This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 837 The youthful storm of T1 in the new season?

Lin Cheng played with Enxi for a while, and his wife also came out after taking a bath.

"Yo yo! You are so pretty, please give me a smile."

Lin Cheng liked to tease his young wife no matter what, and Xiao Tong was not angry, she just came up to him and stared at his face.

"What are you doing?"

"Lin Cheng, why is the skin on your face so dry? Did you get sunburned while skiing? You don't even look handsome anymore."


"I lied to you. You are a dog. It looks very rough. I'm going to get a mask and apply it on you. Just wait."

Lin Cheng didn't notice Xiao Tong's speech disorder, and confirmed with Han Shuyan a little worriedly, "Sister Shuyan, is the skin on my face really dry? I didn't feel it even after taking a shower just now."

"A little bit...just a little bit."

Lin Cheng believed it now, because Sister Shuyan would not lie to him.

However, he still approached Zheng Shiyan reluctantly: "Sister Shiyan, please look at it for me, what's wrong with my face?"

Zheng Shiyan glanced casually and saw Han Shuyan winking at her secretly from behind.

"Yeah~~~a little bit."

Lin Cheng confirmed this and touched his cheek with a little worry.

Brother Cheng is an idol, so nothing can happen to this handsome face.

Although the little girl stood on tiptoes and touched Lin Cheng's cheek and said sweetly, "Uncle's face is not dry at all," Lin Cheng did not pay attention to Enxi's words.

What do children know?

He completely forgot that sometimes only children might tell the truth.

"Come on, come on! Lin Cheng, please lie down and don't move. Sister Tong will give you a cleansing mask first and then replenish the water."

Xiao Tong brought a bag containing skin care products and a basin of warm water.

Lin Cheng lay down obediently, being stared at by several pairs of eyes, feeling a little shy for no reason.

"Close your eyes and apply it on your eyelids."


Lin Cheng obediently obeyed, unaware that Xiao Tong winked proudly after he closed his eyes.

Just now in the bathroom, Xiao Tong suggested teasing Lin Cheng. Unable to stop her from acting coquettishly, Han Shuyan chose to sacrifice her boyfriend.

Soon, Lin Cheng's face was covered with facial mask.

"Don't open your eyes. Stretch out your hands. You seem to have hangnails on your hands. I'll apply some nail polish and moisturizer on you to protect your hands and nails."

"Hey! You girls are too delicate, aren't you? Do you have anything to protect your nails?"

"Stop talking nonsense and just do it."


"My hand is stuck with the mask. Sister Shuyan, please come and apply it on him."

Lin Cheng closed his eyes and let them do what they did. The little girl beside him tried to say something several times, but Xiao Tong covered her mouth.

After a while, Lin Cheng's head was pushed into the basin and the facial mask was washed off.

"Let's see, is it better?"

"Hmm~~~ It seems true."

Lin Cheng reached out and touched his cheek. Feeling refreshed, he suddenly saw a different color in the corner of his eye.

Putting his fingers in front of his eyes, the nails on the ten fingers of his hands were suddenly painted with bright nail polish, and the colors on each nail were different.

"Yeah!!! Xiao Tong!"

Seeing Lin Cheng's fingers trembling in the air and his eyes wide with anger, the three girls couldn't help laughing, and even the little girl Enxi also laughed naively.

"Don't yell at me! I didn't do it, I just put a mask on you, I swear."

Facing Xiao Tong's explanation, Lin Cheng was angry: "Who did it if it wasn't you? Could it be Sister Shuyan?"

Han Shuyan pursed her lips and shook her head in denial, her curved eyes full of smiles.

Sister Shuyan would not lie to herself, Lin Cheng looked at Zheng Shiyan aggressively.

As a result, Zheng Shiyan just looked over with a blank expression, and Lin Cheng's momentum suddenly disappeared.

"Not me either."

Sister Shiyan really doesn’t have the temperament to do such a thing.

After trying so hard to find the murderer, Lin Cheng's momentum inevitably dropped, and he could only make a bluff threat:

"Who did this? If you don't stand up, I will have no choice but to fire map cannons!"

"Don't blame me for destroying the flowers."

"Three little girls are going to join forces to deal with me, right? I'm going to take care of you today..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Cheng's head was covered by Xiao Tong's quilt.

"Hit him quickly, he actually called us little bitches."


After staying at the ski resort for two days, everyone finally returned home happily, and Lin Cheng also started preparing for the new season.

The version at the beginning of the season actually changed a lot, especially the strength of various props in the mythical version that still needs to be discussed. Riot can only try to balance it through frequent version adjustments.

This has also led to various teams' training match lineups during this period, and everyone is exploring various lineup strengths. Even the training matches can be said to be very different from the K Cup half a month ago.

Due to concerns about the recurrence of the epidemic, the LCK organizers decided to hold the Spring Split as an online match after careful consideration.

The main reason is that a few days ago, a baseball player was diagnosed with infection after the game, which caused the Korean Professional Baseball League to be temporarily suspended. Korean Riot Games does not want this to happen in the LCK.

On January 13, the 2021 LCK Spring Split officially started.

KT did not play on the first day of the game, but T1, which has attracted much attention during this period, played against Hanwha in the opener.

Because news of T1's random killings in training matches spread, everyone is curious whether T1 has really changed after the new coaching staff.

KT's players also watched the first day of the game at the base, wanting to see other teams' understanding of the version.

T1, which had a ten-man roster in the opening game, sent out a youth army, and the elderly double-C Li Ge and Teddy, including Cuzz, all sat on the bench.

T1's new coaching staff is nothing short of bold.

Of the five starting players on the field, only top laner Canna and support Keria have one year of complete LCK game experience. The other players have only played two or three months at most. This is almost a group of newcomers playing on the field.

Are they preparing for a youth storm?

I'm afraid Faker's fans didn't expect that they sent wreaths and got on the bus to prevent LS from taking office, but the new coach didn't seem to give Li Ge trust.

Of course, no matter what Faker fans think, T1 started the new season in good shape and defeated Hanwha 2:1.

The most eye-catching thing is T1's new bottom lane combination. The duo of Gumayusi and Keria made Hanwha's bottom lane miserable.

Regardless of whether there was jungle intervention or not, Xiao Lu Bu and Keria actually defeated Hanwha's bottom lane in three consecutive games purely by relying on the laning.

You know, KT's bot lane didn't actually take any advantage against Hanwha's bot lane in the K Cup. This time, Hanwha's duo was directly beaten against T1's newcomer bot lane.

Although Hanwha won one game, they had a big disadvantage in the early stages of the three games. This T1 team seemed to be very capable in the early stage.

Of course, the financial comeback by Hanwha 7,000 also shows that the young people in T1 still lack experience.

After the laning period, T1's mid- to late-game decisions seemed very confusing, and some of the decisions even made the audience feel outrageous.

Despite this, T1 fans are still happy enough.

After all, Hanwha and KT both played BO3 in the K Cup, and judging from the performance on the field, T1's early suppression power was even stronger than that of their arch-enemy KT.

As long as the decision-making issues in the middle and late stages are solved, T1, which is full of operational weirdness, will really have a bright future.

As for how to solve the decision-making problem, some fans have already thought about it for the coaching staff.

Wouldn't it be nice to bring Faker up?

Who will have more experience than him?

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