This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 737 Human-to-human transmission

The opponent's Lulu confused KT's side.

Lin Cheng thought that the opponent would have a last-ditch hero like Jayce to counter his Kennen, but it turned out that Lulu couldn't deal with Lin Cheng.

Leopard Girl is the jungler, and it feels strange to choose Lulu in the top lane.

Could it be Lulu who wears violent outfits in the AP hat stream?

But you, Lulu, can you be so violent no matter how violent you are?

Moreover, Leopard Girl and Clockwork exist, so there is no reason for Lulu to continue to use pure AP outfits.

The most reasonable explanation for this result is the colonel's open discussion in the commentary box.

Ze Yuan: "I always thought that the most likely position for DWG to open is the bottom lane. After the Ghost King was beaten until his scalp was numb, he took out Senna and opened directly. Unexpectedly, Nuguri, who has left a radical impression on everyone for a long time, took the lead. It’s open to the public, why doesn’t Jace dare to choose even though it’s all bright?”

Remember: "But one thing to say is that the pressure brought by Brother Chengzi is indeed great, and Niu Bao's Lulu actually makes sense. He will not be suppressed by Kenan online like other short-handed fighters, nor is he like Jay. If you are at a disadvantage like this, you will lose one person."

Miller: "Anyway, let's enter the game and see the effect. Anyway, it has been proved before that it is difficult for DWG to beat KT with a normal lineup. Maybe this strange lineup will have miraculous effects?"

"The weirder the lineup, the faster we lose. KT is stable."

"Outrageous! I chose Lulu for the counter position. Niu Bao has no more dreams."

"In fact, after being beaten by Brother Chengzi again and again, choosing Lulu is already a very safe decision."

"Remember Niu Bao at this moment, Brother Chengzi's opponents will eventually be beaten like this."

"From now on, all the top laners Brother Chengzi encounters will be open to attack. It will be great if Brother Cheng can mess up the lane."


The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square KT:

Top road: Cheng (Heart of Fury, Kennen)

Jungler: Bono (Immortal Crazy Thunder, Volibear)

Mid laner: Kuro (Desert Emperor, Azir)

Bottom lane: Aiming (Dramatist, Jhin)

Support: Tusin (Goddess of Dawn, Leona)

Red Square DWG:

Top lane: Nuguri (fairy witch, Lulu)

Jungler: Canyon (Wild Huntress, Nidalee)

Mid lane: Showmaker (Clockwork Demon, Orianna)

Bottom lane: Gohst (Ice Shooter, Ashe)

Support: Beryl (Unyielding Spear, Pantheon)

The game is about to load, and the coaches of both teams leave the game after fist bumping.

When he left the stage, Kang Dongxun, who was wearing a suit and leather shoes, could hardly hold back the smile on his face.

With three match points in hand, and the opponent's lineup looking so snake-skinned, it was hard not to laugh.

This is sure!

Before the camera cut to the loading screen, the player's seat was finally shown, and Lin Cheng confidently gave a thumbs up to the camera.

The audience responded with cheers.

Wanwan waved the inflatable stick in her hand vigorously in the second-floor stands, "Come on, Brother Cheng! You will be the world champion soon!"

"This guy is so arrogant. I feel like KT is going to lose this game."

A friend sang the opposite tune next to her, and Wanwan immediately began to seriously criticize her teammates.

"Don't say depressing words, come on and cheer for me together."

"Ah~~~You're still shouting? It's already been fun enough since the beginning. You should take a break later in the evening."

"Come on, come on! Big! Click! Sound!"

"Wanwan, stop shaking, stop shaking! I just yelled."

The game has started loading.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main enlightenment system: Unsealed Secrets, Magical Shoes, Biscuit Delivery, and Astral Insight, and the secondary martial arts system: Aura Cloak, Transcendence.

Kennen is very good at suppressing melee top laners, but facing Lulu with a shield and Pixar's help is not that easy. However, it is unlikely that the big bastard Lulu will pose a real life threat to Kennen.

Lin Cheng's talent itself can be regarded as a stream of money, plus he chooses extraction and red medicine when going out, which is the ultimate financial management.

Kenan went out and went straight to the road and stopped in the grass in the river.

As the prodigy who has been caught to death the most times at Level 1 this year, Lin Cheng now has a lot of experience in level 1 defense against GANK. He stood carefully at the bottom edge of the grass on the upper river, without cutting the screen to get distracted, and vigilantly detected the surroundings for easy viewing. Run away at any time when someone comes.

In this round, DWG really designed a first-level routine, but it was not aimed at Lin Cheng.

When Kuro went out, he leaned towards the upper jungle intersection outside the defense tower, covering Bono and taking a look at the grass in the middle of the upper river. Then Bono prepared to return to the city for scanning.

Kuro returned to the outside of the middle tower and met Clockwork.

The actions of both sides in this game are not mirror images.

The red side duo went out and went straight to the middle. Just when Kuro followed Bono to get a view above, Ashe and Panson got into the grass on the upper river from the middle route.

The view of the bear placed on it was completely bypassed, and the Czar who returned did not know that there would be anyone in the grass on the side of the river where he had just looked, so Kuro's position was in the direction of the upper river.

In the view of the KT players, the opponent should also be standing parallel to the river, and everyone started peacefully and only focused on defensive vision.

So, Kuro was not afraid at all when he saw the wind up. Instead, he went out and showed Jinx's grimace.

Ha ha! Xu Xiu, I will be the champion mid laner right away!


The DWG duo happened to get stuck in the river wall and find their way out of the grass. When the grass appeared, Panson flashed and sat directly on it with W.

Kuro, who was still showing off his expression, had no defense at all and was knocked unconscious a few steps outside the defense tower.

Ai Xi shot out thousands of arrows.

Clockwork came up and threw the ball.

An ultra-long-range javelin flew from behind Clockwork, hitting the Tsar just before Panson's control ended.


Kuro chooses to flash into the tower.

But the Czar's health was too low, and he was set on fire by Pantheon.


The Ghost King decisively flashed to the extreme distance of the defense tower, beating the Tsar twice, and Kuro was killed by the ignition damage.

"First Blood!"

Ze Yuan: "Hey! Kuro even went out and showed off his expressions... You just like showing off your expressions, right? Brother Chengzi can't remember it after being caught with first-level expressions so many times, right? Human-to-human transmission is a phenomenon, and this Kuro also Something happened to Liang!"

Remember: "Why are there so many scenes of KT being ambushed by the first level? Brother Chengzi, be careful, your teammates are also here to create a show effect."

Miller: "I can only say that DWG is well prepared. Every time KT picks a wild core like a bear to fight a leopard girl on the blue side, Bono will go out and look towards the river. He is just afraid that the leopard girl will wait for him and come directly to counter the jungle. This Habits have clearly been thoroughly studied by DWG."

Ze Yuan: "We are all alive! I can only say that we are worthy of being part of the same team. In the previous season, all the KT players except Kuro had troubles in the first level."

"Aiming Kalista went out late at night and was caught and killed by Senna in the river. Tusin's classic Bard made a level 1 hole and sent Bono Nosuke in succession."

"Kuro, who is now the most stable, has also followed the steps of his brothers and soaked in hot springs. As for Brother Chengzi, we have to start talking very early..."

Zeyuan, who has carefully watched the entire season of LCK games, gave the live broadcast audience a detailed introduction to the glorious history of KT players being ambushed at the first level.

The barrages all said it was eye-opening, and by the way, the barrage of "Russian Treasures" completely dominated the screen.

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