This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 799 Guarantee the order! Can win!

The K Cup schedule is very tight. After the group stage, there will be a six-to-four knockout round on Christmas Day, December 25th.

The top two teams in the two groups directly advance to the semi-finals without having to play a six-to-four match. The remaining four qualifying teams will be determined by two groups through two BO3s to determine the remaining two semi-final places.

Since they were ranked third in Group B to advance, KT's opponent in the sixth round and fourth place was Hanwha, who was second in Group A.

It is worth mentioning that Hanwha was intercepted by KT and then Hu Chaowei + Mr. Dai turned around and introduced Dove, who was frustrated in the sandbox, and Hybrid, who was the dean of the relegation team before. The previous K Cup group stage seemed to have good results.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the entire KT team arrived at LOL PARK by bus.

Under the epidemic, the flow of people in Grand Seoul Tower has been reduced a lot, and Lin Cheng was still showing off to his teammates while walking in the corridor of the Hall of Legends.

"Did you see this empty seat? This is the seat I reserved, Brother Cheng."

"Last year I told Kuro that I wanted to leave posters here, and he thought I was bragging."

"Based on my performance last year, who can compete with me for this position?"

Effort was envious, "It would be great if one day I could be left up there."

Lin Cheng patted him on the shoulder, "Little brother, behave well and try to give less. The seat behind Brother Cheng will be reserved for you... There are not many seats in the back. Zhixun, don't be anxious. Let's line up and take the seats in the back first." It’s covered.”

Lin Cheng started sharing cakes with his teammates without any shame.

In fact, Chovy is also very excited. Even if the outside world recognizes his strength, he will never be listed in the Hall of Legends without honor.

It's a pity that Lin Cheng can only play games with his two brothers.

Mr. Dai and Little Peanut were originally characters on the Legend Gallery. They pointed at their posters and showed off to Lin Cheng.

You are blowing the loan even before it is printed, but we have been on it for three years.

Lin Cheng complained that the two were childish and stopped discussing the topic.

After waiting in the lounge for a while, the KT team boarded the game seats and was about to start KT's first official BO3 game this year.

Today, the Korean commentary box is hosted by Lee Jung-hyun, and Kuro has officially become a permanent guest on the commentary box. The other permanent guest is Gorilla, Kuro's teammate during his time with the Tigers.

Lee Jung Hyun: "It's here! The first BO3 of KT's new lineup that countless fans have longed for is here. Although the previous group stage record was not very good, it still does not hinder our expectations for KT."

Gorilla: "No one doubts the strength of these players. They are undoubtedly the most watched galactic battleships in the LCK this year. However, League of Legends is a team game after all. It does not mean buying five very strong players and putting them together to create a strong team." Strong team.”

Kuro nodded, "Yes! From the first two days of games, it can be seen that the tacit understanding of our players is not enough, but I believe that with more and more games, KT will become stronger and stronger."

As a professional commentator, Kuro always reminds himself to pay attention to his words and not to show too obvious tendencies.

But he didn't notice and unconsciously used the words "our team members".

On the other hand, Lee Jung-hyun and Gorilla made fun of Kuro's words, and the commentary box was very lively.

All the comments on the Korean website were outrageous.

"us! KKKKK》

"Kuro is indeed from our KT team, there is nothing wrong with him"

"Life is KT people, death is KT soul!" 》

"Will the authorities just ignore it?" Now all the commentators and commentators are from KT. It’s outrageous! 》

"Looking forward to T1 being invincible in training matches and beating the faces of these people"

Hanwha's starting top order today is Dudu, and I don't know if Morgan, who has returned from studying in the LPL, has a chance to play against Lin Cheng.

Since Hanwha has accumulated five players in the upper and jungle positions, they are still using the K Cup to arrange and combine. Everyone has a chance to play, and the main upper and jungle players have not yet been determined.

Of course, despite the large number of people, the outside world does not have good comments about Hanwha and the five Ueno brothers.

No matter how much hot chicken you buy, can you still get one more person?

However, what is surprising is that Hanwha, a lineup that was not favored by the outside world, gave KT a disastrous start.

Lin Cheng really had a great advantage on the top lane with Jess, and Dudu could be said to be beaten without the ability to fight back.

But someone is cheating on the other side.

Dove's Zoe felt really explosive today. After taking two kills in the early stage, she continued to find opportunities to drive the rhythm with her equipment advantage. In the mid-term, flying stars and bubbles were like fixed-point explosions. If E hit, it would be a life.

The hybrid in the bottom lane got the strong version of Samira. After her teammates helped catch two waves, Samira also took off.

KT lost the first game unexpectedly.

In fact, Lin Cheng's loss was really frustrating. Even though he was caught twice in the early stage, he still beat him wildly with Dudu on the wing and ate a tower by himself. But when he encountered Zoe and the prematurely developed Samila is really helpless.

Kuro in the commentary box saw his blood pressure soar, and his remarks made KT fans burst into tears.

"Why don't you protect Jace? Knowing that Jace is pressing the line, why doesn't Peanut counter-crouch after swiping the stone man?"

"Dove handed over TP first to catch him, why did Chovy hand over TP to retrieve the line later?"

"If it were me, I would have gone to cover Jace a long time ago. We can't let Lin Cheng die!"

"In the mid-term, Jace's line of sight is too little. Although we know that Zoe's front view is stressful, we can't let Jace touch the black line."

"You're playing a game entirely based on Lin Cheng's sense of smell. How can you blame the top laner if you're caught dead?"

"If you don't know how to win, just keep your top lane. Choose a carry hero for Lin Cheng, don't let him die."

He seems to have not come out of his role as a KT player yet, and he wants to rush forward and give his teammates tips:

Guarantee your order! Can win.

In the lounge, KT's players were not in a very good mood.

With all the expectations of the audience, the new KT failed to perform convincingly after its debut, and everyone inevitably seemed a little frustrated.

The main reason is that the comparison with KT in the summer is too obvious. Online public opinion makes the new players say that it is impossible to have no pressure at all.

Lin Cheng had an indifferent attitude and made the classic pose of Qijiang Little Bear spreading his hands.

"Why are you so embarrassed? It's not a big deal if you just lost one game. I'll hold you steady and I'll do it."

"It doesn't matter. We are already stronger than our opponent. We are just temporarily sick."

"I'll be discharged from the hospital. Watch me repair the other side."

Lin Cheng's words made his teammates smile, and the atmosphere became relaxed for a moment.

Kang Dongxun, who originally planned to comfort the team members, stopped interrupting, and even did not plan the subsequent tactics, leaving the rest room for the team members to communicate.

Walking outside the door, Kang Dongxun couldn't help but laugh when he heard Lin Cheng's slightly middle-aged voice.

Originally, the biggest role of the K Cup for them was to fine-tune their lineup, but Kang Dongxun suddenly felt that KT had gained more.

Maybe that guy can really grow into a leader?

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