This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 75 What a fast punch

To suppress Ornn's health, Lin Cheng was not in a hurry for the A minion, and still only made up for the last blow.

On the contrary, even though Aoun's Q failed to hit Seti twice, he still lowered the health of the minions. Lin Cheng's behavior allowed Aoun to advance to the second level with a Q after the arrival of the second wave of soldiers.

After being beaten by Aoun, Lin Cheng used Seti to rush forward.

Aoun stood in the middle of the line of troops and directly used W Bellows Flame Breath, spraying it wildly at Seti who was scolded in the face.

Ser raised his left fist and hit Ornn with his left fist, attracting the hatred of the blue soldier. At the same time, he hit the minion next to Ornn with his backhand right fist.

Due to the configuration of Duolan Sword and the extra damage from his right fist, the soldier with ambiguous health was killed by Lin Cheng.

Se was promoted to the second level, and Lin Cheng learned W to deliberately punch in seconds.

Sett's right fist punch was too fast. Lin Cheng's carbine attack on the minion to level up to the second level was very fast. Sett had already learned the W skill when the long-range minion's projectile flew over.

The minion damage takes effect, just in time to add heroic points to Seti.

And Ornn, who was angry and spitting fire, saw Seti on his face after applying the fragile effect, so he hit it with a hammer with his backhand.

The Grasp of Immortality had a fragile effect, and Lin Cheng's health dropped to a little more than half.

Seti's heroic value saved most of it in one go.

Ornn turned around and retreated after playing Fragile, but his back was freed by this turn.

The fragile knockback distance is very short and does not allow Ornn to move far enough away.

Lin Cheng took two steps forward and stood next to the blue side's melee minion. He adjusted the angle of his E skill and shot Skull Split, just in time to pull back Ornn who had run next to the long-range minion.

Ornn collided with the minions again and fell into dizziness.

Junri: "Hey! I got pulled in again. Originally, it didn't make sense for Seti to go up and attack after being robbed second in this wave. Now Canna's Ornn has no choice but to run away."

Corgi: "Yes, it seems that Sett's arrogance is enough for Orn to get beaten. I just don't know if Sett deliberately let Orn take second place. If so, there is something wrong."

A left hook followed by a right hook, Lin Cheng quickly adjusted his position and moved forward to Caoun's position.

After Aoun woke up and took two steps back, Seti's left fist punched out again.


At the same time as the golden ax lighted up, Se took a step ahead and hit it hard with his right fist.

Ornn's health dropped to less than half.

Canna saw that his immortal grip was ready at this time, and subconsciously knocked out with a hammer.

However, some players want to go out when they see that they can play Grasp of Immortality, which is not necessarily a good habit.

This time, Lin Cheng didn't retreat after two sets of punches like in the first wave of exchanges. He pulled Aoun back and kept moving forward. Aoun turned back and let Seti get close again. After a slight delay, he lifted up. left fist.

Boom, boom, two punches, Ornn's health was only about one-third.

The lofty ideal value had just weakened a bit, but the moment Ornn was indestructible increased Sett's lofty ambition value.

Knowing that it was impossible to catch up with Ornn with his legs, Lin Cheng immediately turned around and punched the blue side's long-range minion behind him.

The moment he raised his left fist, Seti lowered his waist and straddled his horse. He canceled the basic attack with W and then swung it towards Ornn to start accumulating heavy punches.

At this time, Aoun was two bodies away from Seti, and seeing that he could not see the range of Seti's punch, Canna chose to move sideways to avoid the real damage of Seti's punch.

In fact, Ornn still has one-third of his health. Even if Sett's W skill is fully charged with heroic points, it is impossible to kill Ornn.

So Canna wasn't too panicked, and it was a pity that she arrived in time for this wave of blood exchange.

If he hadn't been pulled back and stunned by Seti's E, Ornn's exchange of blood would have been earned through blood...

Just as Canna was waiting for Seti's punch to deflect, Lin Cheng suddenly handed over Flash.


Sett's W flashed just right into Ornn's face, and he struck out with a deliberate punch.

The timing of Lin Cheng's flash was so accurate that almost immediately after the flash sound effect sounded, the deliberate punches exploded.

Under the surge of white energy, Lin Cheng's Seti hit the A while dealing real damage.

Just when Ornn's health was reduced to almost one level, Seti's right fist hit him.

Ornn died suddenly on the spot.

You must know that Lin Cheng deliberately punched the minion first just to hide this right punch. The opponent who dodges the super-fast punch will not have any room to operate.

In fact, Lin Cheng's move was a gamble. He had already judged that if his right fist failed to hit him, it would be in vain.

Because the attack distance of the right fist is longer and the back swing is longer, and once Ornn is alive, his next left fist will not be able to reach it. Canna's heart is bigger and she doesn't even need to flash.

However, with the stacks full of Conquerors and the fact that he was wearing a Dolan Sword when he went out, Lin Cheng was still very confident about this punch.

"First Blood!"

Junri: "Set's W with half the pride value, but Ornn's positioning shouldn't take real damage. Even if it does, there's no danger... Hmm? Flash! Wow! What a fast punch! Ornn is dead! This is too sudden!"

Corgi: "I can't understand the damage. Ornn has one-third of his health, and now it's gone? It seems like it's been compared to the level A. This health calculation is too accurate."

Junri: "This boxing champion is so ruthless! He hid a right punch. Looking at his A minion, I thought he wouldn't chase him, but it turned out that he was waiting here! The timing of this W dodge was too accurate, and I just dodge it. W took action and connected with the flat A right fist, and Orn couldn't react at all."

Corgi: "Hmm~~ Seti's right fist has a special mechanism, and the forward swing of the punch is very short. It was too fast to dodge with the right fist. Fortunately, Canna didn't dodge. It would definitely be a death flash if it was handed over. Ah, but the damage of Seti’s W is really high, and this is so painful even when Seti is not equipped.”

Junri: "Honestly, I don't understand Canna's turn to hit the Grasp of Immortality this time. Just because he hit him one more time, he lost all his lives. He honestly retreated and at most gave TP to come back. Now I risked my life as well."

Corgi: "You can only say that your opponent seized the opportunity well and calculated the blood volume very accurately. You know you will die if I punch you."

Junri smiled and said: "I finally understand what he meant when he went out with the Dolan Sword. Without the Dolan Sword, maybe he would have been so close to being injured. Is this the strength of the Chinese foreign aid top laner?"

"Damn it! Show me! I can't understand Jinfu's injury."

"Brother Chengzi is awesome!!! The first kill achievement is unlocked."

"The damage of this punch is outrageous. Ornn's health is almost gone?"

"Can Seti's right fist still be used like this? I learned."

"The most dangerous time is when a boxing champion doesn't punch."

"Is this an LCK game? The top lane is so lively, and there's something about the second-level solo kill."

"It turns out that Sett's right fist with the full stack of Conquerors and the Dolan Sword hurts so much. I'll start ranking later."

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