This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 769 Missing S-class teammates

The transfer market has been open for nearly a week, but there are no blockbuster transfer announcements in the entire LCK except for a few small fish and shrimps.

This is also common practice. Transfer negotiations are not market shopping. Even if Lin Cheng has decided to stay, Zheng Shiyan still needs to repeatedly agree on contract terms with the club.

Lin Cheng also called and talked with players he was familiar with. To his surprise, Mr. Dai revealed that he wanted to transfer together with his teammates Chovy and Keria this year.

Lin Cheng was surprised.

In fact, last year due to the frantic grabs from the LPL and LCS, Chovy's contract quotation had reached the 20 million yuan level, and many sources revealed that Chovy might go overseas.

However, Chovy, a player like Tevez, has the problem of homesickness and does not like to easily go to unfamiliar places to work hard. In the end, Chovy lowered his status and stayed in the LCK under the family card.

One year has passed, but unexpectedly, Chovy's homesickness has not eased and he has started preparing to form a team to fight in a brotherhood alliance.

Lin Cheng's mind suddenly became full of excitement, wondering if he could ask the club to pack up the three brothers and bring them here together?

Chovy and Keria are definitely top-notch operational monsters. Although Mr. Dai is now half human and half ghost, at least he is not an ordinary mediocre AD.

Lin Cheng had an idea, but he didn't tell Deft directly.

After all, I haven't renewed my contract yet, so it's a bit unreliable to talk about this.

And I don’t know if KT can afford the price of these three people’s packages.

However, on November 22, the first weekend when the transfer window opened, T1 suddenly announced that former DRX assistant Keria had joined.

Lin Cheng was caught off guard.

After calling Keria and asking about it, I found out that there are very few LCK teams that are short of main players in the mid lane and bot lane duo positions. Although there are some teams that have made offers for all three of them, they are all putting pressure on Keria. contract.

After all, Chovy's worth is there, and Deft is also a top player in the LCK. If the three of them want to team up, they must face the situation of being undervalued.

And Keria was naturally the one who was suppressed the most.

It just so happened that T1 was very interested in Keria and offered him a very generous contract.

With the proactive persuasion of Mr. Dai and Chaowei, Keria chose to accept T1’s offer.

Lin Cheng was a little angry.

Why is T1 happening everywhere? The ghost is still there, right?

It seems that Siyeon needs to speed up the contract renewal process.

In fact, Lin Cheng's contract has not been finalized yet. KT doesn't know who Lin Cheng's teammates are. Otherwise, KT will definitely make an offer for these three people on the market, because there are almost no better options than them. .

It can only be said that God's will is unpredictable. Just because of the progress of Lin Cheng's contract renewal, things have changed slightly.

the other side.

After finally confirming the intentions of Aiming and Bono, KT Club reluctantly issued a statement announcing the failure of contract renewal with the two players, wishing them smooth sailing in their subsequent careers.

Now KT fans are in shock.

Four of this year's main champion members have confirmed their departure, and it is already possible to announce the disintegration of the new champion KT, which is difficult for fans to accept.

And T1 fans started to criticize it.

Laughing to death! If you can't even keep your own members, why do you, KT, want to try to mess with us?

And establish a dynasty? Go ahead and dream!

At this time, KT fans couldn't care less about the laning. What they were most worried about was Lin Cheng's contract renewal.

KT fans have been unable to eat or sleep recently. They leave messages on the club's official social account every day warning that Lin Cheng must be left behind, and monitor KT's social updates 24 hours a day.

If an official announcement of "Thank You Cheng" suddenly comes across, KT fans will really explode.

If all members are disbanded, KT, the newly crowned champion, will really become a joke.

The main reason is that the news outside is too weird!

It is rumored that LPL clubs are always handing out super big contracts, which should make everyone excited.

Fortunately, KT has publicly stated that it has started contract renewal negotiations with Lin Cheng. The two parties have very positive intentions for cooperation, but there are still some details that need to be finalized. Fans came to INS to confirm with Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng readily admitted it, letting everyone feel at ease.

"Ah! You can't confess so easily. You will make things very difficult for me..."

Zheng Shiyan studied the latest draft contract sent by KT, marking the clauses that still needed to be discussed, while complaining to Lin Cheng.

According to Jung Si-yeon, when KT issued an announcement to appease fans, Lin Cheng should try to say something ambiguous to put pressure on the club, or simply stay silent.

In this way, Zheng Shiyan can be more proactive in negotiations.

"Oh! Sister Shiyan, you don't need to button it up so finely. I think the conditions are pretty good. It's probably about the same."

Lin Cheng had an indifferent attitude. If he really considered the interests, he would just transfer.

Zheng Shiyan was very serious, "I don't care about the money, it's your business, but since I agreed to help, I will fight for the best interests for you."

In fact, Lin Cheng is already very satisfied with the current salary offered by KT, but Zheng Siyan still believes that there is still a lot of room for discussion on the commercial contract.

In fact, the fluctuation of players' commercial contracts is very exaggerated. Especially when KT will focus on business development next year, the benefits of commercial contracts for superstar players like Lin Cheng are unlikely to be low.

"Okay, okay! Anyway, it's all left to you. Sister Shiyan, you can negotiate and I'll sign. Anyway, I absolutely trust Sister Shiyan. It doesn't matter if you sell me."

Lin Cheng waved his hands, as if he were an uncle.

The little girl Enxi also imitated Lin Cheng and waved her hands, "Leave it all to mom, don't disturb me and uncle playing."

Zheng Shiyan rolled her eyes at them and continued to look down at the laptop screen at hand.

Lin Cheng took little Enxi to play in the living room, and Enxi found her beloved dolls and placed them all over the floor.

"Uncle, Dolly is coming over here! Ouch~~~"

"I'm a big white bear! A little dinosaur can't beat me."

"Oops! Enxi was bitten by a big white bear! Enxi was injured."

"Haha! Give me a shoulder throw."

The older one and the younger one were playing around, and Enxi deliberately stepped on the wooden floor with her little feet, making a thump-dong-dong sound.

Zheng Shiyan couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

I asked Lin Cheng to come over today to discuss the details of the business contract with him, but it turned out that this guy didn't care about the contract at all. Instead, he made trouble with the little girl nearby.

"You two..."

The two of them didn't hear Zheng Shiyan's words and continued to mutter and play around, looking lawless.

Zheng Shiyan suddenly raised her voice, "Yeah! Please be quiet."

The situation suddenly became quiet.

The big one and the small one who were sitting on the floor playing with their dolls turned their heads and looked at Zheng Shiyan. When they noticed her sullen look, they quickly dropped their dolls and sat down on the floor.

"I'm busy with business, don't make trouble here."


The little girl responded pitifully, then dove into Lin Cheng's arms and hid.

Lin Cheng whispered: "Enxi, isn't mom scary?"

Enxi nodded, then suddenly shook her head vigorously, looked up at Lin Cheng and whispered, "No! Mom is very gentle."

The more she spoke, the quieter she spoke, and the little girl seemed a little less confident.

Turning to look at her mother secretly, she found Zheng Shiyan looking at her with a slightly raised eyebrow. Enxi quickly buried her head in Lin Cheng's arms again.

"Ouch! Look how pitiful our family Enxi is."

Lin Cheng stood up for the little girl and criticized Zheng Shiyan, "Sister Shiyan, why are you trying to scare Enxi? Enxi is so good, you can just say something if you have any objections..."

Zheng Shiyan's face was expressionless, "Do you think I'm just teaching her a lesson? You should be calmer."


Lin Cheng was very sensible and shut up immediately.

One big and one small hugged each other for warmth, sitting on the floor and looking at Zheng Shiyan pitifully.

While Zheng Shiyan was busy with her business, Lin Cheng and the little girl gently picked up the dolls on the ground and sneaked towards the entrance.

The two of them opened the door and got out on tiptoe like thieves. The moment the door closed, Zheng Shiyan clearly heard cheers from one large and one small.

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, Zheng Shiyan resumed her work.

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