This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 784 All-star atmosphere group led by Lin Cheng

Nanjiang is back, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that it may be difficult for him to have too many playing opportunities in the new season.

"Don't lead EDG to the bottom, or you will be kicked out next year."

This was what Lin Cheng said to Qi Jiang during the duo queue last Christmas. He really didn't expect that the joke he made would actually come true.

Although EDG is not at the bottom, Qi Jiang was really kicked out in disguise.

Lin Cheng was thinking, if he accepted Qi Jiang's transfer invitation, maybe EDG would handle this credit differently?

Hmm~~~It’s hard to say.

After all, if Lin Cheng didn't join, the EDG management would be worried that Qi Jiang would overturn the aircraft carrier.

After Lin Cheng joined, EDG transformed into a space battleship and invested even more. I'm afraid Qi Jiang will be kicked faster.

Lin Cheng contacted Mr. Mingkai privately, and it turned out that Mr. Mingkai was really working hard to qualify for the new season.

He really wants to play.

Lin Cheng didn't know what to say.

Now the masters of the Korean server cannot be paired up. Qijiang, the jungler position that is easiest to score points, can't be beaten by himself. Lin Cheng really doesn't think he has many chances to play in the LPL.

Although he was not optimistic, Lin Cheng still joked with Mr. Mingkai and agreed to meet at the World Championships next year.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Cheng was still a little sad.

Qi Jiang is not really stupid, how could she not see the operation of EDG management?

He just yearns for the competition field too much!

He also knows that his position is the third substitute of the team, but being able to play even one more game is probably a happy thing for Mr. Mingkai.

Qichang's comeback can be regarded as a minor episode. As the transfer window is about to close, the teams in each division have basically been formed.

Apart from KT, there aren't any very hotly discussed operations on the LCK side, but the LPL side is very lively.

The teams that failed to pursue Lin Cheng all had their own actions.

Since BLG failed to introduce Lin Cheng, they chose Biubiu, who is also known as Wolong and Phoenix together with Abin.

The foreign aid position reserved for Lin Cheng was vacated, and BLG turned around and introduced Zeka and Aiming to form the Korean Double C, and built an LPL version of Galaxy Battleship at a high price.

And what about EDG?

After signing Viper at a high price, they successfully introduced Holy Gun Brother. Although there seemed to be only two position changes, EDG spent 50 million to renew the contract and recruit players during this transfer period. They are known as another galactic battleship in the LPL.

Even if they didn't get Lin Cheng, whom they longed for, the starches would still be able to accept it.

Moreover, the factory director's comeback also filled Piggy with expectations.

When will the factory director lead EDG to victory again? Even if it’s just one win.

Taobo did not introduce Lin Cheng and had no other good targets for the time being, so he could only make slight adjustments in the auxiliary position, and then prepared to continue watching 369 perform.

FPX spent a sky-high price of 18 million to introduce Nuguri. Little Phoenix still has undiminished ambitions after getting no reward from Khan.

WE spent 15 million in signing fees to bring in Curse, who was renamed Breathe, and was criticized wildly.

Lin Cheng's salary in KT is only 19 million yuan a year. If you buy Breathing Brother, the signing fee is 15 million yuan without salary. Isn't it outrageous to spend so much money?

The most exciting one is RNG.

Without suitable reinforcements on the top lane, RNG actually asked General Tiger to switch to the top lane.

Mid Tiger is offline and Top Tiger is on the scene.

LPL viewers are looking forward to this.

Xiaohu in the middle lane has been reduced to a gangster in everyone's impression. This season, he will face players like Teacher Shai and Abin Niubao in the top lane. How will General Tiger perform?

December 18th is the day the All-Star Game begins.

If the World Championship is about pursuing confrontation, then All-Star is an opportunity for players and streamers to seek happiness in the canyon together.

At noon, Lin Cheng and Deft appeared in the training room to prepare for the All-Star online game.

Since Aiming transferred to the LPL and was unable to participate in online matches, Mr. Dai stepped in for the LCK side.

Lin Cheng couldn't help but think maliciously:

Didn't this guy Jin Shengdi go to LPL to escape from the women's clothing Flg that he set for him?

Without participating in the All-Star Game, Aiming naturally does not have to be responsible for playing in women's clothing as Lin Cheng said.

In this way, the five-person list of LCK All-Stars becomes: Lin Cheng, Canyon, Faker, Deft and Tusin.

The four players each played the game online at the base, while Tusin, who was unemployed, connected with everyone at home in anchor mode.

"Hey Hey hey!"

"Hello! Can you hear me?"

"You can hear it."

"Lin Cheng, how have you been lately?"

The voice was Tusin, and Lin Cheng replied: "Not bad! When will Park Rong Hyuk return to the base to play? I'll treat you to barbecue."

"Okay! I want beef."

"Wow~~~Can you add me? I also like to eat meat."

"Who is this voice? Jianfu? Brother, please eat whatever you want."

"If someone treats me... I'd like to eat too."

"who are you?"


"Brother Li! I'm your fan!"


Faker was a little skeptical, "If we get matched up in a solo match later, why don't you put some slack in it?"

Before Lin Cheng could speak, Mr. Dai sneered: "You don't have to count on it. If this guy says this, he will definitely be cruel to you later."

"Am I that kind of person?"

Lin Cheng changed his tone and said, "Jianfu... I want to discuss something with you. You will stay on the top road for the game later, and we will kill the other side of the top road."

Canyon was about to express his agreement when Brother Li had an opinion.

"Moya? It would be better for Jianfu to grab more of the middle lane. I can carry it."

Canyon hesitated: "Then I'll capture the middle lane first and then the top lane?"

"Why not grab the top lane first and then the middle lane?"

Lin Cheng's fussy look made Brother Li laugh. He really didn't know that Lin Cheng had this kind of personality in private.

It was Tusin who came out to mess up the situation, "Ah! Lin Cheng, Jin Jifan has helped you catch the top lane for a year, just play Ornn today."

Lin Cheng: "Hey~~~Okay! Even if no one helps me, I can break through. Jianfu, you go to help the middle lane first, but when we meet in the SOLO game later, don't blame me for killing him."

Canyon: "······"

Everyone laughed.

Tusin: "You are one year older, why is Lin Cheng still so stingy?"

Lin Cheng: "Don't talk nonsense! I'm not angry. Brother Li's life has been so miserable this year. It might be even worse next year. What's the point of letting him feel better?"

Faker: "·····"

Damn you! Why do I have such a miserable life? Next year may be even worse, so what?

Lin Cheng also figured it out. Guapi did have a rough time in T1 this year. The jungler basically didn't help the middle lane, and was later made a substitute. He really needed a good jungler to save Brother Li's gaming experience.

Lin Cheng directly turned the chat channel into an atmosphere group. Everyone was chatting, and the broadcast screen was also connected to the players' cameras.

So, the audience saw such a picture.

Lin Cheng patted the table and discussed tactics with his temporary teammates eloquently.

The chubby Canyon tilted his head and listened carefully, looking like a doormat.

Brother Li listened indifferently and gnawed his nails in front of the camera.

Mr. Dai sat upright on the screen, grinning from time to time.

Tusin is the most naughty, and he actually has time to eat bread.

The audience couldn't stand it.

This year’s LCK All-Stars’ style seems a bit crooked.

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