It’s unclear whether this wave of 369 is sending teammates off, but the Dao girl on the road really has no control.

In the middle, Brother Li is also very playful. He clears the lane very quickly. Every time the Canyon male gun passes by, he comes over to help push the line, so that Brother Li can push the snowball around without restraint.

Of course, Canyon's men's gun has no body odor, and in the early stage it just helps to clear the line without dirtying soldiers.

Thinking that the ICU jungler was waiting for him at home, Li Ge seized the opportunity of the last All-Star teammate experience card and started to drive the rhythm crazily.

Although Ah Shui and Bao Lan in the bottom lane took advantage of Thresh Draven's strength to seize Panson's vision opportunity and kill Mr. Dai once, but due to handing over the double call, they were quickly cooperated by Nunu who came pushing the snowball. Pan Sen's strong control easily won the double kill.

At 6 and a half minutes, Lin Chengta used his first big move to kill 369 for the fourth time, causing Jax to lose another wave of troops.

However, because Jax, who was carrying a counterattack storm, was killed by the tower, Dao Mei was also hit by the defensive tower and lost a lot of health, so Lin Cheng retreated immediately.

At this time, Rookie's Syndra had touched the left side of the stone man's bush.


Seeing that Dao Mei wanted to retreat, Rookie directly dodged.

As long as he dodges through the wall and hits RE, he can ensure the kill of the sword girl and extract the large bounty from Lin Cheng.

However, since Syndra's flash position was not close to the wall, Rookie's flash failed to get through and hit the wall directly.

So embarrassing.

Rookie flashed a little bee crying expression while going around the triangle grass, and what emerged was a QE extreme distance push ball.

Lin Cheng turned his head coquettishly and just missed Syndra's push.

But Lin Cheng didn't know that Syndra had flashed into the shadows and hit the wall. The sword girl who had carried the tower had less than one-third of her health. Syndra might have died after saving the ball and flashing it to the sword girl.

Seeing that Syndra was pressing forward even though her EQ was empty, while still showing off her expression, Lin Cheng felt that this was clearly a sure sign of victory!


Dao Mei didn't say anything but stepped aside as a sign of respect.

Rookie flashed another naughty Poro expression.

This wave is not a loss, it was a cheat.

Lin Cheng also responded with a naughty Poro expression.

Rookie used his acting skills to deceive a flash when he flashed into the wall and then pushed away, and felt that he could accept it.

As for Lin Cheng, he felt that his positioning and decisive flash in advance perfectly resolved the crisis, and he made money without giving away any bounty.

Neither side suffered a loss. This wave of detail games can be said to be the most effective program, and the audience in front of the screen laughed like crazy.

"It's so funny! Why are the two sides doing this?"

"Brother Chengzi is okay, he didn't know that Syndra didn't dodge, it's really cool to hit the wall with his cock."

"You can always trust Song Yijin, unless he is against the wall."

"What a dodge! There's another wall that Rookie can't get past."

"Rookie tried her best, and even deceived the knife girl into flashing in this situation."

"The middle lane tried its best, the bottom lane also played well in the lane, and the top lane kept delivering."

" # 369 status!"

After all, it was an entertainment game, and the two sides did not play very cautiously. With the big advantage of Dao Mei on the top lane, the red side chose to come over and take over a wave of vanguard team battles.

ADs from both sides did not arrive at the scene at the first time. The blind monk's Q vanguard came up to try and punish but failed, and a 4V4 battle broke out in the river.

Although Syndra's explosion cooperated with her teammates to kill Nunu first, Lin Cheng's sword girl became unable to handle it at this time. Pan Sen stepped forward, and the sword girl turned into a blue light and shadow and rushed in to chop at random.

Lin Cheng scored three kills.

It only lasted more than 9 minutes, and Lin Cheng killed eight people in a row, which was amazing.

Syndra, who was the only one left on the red side, did not run away. Rookie, who did not dodge, ran to the middle and was chased by Mr. Dai from the bottom lane, who flashed and chased him several times to complete the kill.

Tusin: "Why doesn't he dodge? Surely Syndra won't die if he dodges?"

Mr. Dai: "Did he dodge?"

Lin Cheng was very sure: "Yes! There must be! Syndra definitely still has flash, I swear!"

Faker: "Pay attention later, Syndra Province has flashed."

Rookie himself did not expect that his blind operation of flashing into the wall caused a lot of trouble to the opponent's judgment.

The opponent didn't know that I flashed and hit the wall, which meant that I still had flash.

The other side will think about it next time he touches me.

This time Delevingne did not participate in the direct battle, and Ah Shui was eating tapioca alone.

But Brother Shuizi is too greedy. After eating a wave of tapioca, he still wants to send another wave of troops into the tower.

At this time, Faker's Nunu had returned to the city and rushed to the second tower in the bottom lane.

Tusin Pansen started to jump directly in the middle.

Brother Shui Zi was really not afraid. In this situation, he immediately called his resurrected teammates for support. At the same time, he also wanted to kill Pan Sen who had fallen on the Great Desolate Star first.

Tusin held up the shield to delay, and then used W to stun to continue delaying, waiting for Nunu who was pushing the snowball to approach.

Even though he knew that support from the opposite side would arrive first, Brother Shui Zi didn't run away. He got up and turned around to chase after Pan Sen.

Regardless of whether it is an entertainment game or not, Brother Shui Zi always has this style. He always thinks about the operation at the first time. Although he can't stop when he kills suddenly, he can sometimes accurately seize any opportunity.

Draven's damage is really high. Tusin originally thought that the opponent's first reaction was to run, but now he was caught off guard by the counterattack.

The two flying axes spun wildly, and Draven managed to kill Pantheon alone before being hit by Nunu's huge snowball, but he was also killed by Nunu.

Three teammates from the red side arrived, but Nunu, who wanted to keep Brother Li, failed. Instead, Lin Cheng once again killed 369 in the top lane.

——LCK Cheng has slain LPL 369

"369 is a little more vulgar!"

"Why is Bai Jiahao dead again? Don't give it away!"

"0-6 in 10 minutes! You still said you didn't send it?"

"I didn't send it! I really didn't send it! The other side insisted on killing me."

369 felt aggrieved, "The grass hidden in front of the second tower is blocking me. What can I do? You all ran downstairs, and no one cared about me."

This wave of 369 is really miserable. The knife girl insidiously touched the autistic man squatting in the grass. Who would have thought of this?

I, Jax, am already at 0-5. Isn’t it too shameless that you, a very talented sword girl, are still teasing me like this?

Jax only had a vampire scepter and straw sandals. Even with his back to the second tower, he could not stop the dilapidated sword girl on the opposite side with iron boots and a noon quiver from killing him.

And not only did the top lane flourish, but while the three opponents were supporting the bottom lane, Mr. Dai in the middle lane was already leading the vanguard to demolish the second tower.

When Canyon started fighting from below, it released the vanguard Deft in the middle. With no one to defend in the middle, Samira was able to take down the opponent by herself.

The LPL side did not give in because of the disadvantage. Three old IG teammates teamed up to invade the lower half and caught Pan Sen who was doing vision in his own jungle area.

However, the junglers of both sides met in the first half of the jungle, and Canyon also completed a solo kill on Karsa.

The two sides fought extremely fiercely, and even the red side, which was obviously lagging behind in equipment, dared to come out and take the initiative to fight. Although the more they fought, the more they lost, but those who didn't know the momentum thought they were the leading side.

Of course, the place where the red side chose to fight was basically in the middle and lower half, and they did not run up and down to play with Tianfei Dao Mei.

There are eight people on the field fighting in a big brawl, and only 369 is taking a beating on the top lane.

Since it was an entertainment game, Lin Cheng, who had a big advantage, didn't think much about his teammates. He handed over TP and directly went around to attack a 0-6 Jax.

When caught, they were brutally killed, and 369 was beaten unconscious.

"The sword girl on the other side has no way to dodge and no TP!"

"I held Dao Girl back, you don't have to worry."

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