inevitably suffered a defeat in the first game, Kang Dongxun looked at Lin Cheng: "After watching the game live, do you think it is much different from your RANK?"

"It's pretty big."

Lin Cheng nodded and changed the topic, "But I don't think it has much to do with me. The way of playing the top lane is actually not fundamentally different from RANK. I have no problem with laning, support, and team play."

"So... do you want to go up and give it a try?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while, "I'm not guaranteed to win, but I should be able to gain an advantage online."

It’s not that Lin Cheng is arrogant. T1’s new top laner Canna is very capable of finding opportunities and grasps the timing of team fights very well. However, there are some problems with his basic online skills. Let’s not talk about the details of the blood exchange. Just looking at the last hit is simply sparse. broken.

The live broadcast just now showed Seti replenishing the tower sword. Without anyone interfering, Canna only managed to replenish one of the soldiers in the wave. Lin Cheng felt heartbroken for him when he saw it.

Lin Cheng is very confident in defeating an opponent whose basic skills are not up to par.

"In this case."

Kang Dongxun patted Lin Cheng on the shoulder and said, "Get ready, you will play in the next round."

Lin Cheng exhaled. Although he had known for a long time that Kang Dongxun might let him play, he was still a little excited when this moment actually arrived.

So, just after the first game, KT submitted a substitution request.

Almost at the same time, KT’s official social account released news of the decision to make substitutions and adjustments.

SoHwan OUT.

Cheng IN.

Corgi: "Oh~~~ Audience friends, I just got the news from the director. In the second game, KT made personnel adjustments. Top laner Cheng replaced SoHwan."

Junri: "Come, come! At this moment, he is still here. Whether he is a human or a ghost, he still has to come out and make two gestures. I believe that both the melon-eaters and the real KT fans are looking forward to it at this moment."

"He actually came on stage, wow~~~~"

"Here we come! Brother Chengzi, come on!!!"

"I almost fell asleep watching the last game. Finally there is some good news."

"Brother Chengzi comes on stage with a big knife: Who is Lee Sang Hyuk?"

"Beat Lee Sang Hyuk! Come on, Brother Chengzi."

"Stop beating me up, please help Tan Fan to knock down the T1 brush in the jungle, thank you."

"The jungler Kezi has a strange smell. The labor and management really don't want to see him anymore."

"Zhuzi sent a congratulatory message. Qi-chan's little brother wants to cheer up."

"We agreed to defect to Guodian, but Brother Chengzi stabbed Qi Jiang in the back, and Piggy still cheered for Brother Chengzi?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I, Qi-chan, even forgiven Brother Chengzi in the live broadcast room."

"Did the factory director order takeaway for Brother Chengzi?"


After a quick break, Lin Cheng followed the team members onto the stage.

I couldn't help but glance at the T1 team member opposite, and my eyes stayed on Guapi wearing round glasses for a second longer.

In South Korea, China, and other regions, countless people saw Lin Cheng sitting in the player's seat through the broadcast.

Just when the camera moved to Lin Cheng, Lin Cheng glanced at the camera.

There are no unnecessary expressions or unnecessary movements.

The sword eyebrows are slightly raised, and the spirit is high.

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