The dragon fell, and Sofm wanted to take advantage of the time when the blind monk finished beating the dragon and went home to recuperate. He went to the upper half of the area to stop the loss.

However, Lin Cheng had already TPed back to the top lane. After using Tiamat to clear the pushed troops, he immediately moved towards the jungle, just in front of Shen who was countering the toad.

The saucy fan wants the bully to take advantage of the situation and rape this toad in front of his face.

Lin Cheng quit, walked up to AQ and forced out the opponent's sword formation, and took the initiative to take two steps back.

"Li Shiheng, come and help! This man stole my toad!"

Lin Cheng called for support.

Bono couldn't help but complain: "This is my toad! You are used to being dirty, right?"

When Lin Cheng can run online, he likes to eat toads and stone men on the wing, whether it's the opponent's or his own.

Now this guy has gone so far that he regards wild monsters as his private property, and Bono certainly can't stand it.

I am KT’s real jungler!

Lin Cheng pretended not to hear his teammates' words and started to fight with Shen head on.

Shen didn't care about Qinggang Ying and wanted to quickly steal the toad and retreat.

Support from both sides arrived at the same time. Lin Cheng called mid laner Syndra, and the other side called Jax.

Syndra grabbed the toad that was almost out of health and ran away.

The saucy fan chased for a few steps and got a little anxious. The E skill taunted Qinggangying. Jax jumped up with counterattack storm and started hammering.

Syndra dropped the toad from a distance and pushed the two of them with EQ backhand, and the two sides fought in the jungle.

Lin Cheng stood up and kicked Shen first, then used his E skill to pull himself towards the wall behind.

Abin activated the second stage of E with quick eyes and quick hands, and counterattacked the storm to stun the Qinggang Ying who was pulled to the wall by the hook lock.

However, Jax's stun does not have a forced displacement effect. Even if the Qinggang Shadow is stunned, he will still be carried towards the wall by the hook lock.

At this time, the determination contained in Lin Cheng's talent took effect.

Jax's stun is only one second, and Qinggang Shadow's E skill can stay at the wall for up to one second. With the firm toughness bonus, the second E skill is still on after Qinggang Shadow is brought to the wall.

Lin Cheng successfully kicked Shen unconscious with his second E.

Next to him, Jax was waving a hammer and hitting Qinggang Ying wildly, while KT and two people aimed at Shen.


Shen stood up and ducked down to avoid the damage from Syndra's Q.

The toad that happened to be thrown away by Syndra ran back smoothly, and the slutty fan punished him with a backhand to regain his health.

But when he ducked down, it was obvious that he was not ready to retreat this time, and both sides needed to achieve a result.

Clockwork also used the explosive cones on the back of the blue BUFF to fall from the sky. A QW cooperated with Jax and Shen to defeat the remaining green steel shadow's health.

However, this is KT's jungle area after all. Sofm waited until the opponent finished beating the dragon before temporarily preparing to come over to counter the jungle. Bono's blind monk had already returned to the city and rushed up.

Seeing that Lin Cheng was about to be killed first, Bono came over to put a film on Qinggang Ying and slapped the ground with his backhand.

Shen was killed first by the blind monk, and Lin Cheng pulled his position to wait for a triumphant recovery.


Abin directly flashed his face and chased after the two hammers to kill the blood-stained green steel shadow.

However, Lin Cheng also dealt full damage before dying, and Jax was killed by Syndra and Blind Sin together.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Chongzhong wanted to slip away, but Sindra pushed the ball with his backhand to save someone, and the blind monk successfully stuck to Clockwork.

Kuro's Syndra scored a double kill.

Remember: "The cool fan insisted on counterattack and something happened! Wow~~~ This wave is really hurt, the upper midfielder died directly."

Wang Duoduo: "I'm a little anxious. It makes no sense for Suning to engage in such a deep position to counter a toad. The price paid is too heavy. It can be seen that Suning's players are a little over the top."

Remember: "I'll just say it! This wave of Suning seems to be giving away. Forget it if the toad is captured by Syndra. I know that the blind monk on the opposite side will definitely rush up after defeating the dragon and return to the city. Sofm It’s really too much to fight after being disabled from the beginning.”

Da Sima: "Suning's rhythm is starting to go wrong. You need to stabilize your mentality!"

"Giving three heads for one toad is unexpected."

"That's right! That's right! This is the richest man. The classic has no line rights to invade the jungle."

"Why bother? For a toad."

"Suning can play 5V5 for river crabs in the LPL, but what's the problem with playing 3V3 for toads?"

"You don't understand! This is called getting rid of inner demons. As long as you kill Brother Chengzi, you will be successful."

"No wonder I can't beat him. I can't win through operation. His brain is not as good as the opponent's."

"Vote, vote! I'm still beating you!"

Lin Cheng was also a little speechless this time.

Inexplicably, Toad managed to survive the defensive battle, but instead of Toad dying, he died.

But it's okay, as long as his teammates make money, it doesn't matter if he dies once.

Brother Cheng is such a team.

This wave of fighting started not only in the upper half, but also in the lower half.

Niutou takes the lead with EZ, and Jhin keeps up with the output.

But there was no need for Tahm to hand W. EZ moved to the side and behind with an E skill, and his backhand WQ hit Jhin accurately.

After being licked wildly by Tahm, Jhin handed over the double call and ran away when he couldn't touch EZ.

And Niutou was also forced out of the flash.

It can be seen that Suning's players on all lines are a little anxious.

At more than 7 minutes, Lin Cheng appeared in the middle again, cooperating with Kuro to grab the clockwork and force Shen's first big move of the game.

When Shen's first ultimate move is used for defense, it shows that the rhythm on the court is very poor.

At 8 and a half minutes, Bono took the lead in activating Canyon Pioneer.

At this time, Tusin's Tahm Kench had already arrived in the upper half of the area in advance, hiding nearby to cover Lin Cheng's push into the tower.

This is a rhythm that KT is very accustomed to. When Tusin judges that the opponent may pick up the vanguard team, he will always return to the city in advance to lean up. AD's late arrival actually has no impact.

When Suning and Suning appeared in the bottom lane at the same time, they found that the opponent had neither the intention of fighting for the vanguard nor the intention of catching the Qinggang Shadow on the top lane. Tusin did not show his face and hid in the alcove and returned to the city.

The red side obviously communicated in advance and prepared to let go of the vanguard. The duo pressed the line and entered the tower to start eating the plating.

Already in a prime position for his ultimate move, Aiming didn't even take the line under the tower, and huddled behind to close himself off.

However, Jhin eats the tart skin very slowly. After eating one layer of tart skin, Tusin's Tahm Kench is already on the line.

On the other side, after finishing the vanguard, Bono moved to the top lane.

"The opponent dared to take the line under the tower, but we passed him."

"I'm coming."

Jax was even dissatisfied with his blood volume. Even with his ultimate move, it was difficult to resist the explosion of the two. Lin Cheng didn't know why the opponent would take the line in front of him in this situation.

After all, the top lane troops pressed under the tower. The red tower had already lost nearly two layers of skin. If it was an experienced top laner, it would not forcefully take the tower offline in this situation. After all, only the opposite jungler took it. Complete Pioneer.

Could it be that Shen was squatting behind him? Or is Jax pretending there's someone behind him?

Bono walked all the way from the triangle grass, and deliberately inserted a bulge at the intersection on the stone man's side to prevent Shen from squatting behind him.

Not finding Shen's location, the two decided to force their way up the tower.

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