This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 712 3:0! The potential of breaking bamboo

EZ and Syndra successfully destroyed a tower in the middle lane, while Jhin only ate a layer of tower skin in the bottom lane before coming to make up the line.

This wave of attempts was fruitless, and Suning lost blood again.

Moreover, Shen used his ultimate move, and the next three minutes were all KT's offensive rounds.

In the 13th minute, Lin Cheng pressed forward and pretended to have someone behind him.

Abin saw that the situation was not right, and his teammates reported Syndra MISS in the middle. Jax retreated safely and gave up the defense.

Qinggangying easily pulled out the first tower on the road.

But in fact, Kuro in the middle pushed the line first and then rushed to the second half with Bono.

The KT duo was also pressing the line. The Suning duo originally wanted to stay under the tower and wait for Shen's cover, but the sight of the grass opposite the blue BUFF soon discovered that Lee Sin and Syndra were coming hand in hand.

On the top lane, Qinggangying still had TP to threaten the bottom lane, and the Suning duo had no choice but to retreat.

KT's duo didn't have much ability to retain players, and they didn't go up to force them to stay. When the midfielder came over, the four of them joined forces and pulled out the red side's next tower 14 minutes ago.

In this way, KT had eaten all fifteen layers of tapas and was ahead by 5,000 gold in just fourteen minutes.

Remember: "KT's rhythm is so tight! As soon as the middle tower was broken, the economic gap was widened in a short time. They took advantage of the vision and lane switching advantages brought by breaking the middle tower first. The passive Suning was completely unable to keep up with the opponent. rhythm."

Wang Duoduo: "This is the only manifestation of KT's snowballing ability this year. Their lane switching rhythm is too fast! As soon as the middle tower is dropped, they can quickly radiate to the side lanes through lane switching, and the opponent must guard the middle lane. The line means there must be fewer people on the wing, and they take advantage of this to threaten the wing personnel and defensive towers."

Remember: "Although the truth may be a bit cruel, I have to say that Suning is really, really, really difficult. Facing the powerful KT, LPL's last hope for this year may have to end here."

"It looks so desperate! KT is really strong."

"I'm going to be beaten to death. I suddenly fell so far behind before I even had time to work hard."

"It is recommended that the team that is full of plating surrenders on the spot! It collapsed during the laning phase and I still beat you."

"What about the promise of winning all the top four? In the end, there was only one top four?"

"Brother Chengzi has ruined this family! He has ruined Chinese e-sports!"

The second vanguard fell into KT's hands naturally at 15 minutes, and then the third dragon was killed by Bono one minute later.

What KT has to do now is just follow the formula and wait for the Fire Dragon Soul, and then end the game.

Even the most confident LPL viewers can hardly expect miracles anymore.

After three games, Suning's overall gap with KT is obviously very large. Whether it is personal ability or team execution, KT can hardly find fault.

Online Lin Cheng can exert absolute suppression at a single point, and when the operation started, everyone in KT was cooperating. Once there was a collision on the map or there was a fight for an object, they almost never suffered a loss in numbers.

Moreover, KT did not choose a hero like Ryze, otherwise Suning could still expect a miracle.

For example: in the opposite direction, five people drove the RUSH Baron in 20 minutes, but the Bullhead Q flashed five, and then the Clockwork Big five were wiped out in a wave. This is a peerless scenario.

At 18 minutes, Jax, who took the opportunity to steal development, was caught by Qinggang Shadow + Syndra.

Syndraka's vision push stunned Jax who was clearing the line in front of the second tower, and Qinggangying connected with the second E.

Jax couldn't even use Counter Storm before he was directly killed by Syndra's ultimate move.

This is the reflection of Suning's situation on the field. The map is dark, and even the development in front of the second tower is very dangerous.

Jax is killed, and the two lead the line into the tower.

Suning Nakano Fu immediately caught up and wanted to defend the second tower on the top lane, but they found that the rest of the opponent came almost at the same time.

You know, the running distance between the two sides is very different, but the opponent is not slow at all.

Obviously, KT's people had already written the script before Jax was ambushed, and the rest of the team switched lines in advance.

In this situation, Clockwork used his ultimate move to clear the line.

Although the line of soldiers was cleared, Kuro pushed the ball again and stun the clockwork under the tower from a long distance.

The EZ ultimate move just happened to scrape by, and the clockwork was left with blood.

KT's people swarmed up and tried to force their way over the tower, five against four.

Bono and Lin Cheng coincidentally prepared to enter the field and look for the back row.

As a result, Bonp created a wave of show effects. He was about to touch his eyes and enter the venue, but found that he still had a vanguard.

"Ah Xiba~~~I forgot about Pioneer."

The blind monk was originally the first to enter, but Bono stood behind and let Lin Cheng rush in first.

Snake reacted very quickly, fearing that Qinggangying would directly E-dodge, Niutou decisively launched Q-dodge first, interrupting the second hook lock that Qinggangying had just shot.

At this time, the blind monk who came up to touch his eyes was pushed away by the bull's head with a W.

This wave of Niutou's backhand was very beautiful, limiting KT's two biggest threats to the back row.

The slutty fan Shen also used taunting backhand to control the Qinggang Ying under the tower.

Unfortunately, that's all.


Tusin's Tamu flashed over and swallowed the encircled Green Steel Shadow in one gulp.

Lin Cheng observed the situation and waited for a moment, then found that Clockwork was still trying to output, so he immediately controlled Tam to vomit himself forward.


When Angel realized something was wrong, he tried to run away.


Lin Cheng was very detail-oriented. He first touched the bull's head behind him, then immediately flashed his ultimate move to cover Clockwork, and kicked it as soon as he landed on the ground.

Although Shen's ultimate move didn't kill him suddenly with remaining health, Shen's shield was not thick after all, as he didn't use AP.

Lin Cheng had already saved up his second Q, which dealt high real damage instantly and sent people away with his shield.

Jhin next to him also took the opportunity to shoot Qinggang Ying. Lin Cheng moved to avoid the fatal Huacai backhand and swept it with a W strategy.

The warrior uncle is killing people, you stinky AD still dare to watch?

The outer edge of the leg blade accurately slowed Jhin, and Lin Cheng chased after him.

Now that the CD of the Q skill is very short, Qinggangying chases after him and uses an AQ with a three-phase passive curse blade and the active effect of the Greedy Hydra to force out Jhin's flash.

The rules of the rivers and lakes are: don’t kill if you cross paths!

Lin Cheng was originally ready to forget it, but the young man on the beach flashed back and chased after him, firing the last two shots.

But in just a few seconds of pulling, Qinggangying waited for the next hook lock.

Turning around and kicking him, Jhin was instantly sent away with joy.

"Double Kill!"

Lin Cheng had the blood-sucking hydra on his body, and the blood that Jhin had just knocked back was kicked back by Qinggangying's two kicks.

On the other side, Niutou and Shen were used as sandbags under the tower and could only be beaten.

Moreover, the vanguard summoned by Bono had already killed the defensive tower that was not full of health in a single fight, and Suning was knocked out of the team.

The five KT players directly led the vanguard to the high ground, keeping the vanguard and crashing into the highland towers and crystals.

Without interference from opponents, the Canyon Pioneer was simply a bulldozer. The Pioneer with a trace of blood crashed from the base into the Suning headquarters.

By the time Jax was resurrected, the five KT players were already dismantling the incisor tower.

Killing Jax conveniently, KT ended the game in one wave.

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