This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 787 Faker: Do you want to come to T1 next season?

After winning the game, the LCK representative players happily discussed Lin Cheng's treat.

In this game, Li's Yongen and Yasuo's several wonderful combos were indeed very beautiful. In the end, Li got 13 kills and everyone burst into laughter.

Of course, Lin Cheng's Barbarian King role has also come into play. He has deceived the opponent's ultimate move several times to create opportunities for his teammates, and leading the line, including finding the position of the female gun in the team, is crucial.

However, Lin Cheng's data is indeed not very good, and he gave away a bit too much in the early stage.

In the end, Barbarian King's data was 3-8, and he won the game safely in the rankings.

It’s Chinese New Year for T1 fans.

Our god is so carryy, but KT's god plays like a clown.

Now Lin Cheng has been established by many T1 fans as a villain who attempts to usurp the throne of God. If he finds an opportunity, he will blackmail Lin Cheng.

Although many people think that the All-Stars are just fooling around, there are still so many viewers who go online and use a magnifying glass to pick out the faults of their hands.

If the LCK's chopper lineup was already very happy in the first game, then their lineup will be even happier when facing the OPL division.

In this game, the LCK representative team came to a four-jungle lineup, and the players also exchanged positions.

Tusin chose Werewolf to go up, Mr. Dai took Lucian to the middle, Canyon used Nunu to play jungle, and Lin Cheng chose Cuishen to run in the bottom lane to assist, paired with Li Ge's poodle.

Everyone was still playing very relaxedly. When the red jungle area was invaded by Level 1, Canyon ran to change to the opponent's blue jungle area. As a result, Nunu lost his way and was surrounded and killed by the opposite midfielder.

On the opposite side, the strong duo of Samila Gariel in the bottom lane saw Nunu being killed, and the second level Rayel directly used Iron Control to attack.

But Lin Cheng reacted quickly. When Ruier dismounted and attacked the poodle in front, Cuishen decisively shielded the poodle, planted grass with his backhand and ignited Samila at the same time.

Brother Li's poodle turned around and jumped towards Samila, feeling weak.

No matter how strong the version is, Samira is still a stinky AD that is trapped by weakness and ignition. Ruier lost control after dismounting. The poodle with three layers of brutality value cooperated with Cuishen to kill Samira directly.

Although Riel did good damage in the early stage, his movement speed was too slow after dismounting. Lin Cheng planted another patch of grass for Brother Li to pull and operate.

The bottom lane is occupied by a large area of ​​grass. The poodle in the grass cooperates well with Brother Li's Korean ID, Hide on bush.

In the end, Riel failed to replace the poodle with low health, and Faker roared to score a double kill.

Tigger's own black technology of grass is really fun to play. Brother Li, who won the double kill, smiled like a chrysanthemum in front of the player's camera.

T1 fans burst into tears.

How long has it been since you saw Faker smiling so happily on the court?

"Brother Li, how is my grass growing?"

"Lin Cheng, just transfer to T1 to play support next season.

It was rare that Brother Li actually took the initiative to make a joke.

Lin Cheng fired back: "I'm not very good at assisting, but I'm actually better at playing mid lane."

Brother Li stopped talking.

Little boy, if you come to T1 to play mid lane, what should I play?

Playing AD?

Soon, good news spread frequently on the field.

Mr. Dai single-handedly killed the opposing Scarecrow in the middle lane. Tusin's Werewolf in the top lane also single-killed Olaf. Even Canyon's Snowman also regained his position and caught the Stone Man in the wild area who was replenishing the wild health.

Everyone completely turned the game into a RANK game. On the top lane, Tusin was killed by Olaf without being able to handle five long-range minions, and then he ran to the middle lane to command GANK. A big battle broke out between the two sides in the middle lane.

At this time, the LCK hero's damage was overwhelming, and he easily killed three people in a row. Finally, Nunu pushed a dung ball from the F6 jungle area through a drainage ditch to catch up with Samira under the second tower to complete the kill.

In just 7 minutes, the head ratio reached 12-2.

Because of the existence of the Green God, the bottom lane poodle completely turned into a long-range hero, and the opponent was beaten quite miserably.

The stone man's wild area also collapsed. He came to GANK at level 5 in 9 minutes and gave the lion dog a double kill. Brother Li was almost amazing in less than 10 minutes.

After winning the first blood tower, the head ratio between the two sides was 20-2, and the economic difference reached 10,000 in 11 minutes.

This would have been impossible to do in a competition.

However, can we still be called All-Stars if we don’t waste the advantageous games?

Then the LCK side started to fight. When they saw someone, they would go up and fight. The voice was full of shouting "go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go."

Although the LCK representative team makes more money by replacing heads, there is a big problem:

Everyone here has a bounty, but everyone on the opposite side is worthless. It’s useless even if you make a head count!

Lin Cheng and Guapi fought two against four. As a result, Brother Li sent out a reward of 1,000 yuan first, and Mr. Dai and Tusin came over to give two big heads to the stone man.

Both sides were fighting in a chaotic manner, and they continued to fight wildly, turning into the ultimate brawl.

If it were a formal game, fans might have a heart attack at this time, but everyone would enjoy watching the entertainment game.

The consequences of playing too aggressively came out. The opponent's lineup was indeed very powerful in teamfighting with their ultimates. When they started to team up, the LCK side actually found it a bit difficult to fight.

The main reason is that in addition to Riel, the person looking for opportunities on the opposite side also has a well-equipped AP Stone Man. The backhand Scarecrow, Olaf and Samira are simply explosive when they enter the field.

And Lin Cheng is obviously not very comfortable with the supporting role. Although the role of the poodle is obvious, Cuishen's vision is not very good and he is always caught.

Lin Cheng was once again possessed by the god of death and began to kill people.

When the opponent's stone man hat came out and an E shot Lucian's half health, it was destined that the LCK team fight would be difficult.

No one expected that the Stone Man, who collapsed in the early stage, would be sent away by a group of bad guys from the LCK.

With almost no magic resistance, the LCK representative team couldn't withstand the damage from the stone men and scarecrows, and team battles gradually became unstoppable.

However, no one cares about the result, and they still rush to operate when they see an opportunity.

Lin Cheng also very coquettishly posted a message on the public screen to challenge Ruier to a duel, and the big brother on the opposite side also agreed.

The two sides had a fight on the river, just like primary school students yelling at the other side to stop running away after school.

The terrible result is that both sides have dirty minds and are not prepared to talk about martial ethics.

The two assistants were fighting and suddenly all their teammates came, and the real man battle turned into a 5V5 brawl.

In the end, because the team battles in the later stage were really not on the same level, the big brothers in the OPL division completed a shocking comeback in this game.

The theme of dark horse counterattack has indeed come true.

More than 90 heads were struck in the 30-minute game, which shows how intense the game was.

Everyone was in a good mood after losing the game, but Lin Cheng was still nagging Faker to claim credit.

"Brother Li! Although you lost the game, you are amazing in the early stage, right?"


"So should you say something?"

"Ah? What does this... mean?"

"How about buying me a Coke?"

Brother Li thought for a while: "Aren't you going to treat me to barbecue? I know there is a self-service barbecue restaurant that gives you a huge bottle of Coke when you order a set meal. I will send you the information of the barbecue restaurant."

Lin Cheng was silent for two seconds.

"Brother Li."


"You really know how to live."

There was another very heart-wrenching sentence that Lin Cheng secretly did not say out loud:

No wonder Eun Jung ran away with Uncle So Ji Sub.


It's Zhao Enjing, not Eunjing.

Miss Eun Jung is Ham Eun Jung.

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