This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 752 Lin Cheng transfers?

There is a lot of internal fighting between Faker fans and T1 fans. Because of T1's crotch-pull performance this year and some fans' behaviors that attract hatred everywhere, the two sides have begun to blame each other.

This situation is inevitable when a star player appears on a team and the team's performance begins to fluctuate.

The same goes for the LPL, where a large number of players and fans are at odds with each other, not just between teammates.

As far back as the war between pigs and dogs, it lasted until recent years.

On the one hand, Uzi has retired, and RNG fans have kept a low profile. On the other hand, Piggy Starch is good at pretending to be dead. The internal fighting between the two parties has come to an end for the time being.

As for IG and FPX, the fans of these two LPL teams that recently won the championship have never stopped.

The rebellious Konoha ninja Ah Shui and his water ghosts caused a bloody storm in Taobo.

Song Yijin, who has been working hard, has also received mixed reviews.

Teacher Shai of Happy Games has never been in the spotlight.

Brother Coin is addicted to playing monkey tricks on live broadcasts. He spends all day thanking his boss for his flight and taking advantage of the rhythm of his teammates.

Xiaotian's bad mouth when playing games couldn't resist the charge of his teammates and fans. He was a little depressed after winning the FMVP.

This is the current situation of the championship team.

Once there are ups and downs in performance, fans are the first to start internal wars. The T1 team can be said to be familiar with the game.

Of course, T1 fans fight among themselves, but they also have a common enemy: the club management.

The CEO who shouted "The dawn is here" at the beginning of that year was hated by both parties. He not only consumed Faker but refused to spend money, and also squeezed training time to shoot commercials. This Mr. Joe Mars was scolded like a bastard. miserable.

Seeing that the truck incident is getting worse and worse, T1 is now unable to solve the problem with conventional operations.

If we still want a lawyer's letter to warn us now, it will be a huge blow to T1's image. Mr. Mars, who relies on fan traffic to make a lot of money, will naturally not do this.

Finally, on the afternoon of November 5, Joe Mars sent out a tweet.

Twitter stated that it has received the fans’ demands and that they will carefully consider the coach candidates for the new season and ensure that they will not encroach on the players’ training time for commercial activities during the season. They hope that T1 fans can continue to support the team.

In addition, Mars also said that they are brewing a sensational transfer plan, and their T1 goal next year is directly towards the championship.

Now T1 fans are happy.

As long as the club promises to focus on the competition and no longer encroach on players' training time, T1 fans will be satisfied.

As for Faker's fans, as long as the new coach is not the hacker from LS, they can accept it.

Among them, the sensational transfer plan revealed by Mars has aroused the interest of more people from the outside world.

It is true that the contracts of some star players will expire this year, but how many transfers can be called sensational in the LCK now?

Chovy counts as one, Nuguri counts as one, talented new star Keria counts as one, and former Griffin support Lehends can also be ranked.

As for Mr. Dai, his current state is really not a reinforcement for T1.

Other than that, it was just Lin Cheng and his teammates.

Many people are speculating, could it be Lin Cheng?

Because in terms of sensation, Lin Cheng, who has dominated the top lane for a whole year, is obviously the most eye-catching one in the entire LCK.

Once the transfer window opens, if Lin Cheng really enters the market, he will definitely attract frantic buying.

And even if Lin Cheng is not that powerful, the mere fact that the core of his mortal enemy switches to T1 is enough to cause a sensation.

Apart from Lin Cheng, it is estimated that Chovy’s transfer to T1 will be more ‘sensational’.

But that sensation was not a positive effect.

Because that almost means that Faker will be benched, and Mars will probably lose his family tree.

So after much deliberation, Lin Cheng's transfer sounds more reliable.

After all, T1 is not short of money and is not afraid to compete with LPL and European and American clubs for financial resources.

Joe Mars' vague tweet directly caused KT fans to panic.

Although the transfer period has not yet started and KT players have not returned to Korea yet, KT fans immediately took action.

They went to KT's official social account to leave messages.

"Cheng will not leave KT, right? He is our king."

"Please keep him! Definitely!"

"If the club doesn't keep Cheng, just wait for me to set fire to the base! (Angry)"

"This bunch of bastard management has finally done a good job in personnel matters this year. Please don't challenge our bottom line again."

"If the flag is really poached by T1, the management should prepare to have a disembowelment to apologize! Xiba!"

"We are the best team, please try to keep every player."

"It would be great if Kuro and Tusin could also give up the idea of ​​retiring. They are not yet old enough to serve."

In just two hours, tens of thousands of KT fans left messages that went directly to hot searches on Korean websites, attracting attention both inside and outside the industry.

KT Club quickly issued a message to appease fans, saying that it would make every effort to keep Lin Cheng.

KT also issued a stern warning to other clubs, prohibiting other clubs from using any form of means to privately contact KT players before the transfer period, otherwise they will sue Riot Games and request the severest punishment.

Despite the club's assurance, KT fans are still a little worried.

This year is considered the happiest year for KT fans, and they hope this dream can last longer.

There are also many KT fans leaving messages on Lin Cheng’s social account.

"Cheng! Please don't abandon us!"

"Please lead us forward! The giant ship KT cannot live without a flag."

"But think about it rationally, how much salary can we give to renew the contract? The LPL may offer an exaggerated price, right?"

"KT has spent so much unjust money in the past, please continue to be the big one this time!"

"Ugh~~ Why didn't Cheng reply? Do you really want to leave?"

"Even if our fate is really over, don't go to T1, okay? I'm afraid that I'll be happy to see you defeat KT in the future."

"When you put on the T1 jersey, what if one day I can't help but scold you?"

"Please don't hurt us!"


As for Lin Cheng, he didn't log in to his social account at all today, so he didn't know that there were an extremely terrifying number of messages on his social account in just one afternoon.

KT fans received no response and went directly to Park Ji Yeon's Instagram to leave a message.

They know that Lin Cheng and Park Ji-yeon have a good relationship.

Even Li Juli and Ham Eunjung had several messages from KT fans on their INS.

It just so happens that Park Ji-yeon got together with her sisters today.

"Wow~~~These fans really love Lin Cheng."

Jiyeon looked at the tearful comments from KT fans on her Instagram and couldn't help but sigh.

Eunjing was a little sad: "We had many fans like this back then, right? What a pity..."

Ju Li carefully looked through the messages on her phone, "Not back then, there are still fans waiting for our return now."

"I'll call Lin Cheng and ask him."

Eun Jung stopped Ji Yan, "No! What if Lin Cheng didn't respond on purpose? He may have already made a decision, and he probably didn't want to hurt the fans' feelings by saying it, right?"

Zhiyan shook her head, "No! Lin Cheng will not be like this. No matter what the decision is, he will not avoid it, just like he told us."

"Whatever we decide, the fans are looking forward to it, and the same goes for him."

"Always remember, there will be reverberations."

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