This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 849 Colonel: Clid can be of some use

Remember: "Hey! Laifu is doing something. What does this lantern mean? Is there someone behind it? But you have to see if the person on the other side believes it."

Tong Xi: "This wave is a bit of a mistake. Aphelios has controlled three of them. If Thresh had given the lantern behind, he wouldn't have died, but Thresh used the lantern to stage an empty city strategy."

In this way, because Laifu failed to play tricks, KT gained a certain advantage in all three ways in the early stage.

Peanut took advantage of the situation and won the first dragon under the cover of the double team.

At 8 minutes, Effort ran up and took a field view near the vanguard.

"Do you want to directly attack the vanguard?"

"If I don't fight, I won't have a big move. Lee Sin and Renekton both have big moves."

Just now, Lin Cheng and Rascal took the initiative to fight on the top lane. Although he knocked the crocodile home, Gnar had already used his ultimate move.

They obviously cannot defeat the Pioneers before the Crocodiles return to the line, and they will easily suffer losses if they play in the top half rashly.

Moreover, GEN·G's support also disappeared in the bottom lane. KT was not sure that they had a numerical advantage in the top half and was not prepared to mess around.

After communicating with his teammates, Effort squatted in the grass behind the red buff and started to return to the city.

The blue party's divination pollen sprinkled over and found Seti returning to the city.

Thresh rushed down the river from the intersection on the back of the blue BUFF.

Effort just put his real eye in the grass in the middle of the river, but because he was shopping on Taobao, he didn't notice the location of Thresh at the first time.

"Sang Ho! Be careful."

However, Lin Cheng's reminder was too late.

Syndra walked out of the grass in the middle and pushed the ball from a long distance to stun Seti in the grass.

Thresh hooks in the river.

Syndra's energy poured down.

Sett didn't flash, and even though his remaining health enabled W Fist and he lasted for two more seconds, he was still killed by Syndra's Q skill.

Although Peanut and Chaowei arrived one after another, Cli's blind monk also covered them.

When Zoe's bubble was emptied, the red side failed to leave any personnel on the opposite side.

If Rascal hadn't promptly reported the news of Gnar's disappearance on the top lane, I'm afraid the three GEN·G would have chosen to fight back.

Remember: "Hey! What's going on with Effort? This wave of mistakes is a bit big. Seeing that Laifu did it just now, he also started."

Tong Xi: "Did you go shopping there? It's rare to see professional players make such mistakes. He was photographed for a long time, and Thresh ran to the grass in the river. Seti is still returning to the city."

Because of Boseti's death, the blue side decisively activated the Canyon Herald.

Zoe and Yanqiao were nearby to provide pressure.

GEN·G is also very stable. When playing vanguard, it has already called Aphelios in the bottom lane, ensuring that it must win this strategic resource point.

"Don't get fired! You can release the vanguard, and Luka'Sa will eat the plating as soon as possible."

Discovering that Aphelios had appeared in the middle, KT immediately made an exchange choice.

Mr. Dai took advantage of the unguarded bottom lane to eat two layers of tapioca by himself, and GEN·G got the Canyon Pioneer as he wished.

In fact, this wave of Chi Emperor suffered the most. I sent out lines to support and walked around the streets but didn't get anything. I came with the red and white swords, but there was no fight at all.

This is already the norm for AD in the Rift Pioneer version. Unless the bottom lane can push the lane stably, it will be very uncomfortable for AD if his teammates call him for Vanguard support in 8 minutes.

Forget it when it comes to fighting. You have already reached the middle, but your teammates suddenly tell you that you don't have to come.

Then if you want to take a wave of soldiers in the middle lane but still get pinged, you can only cry secretly while looking at the large wave of soldiers in the bottom lane under your own tower.

In fact, KT's exchange of Tappi for the vanguard in the bottom lane was acceptable, but the rhythm of the following wave was very uncomfortable.

After Clid defeated the vanguard, he first inserted an accessory eye above the dragon pit, then picked up the vanguard eye and W touched the dragon pit, then went around and prepared to grab the upper road.

The view of the red square river had been eliminated, and Lin Cheng only had a view of the triangle grass. He did not expect that the blind monk would touch his wild area alone.

Gnar stayed up there for a while, but since the line of troops was stuck outside the blue square tower, Lin Cheng had no choice but to return to the city when the opponent finished fighting the vanguard.

Under Lin Cheng's judgment, the opposing jungler should have quickly returned to the city after getting the vanguard, so he went up again and prepared to put pressure on the crocodile.

Just as Rascal's two E steps came up to force out Gnar's E skill, he saw the blind monk emerging from above the triangle grass.

At this time, Little Gnar was in his form and his anger was not good. Seeing that the blind monk was about to leave behind, Lin Cheng could only cross-dodge, but Clid also flashed, and directly hit the floor to slow down, R, and kicked Knar out of the tower. .

Little Gnar was thrown in front of the crocodile like a ball. The blind monk RQQ had no time and quickly knocked down Little Gnar's health.

The crocodile easily took off the head.

As soon as Lin Cheng died, the blind monk still carried the vanguard. GEN·G Ueno directly pushed the line and took two layers of tower skins, and then the blind monk released the vanguard.

Due to the super power in the middle, Syndra was watching, and no one could defend in time. It was very rare that Lin Cheng's first tower was captured first.

Remember: "Wow!!! This wave of Clid's spirituality! They were very bold in the jungle and caught Brother Chengzi to death. I don't know when was the last time that Brother Chengzi's tower fell first."

Tong Xi rarely had a sense of humor: "The last time Brother Chengzi was destroyed in a tower was the last time."

I remember laughing out loud: "That's right! But this wave of Clid's GANK route is really too spiritual. When his teammates were all gone and he had no vision, he actually touched the opposite jungle area to circle back. He was really brave. .”

Hitomi: "That's right! He has a vanguard and no real eyes. If he is caught in the opposite jungle, he will probably die, because KT's mid and top players have lane rights. Fortunately, he is lucky, and Yanjai is not on top. Half zone.”

Remember: "I can only say that I have become more confident! Blind Sin is Clid's most iconic hero, and his whole person is completely different. It just so happens that this wave of luck is on his side."

"Brother Chengzi is down! (crying voice)"

"It's Chinese New Year! Today I got Brother Orange's head for the first time!"

"You brat, you think I can't kill you, right?"

"Clid gave it away like that in the first game. Are there any substitutions for this game?"

"Trivia: After the first game, the senior college student posted on Weibo: Clid can be useful."

"This is unscientific! The senior colonel performed Clid himself and didn't stretch his crotch?"

"Get better! Kneel down in the main living room."


The first blood tower and the kills directly allowed GEN·G to overtake the economy.

This is the first time in today's game that GEN·G has taken the lead in the economic panel, although it is only ahead by 200 yuan.

Lin Cheng was a little annoyed. He had been very careful this time. He waited for more than ten seconds and waited for Syndra and Seti to show up before he went out and tried to push the line. Unexpectedly, he was caught by Clid, an old cunt. .

On the other side, the GEN·G members became happy.

The teammates shouted "Nice" one after another, and the chubby Clid smiled like a chrysanthemum.

Finally felt proud for once.

In the last game, I sent, reversed the rhythm, and ganked my teammates.

But I know that I am a good jungler.

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