This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 816 Have you had enough trouble?

Lin Cheng pushed the line into the tower and confirmed that the crocodile had returned home. After Akali ate a layer of the tower skin, she decisively moved towards the middle.

Zeyuan: "Ouch! Brother Khan's laning performance in this game is not ideal. He can no longer handle the crocodile against Brother Chengzi. Akali is going to play in the middle."

Remember: "It's a bit unreasonable that the Crocodile can't stand in the lane in the early stage, but after all, the opponent is the strongest top laner in the world."

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi is still merciful. I felt like he was killed by the big wave just now, but the crocodile's wave of troops is still about dead or not. His TP is not good yet."

It was only over 12 minutes at this time, and Lucian's vanguard team had not recovered from the flash.

Lin Cheng communicated with Chaowei and deliberately moved from the jungle to the middle.

"Zhixun, the other side probably didn't notice me. Let's see if we can find an opportunity to strike first."

"Leopard Girl may be nearby."

"It doesn't matter, I can kill him."

The middle of this wave is Lucian's forward line, and Canyon is indeed covering near the lower river channel.

Seeing Akali coming from behind, Lucian leaned toward the grass in the river below.

Syndra had already grabbed the dark ball in advance, pushed forward and threw it out.

A three-point shot was made, Chaowei directly pressed E while the weak retreated and pressed Q skill at the same time.

The trajectories of the two magic balls at an acute angle were pushed out one after another.

When Xu Xiu saw Syndra's WE attack, she already made a sliding move with her E skill.

However, the Q skill condensed by Chaowei's backhand was pushed over and just hit Lucian who was sliding.

"Wuhu~~~This prediction is so cool."

Lin Cheng was originally ready to flash his ultimate move, but because of Chaowei's operation, he decisively saved his flash and rushed forward to kill Dazzling with his watch.

Lucian, who didn't dodge, couldn't operate at all. After being approached by Akali, he cooperated with Syndra and easily killed him.

The leopard girl next to her couldn't save Lucian even though she gave him a mouthful of milk. Instead, he was targeted by Lin Cheng.

Akali's second stage of her ultimate move rushes towards the Leopard Girl, she casts a cloud formation, adjusts her position and pulls to create a passive attack.

Mr. Dai just happened to be at the entrance of the jungle and set up his gun far away from the support. The perfect curtain call of the bullet-slowing Leopard Girl allowed Akali to score a double kill.

Zeyuan: "Here we come! Orange's classic top laner GANKs in the middle, and the victim is you Showmaker again! And this time it's a three-way attack. Jhin set up his gun below and Canyon didn't run away."

Remember: "Chovy's skills in this wave are very good. Syndra, who is generally proficient in pushing, really can't play well. The pressing position is so beautiful."

Zeyuan: "This is the charm of top players. Although the cooperation may not be so tacit, and there is a scene of serious disjointed team battles like the vanguard team just now, there is always someone among them who can stand up and make beautiful moves to drive the rhythm."

"It's so classic and spicy! Top lane GANKs in the middle!"

"Xu Xiu is really numb. He is the mid laner who gets ganked by Orange Brother the most, right? Hahaha."

"This wave of super powerful Syndra looks great."

"Kuro Syndra is also great. I finally see the shadow of Kuro in Chaowei."

"Super Visendra is okay, but his Czar doesn't have the internal flavor of Kuro."

"It seems that if you want to be teammates with Brother Chengzi, you must be able to master Syndra's unique skills."

"The broiler also has Syndra, wouldn't it mean that Brother Cheng will transfer to IG next year?"

"Where's Teacher Shai? You want to usurp the throne, right?

"Teacher Shai can transfer to AD, so you don't have to look at the # Wink # status in the future."

This wave killed the opponent's midfielder, and Lin Cheng immediately helped Syndra push the line and eat a wave of tapis.

Because Jhin ran to support, Aphelios, who was pushing the line below, released the Rift Herald on him and almost pulled out the first-health tower.

However, as long as the first blood tower is not dropped, this wave of KT will be profitable.

Because of the death of the blue midfielder, Peanut quickly and easily controlled the second refreshed dragon.

The situation on the field is still quite anxious, and the red side is slightly ahead of the economy.

Aphelios on the blue side takes the lead in development, while the economic lead on the red side is concentrated on Akali.

The equipment on the top lane was really too far apart. Before Brother Khan could come out with his mythical suit, he was forced home by Lin Cheng. Olaf took advantage of the situation and came over to help pull out a tower at 14 and a half minutes.

After taking down a tower and returning to the city for repairs, Lin Cheng already had the Canyon Maker, Magic Shoes, and a 10th-level murder book.

It was dull on the field for a while.

Brother Khan started to double queue with the second tower on the top lane, and Lin Cheng just kept wandering in the jungle to put pressure on the opponent, making Xiaohuahua feel more comfortable in the jungle.

Originally, the hero Olaf was chosen to control the map resources in the early and mid-term. Except for losing the first vanguard, this little peanut did a pretty good job.

KT did not take the initiative to attack, but DWG wanted to gain an advantage by grabbing orders, but could not find the opportunity.

When the crocodile is held down, it is difficult for the Leopard Girl to cause trouble in the upper half, and Akali cannot catch it at all.

And since Lin Cheng held the teleport in his hand, the other half of the area was actually not easy to move. It would be very uncomfortable if Akali TP took over the endgame if a fight accidentally started.

As a result, the two sides once started mutual brushing mode.

When the third dragon was about to be refreshed, Brother Han was unlucky and was single-killed by Lin Cheng on the wing. With his ultimate move also being played, DWG could only let KT Dragon Soul listen to the cards.

Except for Canyon's symbolic failure to grab the dragon, no large-scale fight broke out between the two sides.

Everyone knew that the two sides were going to duel in Dragon Soul.

This game is Fire Dragon Soul, and it is impossible to release the fourth dragon DWG.

Originally, the DWG lineup had an advantage in the late stage, but it would be different if KT got the Fire Dragon Soul. In the late stage, Jhin would be unable to withstand a kid with one shot.

In the 24th minute, the battle between the two sides in Xiaolong District started as scheduled.

After securing the river position first, this wave of DWG caused a lot of trouble for KT.

Before the fight even started, Aphelios with the green and white swords took advantage of Zhejing's resident spirit and Tongbi's hand length to cripple Seti, and directly threw Qinghui Ye Ning down.

If Effort hadn't activated the W cross-dodge and ran back, he would have been sniped to death by Aphelios from a distance.

With almost a numerical advantage, DWG turned directly to attack Xiaolong.

However, KT was very stubborn and did not choose to give up.

Aphelios's damage was already terrible when the opponent stood in a good position, and KT didn't want to delay it any longer.

Sett was unable to enter the field and take the lead. When he hit Aphelios with a super-powerful long-distance push, Little Peanut activated his ultimate move and rushed in.

Jhin is holding a gun in the back.

DWG decisively gave up Xiaolong and took up the fight.

The spirit-resident and through-arms made the flywheel on Aphelios look extremely scary. The little peanut flash just stuck to Aphelios' face. Aphelios, who woke up from the dizziness, hit Olaf's face with two backhand swords. Bloody hands.

You know, this version shows that the two-piece set of Thirsty Blood + Bloody Hand is very meaty, but it still can't stand in front of Fahrenheit's Aphelios, Lucian and Leopard Girl.

Remember: "Seti was crippled by the first strike, does KT still want to fight? This Aphelios sword is very scary."

Zeyuan: "Young people are fearless. Little Peanut charges! Wow! This Fahrenheit is simply terrifying! Guigui is invincible this time. This formation only needs the A floor to win."

However, outside the camera, Lin Cheng's Akali has already moved around.

He landed on the blue square triangular grass, just in a position where he was not discovered by his opponent.

The opponent's attention was on Olaf, and Lin Cheng accelerated around the corner wall of the river dragon pit and rushed into Aphelios with his ultimate move.

The crocodile with hard control is looking at the red team personnel from the front, and Thresh is protecting Aphelios from the side.

Seeing Akali's ultimate move, Beryl quickly took action with the Pendulum of Doom.

But Lin Cheng directly RE shot Falcon Dance in the air, and Akali somersaulted past Aphelios while avoiding Thresh's E skill.

Sprinkling the cloud formation at his feet, Lin Cheng waited for a moment and adjusted his position inside the cloud formation to avoid Thresh's hook.

Olaf struck Aphelios with his axe, and the effect seemed to be okay.

But Aphelios fought back with a full body of flying wheels, and Olaf, whose bloody hand had been knocked off, immediately lost a large part of his health bar.

The ghostly Aphelios looks like a god of war.

Coupled with the output of Lucian and Leopard Girl, Little Peanut quickly ran out of health.

At this time, the interval between the two ultimate moves has passed, and Lin Cheng activated the second E skill.

Akali transforms into a green shadow and rushes in. When she hits the ground, she hits the Hidden Dragon Seal to deal damage while casting a cold shadow.


Emerald light spread across the battlefield.

Aphelios, who looked like a god of war just now, knelt down in the river, and densely packed silver-white flywheels were still flying around the corpse of the Ghost King.

During Lin Cheng's operation of RE entering the battlefield and disappearing into the Xia formation, everyone on the opposite side except Thresh focused on Olaf for the first time. No one put any restrictions on him. In an instant, Lin Cheng dropped Ephi. Lucius.

Ghost didn't even use his double moves until he died, evaporating at the speed of light.

Under the lens of the contestants, Lin Cheng raised the corners of his mouth evilly.

Have you had enough trouble?

Stinky AD.

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