This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 772 Earthquake! The birth of Galaxy Battleship

To be honest, Deft's heartbeat suddenly accelerated the moment he received Lin Cheng's invitation.

Of course, it's not a thrilling feeling, Mr. Dai doesn't fence.

The main reason is that Lin Cheng's dominant performance this year has been noticed by everyone, and no one wants to be teammates with Lin Cheng.

As one of the only remaining living fossil players in the LCK, Deft's desire for the championship is too strong.

Teaming up with Lin Cheng and players like Chovy, my dream seems to be getting closer.

Because Chaowei and Mr. Dai want to team up and play in a brotherly league, the only clubs that can be considered are a few teams within the LCK.

After selecting a round of quotes, they have already begun to contact Hanwha, which is the most sincere among them. However, after receiving an inquiry from KT today, they obviously have a better choice.

Regardless of the salary, at least the competitiveness of KT and Hanwha are not on the same level.

This is KT! The new world champion KT!

In fact, even KT ignored one thing.

That is Lin Cheng's appeal.

Even though the rest of his teammates left, as soon as the news of Lin Cheng's contract extension with KT came out, many people assumed that KT would still be a strong team next year.

Because Lin Cheng is still here.

It is naturally difficult for Mr. Dai not to be moved.

When people from KT came to contact Deft, they didn't have a strong preference, because KT's first trial didn't even make an offer.

But Lin Cheng called and personally confirmed that he wanted to be his teammate, which had a different meaning.

With better choices, Deft naturally doesn’t want to go to Hanwha.

After all, although the price quoted by Hanwha is good, the overall configuration is a bit stretched.

Let’s see what teammates Hanwha has prepared for him!

Hanwha just announced its top laner and jungler for the new season two days ago.

One of the two junglers was brought up from the youth training, and the other came back from the Australian league.

Not to mention the top lane position, Dudu, who performed last in the LCK last season, and Morgan, who returned from the LPL.

Who is Morgan?

The prodigy who won the Red Fury A True Eye in the WE Crocodile team battle, and earned Ornn’s hero coins for his forehand Crocodile and backhand.

Go shopping in a team fight, and go to jail in the lane. How can you lead a top laner like this?

Who is KT’s top order?

Can Lin Cheng, the world's number one top laner, be a match for Morgan?

Even though Hanwha has a lot of players in the Ueno and Jungle positions, you can tell at a glance that the top half of this team is very profitable.

"Well~~~ You are strong enough to be my teammate, but I need to discuss it with Zhixun first and listen to his opinion."

Mr. Dai's answer was a bit arrogant, but Lin Cheng expressed understanding. After all, it was an alliance of brothers.

In this way, the attitudes of both parties are generally clear, and they are just waiting for the club to come forward to negotiate.

Although KT would have to make some blood if they wanted to intercept Hu Hanhua, Lin Cheng was very confident in this.

In fact, Chovy and Deft are also a great complement to KT's business development strategy.

Not to mention Mr. Dai, he has always been very famous in the LCK and even has many fans overseas.

And Chovy’s current popularity is even more exaggerated.

Although he has not won any championship honors since his debut, the Chovy competition and various extreme operations of RANK have long been spread throughout short video platforms such as Douyin at home and abroad.

Many people regard Chovy as the world's best mid laner just by looking at his operation.

Although many people think that Chovy is a 78 player, as long as Douyin continues to fail, the position of Douyin's number one mid laner will be difficult to change.

Players like Chovy may get a higher annual salary than Lin Cheng if they release the LCK contract, but if they actively want to stay in the LCK, they will almost directly have to pay a discount in half. There is no reason for KT to let go of such a bargain.

But after all, it is not a small contract. Negotiations between the two parties will take some time, but the signing of the new assistant will be quick.

In just one day, KT officially announced the signing of former T1 support Effort.

This news makes KT fans excited.

Although Effort is not very top-notch, it is still pretty good, at least enough to disgust T1 fans.

Don't talk about betrayal, you kicked them out yourself.

Wait until next year to see if Avengers Lee Sang Ho fucks you or not.

At the same time, news broke that KT started contacting Peanut, who had just negotiated the termination of their contract with Lao Gan Daddy.

The topic is hotly debated.

Peanut is very popular, but KT fans are worried about his competitive level.

Two months ago, the LCK audience still vividly remember the little peanut who ruined his teammates while shopping at the World Championship. He put pain masks on his teammates at the beginning. How dare KT sign this?

It would be too much if Lin Cheng is given away by Little Peanut next season.

You can sign a tool jungler for Lin Cheng, but you can't persecute the top laner like this.

You don’t know who the father is, right?

Now KT fans are a little pessimistic.

Effort already likes to kill suddenly, and KT also wants to bring in a jungler who likes to jump repeatedly between brushing and sending. Is KT preparing to become a neurotic knife next season?

Of course, Peanut is not the only jungler who has been rumored to have an affair with KT. Another well-known jungler is Black Emperor Blank, who returned from poverty alleviation in Japan.

KT fans are even less optimistic about this one.

He was almost integrated into the division in the Japanese division. When Xiao Hei comes back, does he plan to mess with Lin Cheng just like he did when he knocked Faker out of the World Championship with one pillar?

Of course, no one knows whether the news in the transfer market is true or not, and it does not affect the enthusiasm of the audience to participate in the discussion.

However, the news about KT’s jungler has not yet been finalized. The news of Aiming’s confirmed transfer to BLG was revealed by well-known people in the industry.

It is rumored that Aiming's signing fee plus annual salary reaches 3.7 billion won, which is approximately 20 million yuan.

The entire LCK was shocked at this time.

According to rumors, Lin Cheng's contract extension with KT only cost 3.5 billion won.

This has already made T1 fans laugh at KT's management. They don't think Lin Cheng should get a higher salary than Faker.

In the end, no one expected that Aiming would be so valuable.

No wonder he left!

For a moment, KT fans were relieved.

It is impossible for KT to renew Aiming's contract at this price.

Unexpectedly, this news actually promoted the transfer between Mr. Dai and Chaowei.

Mr. Dai's salary has been negotiated. Originally, KT wanted to reduce Chovy's contract to less than 2 billion won.

However, the contract offered by Hanwha was more than one-tenth less than that offered by Hanwha, and it was difficult for Chovy to respond decisively. The two parties struggled here for a long time.

As a result, the news came out that Aiming had received a 3.7 billion contract. KT couldn't see it. Those LPL guys were throwing money away unreasonably. What if something went wrong if they kept grinding away?

So, KT gave in and the signing was immediately concluded.

On the afternoon of November 28, KT officially announced that Chovy and Deft had joined.

KT fans were ecstatic.

Mr. Dai, who entered the palace for the second time, is very popular among KT fans. Super mid laner Chovy is the most important transfer in the LCK this year besides Lin Cheng.

The entire LCK was shaken.

Galaxy Battleship was born!

Lin Cheng + Deft + Chovy, these three people can be called a galactic battleship even with two dogs. No matter who is the jungler in the end, it will not affect the outside world's high opinion of this team.

Although the first-generation Galaxy Battleship in KT's history sank very quickly, it did not affect KT fans' expectations for this new Galaxy Battleship.

They expect Lin Cheng to lead KT to remain invincible.

There are many outsiders who are not optimistic about KT's lineup. Almost all the Galaxy Battleships in the history of LCK have not ended well. This thing is just like poison.

Of course, Hanwha's manager really cried and fainted in the toilet.

Last year KT intercepted Lin Cheng, and this year KT intercepted Mr. Dai and Chaowei again.

You just can’t get along with me, right?

Why did you catch me?

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