This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 733 You are not even willing to call me God

Remember: "Three kills! Three kills! Is there a penta-kill? My teammates are letting... there is a penta-kill! The poodle can actually get a penta-kill! This is a penta-kill in the finals! This is the League of Legends World Championship The only five kills in the final so far came from Brother Orange! It came from the man who said before the game that he would become God!"

Zeyuan: "That's outrageous! This wave of KT forcing Baron four on five seems to us to be a very risky move. Even when Ornn started the team, Sett had already lost most of his health to Baron. But this wave of KT actually played a zero for five! Brother Chengzi, this poodle, is like a god of war! Can you believe that one person can defend four people on the opposite side? Ornn's big move hit the dragon pit, but the two people in the pit didn't have any damage. superior."

Miller: "DWG is really desperate! Clockwork didn't survive this wave despite the protection of three teammates. Brother Chengzi was very smart and used F6 to save four stars before entering the field. It was so critical. I couldn't guard against this guy." Stay!"

Zeyuan: "Xu Xiu has already surpassed 0-6-0! He has not even had an assist until now. He has been targeted by Brother Chengzi... It is very likely that Xu Xiu will have his head shaved in this round."

"Turtle! This poodle is too fierce."

"Is this God's poodle? There's something about it."

"Lin Cheng: You are such a poodle and you are not even willing to call me God? Why do you still believe in Brother Rongguang?"

"Niu Bao: I'm starting a team, where are my teammates? Follow me for damage!"

"The poodle jumps and flashes twice. This is a deterrent."

"For one thing, these two flashes interact so fast that most people can't react."

"I guess Xiumei goes to bed at night and dreams about the barking of poodles, which is a shadow."

The atmosphere at the Pudong Football Stadium was already boiling because of Lin Cheng's five kills.

Although it was a civil war between two LCK teams, there were still many spectators at the scene who regarded Lin Cheng as one of their own.

How can you not be happy when the only player on the field gets five kills?

And this is the first five-kill record in the World Championship finals.

From the strongest domestic top orderer!

At this moment, many viewers have forgotten about Lin Cheng's expulsion from the country.

The audience was cheering for Lin Cheng.

"Wow! Brother Chengzi is great! Brother Chengzi, come on!"

Wanwan waved the inflatable wand in her hand and jumped happily on her seat.

Seeing the gazes of the audience around her, the girl in the seat next to her quickly shrank her neck and turned her head away as if she didn't recognize Wanwan.

After the team destroyed the opponent and captured the big dragon, all members of KT immediately turned to the small dragon pit and successfully captured the water dragon soul before the opponent came back from resurrection.

All members of KT returned to the city to make up for the damage, and began to prepare to use the Baron BUFF to plan an offensive.

DWG, which had no time to defend the Dragon Soul, could only push the three lines of troops as far as possible to delay the opponent's Baron BUFF attack later.

After making up a wave, KT chose to push one, three and one.

The poodle and the tsar lead two sidelines, and the three people in the middle hold a group and slowly direct the soldiers to advance.

When teammates on the wing easily took down the two dilapidated second towers on the wing, the people in KT in the middle appeared to be very cautious and did not make waves because of the huge advantage now. They did not give the opponents in the middle the opportunity to seize more and attack less to defeat the team. The battle begins.

KT's advancing strategy made DWG very uncomfortable by deliberately blocking the troop line and allowing three groups of soldiers to go to the high ground together.

Although there are three C positions, the red side is still unable to effectively deal with the army line quickly. If all three routes want to send people to defend it, all three routes may be defeated quickly.

DWG can only choose to focus on defending the middle, letting Ornn deal with the push of the Tsar in the bottom lane, and completely leaving the top lane empty.

Since the red side organized a good line of troops after its resurrection, and the two linemen of KT were particularly stable in the wave when they went out with the Baron BUFF, they waited until they saw the defenders in the opposite center before showing up to lead the line, so the Baron BUFF continued There is not much time left, and DWG hopes to drag it all the way past the Baron BUFF time.

Seeing that the opponent gave up the defense on the top lane, Lin Cheng was not polite. He easily took down the defense tower on the top lane alone.

"You can find an opportunity to open it! Go up to the tower and take it away, so I can go around the back."

The middle road is still the key battleground for both sides.

Sett and Pike stood in the background obscenely and acted as minion commanders. They also monitored whether Aiming's EZ was slacking off, leaving EZ alone to use skills to interfere with the opponent's line clearing.

Although Aiming was very embarrassed in the early stage of this game, EZ was really cool with the blessing of Water Dragon Soul. The opponent's Clockwork and Male Spear defended two waves of troops, but EZ knocked out at least a third of them with a random Q. One's blood volume.

Pan Sen forced forward to find an opportunity to open the EZ.

After EZ jumped away, his backhand was WQ's second consecutive move, forcing Pan Sen's shield out. Seeing that Pan Sen was in a bad position, he backed away with the shield.

Pike decisively caught Panson with a hook, and Seti activated his Q and rushed forward, hugging Panson and slamming him under the highland tower.

The timing when the KT personnel in the middle lane chose to reverse the attack was very sudden. The poodle who had demolished the highland tower on the top lane had already activated his ultimate move in advance and moved towards the middle lane.


Niu Bao activated his ultimate move from a distance, wanting to support the frontal battlefield.

An exclamation point lights up on the clockwork head.

"Here! Here! Orn is great!"

Xu Xiu activated W and ran back, and frantically signaled to his teammates to take care of him.

Unfortunately, Kuro drifted very decisively to the high ground, and his big move interrupted Ornn's second step.


The poodle swoops out of the darkness.

Xu Xiu trembled in fright, but he didn't dodge the golden body, so he could only choose to open up on the spot.

However, it doesn't even take a second for the three-piece poodle to kill the one-piece clockwork, not to mention that Xu Xiu himself was suppressed by EZ.

Poodle landed.

The spiral ripples of the shock wave had just emerged, and the mainspring had been cut into pieces before the ultimate move could even be rolled out.

Xu Xiu is already 0-7-0!

After easily killing the clockwork, Lin Cheng turned around to find the policewoman under the tower.

The battlefield was divided into three parts when Pike left people behind.

Pantheon's shield below had been smashed, and he was directly killed by Pike's ultimate move just after the end.

And due to the threat of the poodle, the male gun was forced into position.

Tusin's very cool RE used the beheading of Pan Sen to move and control the male gun again.

EZ and Seti made up for a little damage, and Pike used his second big backhand move to score a double kill.

Then the water ghost quickly led his teammates across the highland tower.

Lin Cheng's poodle-enhanced E skill happened to accurately suppress the policewoman's reverse E position, and he went up to stab the disabled policewoman twice.


Pike flashed his K head and used his ultimate move, Fountain of Hatred, to send a wave of red envelopes to Lin Cheng.

Below, the Tsar and Ornn were still tearing their hair. Although the drifting Tsar was knocked away by Ornn's E skill under the tower, Kuro was not the weakling Xu Xiu. After the golden body pulled away the aggro of the defense tower, his life was no longer in danger.

KT personnel quickly covered it up, and Parker used his ultimate move to complete the kill.

As Pike destroyed the opponent with four kills, KT flattened the enemy base in one wave.

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