This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 854 Chapter 852 Off-field rhythm! New and old grudges!

In the first week of the game, each LCK team will play two games. After defeating GEN·G to get a good start, KT ushered in their second opponent LSB only one day later.

This season's sandbox can be described as having a bad time.

The original main top laner Summit was poached by a North American team with a high salary. LSB, which had just received a sponsorship, did not want to fail. They took over Dolan, who performed well in DRX last season, and worked hard to maintain competitiveness.

Although there has gradually been a gap with DWG, who came up from the secondary league at the time, LSB has been a team near the middle of the LCK for the past two years.

They are middle-class horses that can advance to the playoffs if they work hard, and there is always a chance to play in the bubble competition. Maybe if they are lucky enough, they can make an appearance in the World Championship.

After taking over Dolan, LSB's original lineup was relatively complete, but something happened to their main jungler Onfleek.

Because his ranking was cheated by LPL youth training players, this guy actually turned on the map cannon out of his mind while writing a small essay to report, and rose to national heights.

Riot Games naturally would not sit idly by and immediately imposed a ban on Onfleek for three official games in the new season and a fine of 1 million Korean won.

This is not over yet. Riot's suspension is not serious, but Sandbox Club officially said that the strong man broke his wrist and tripled the punishment based on Riot's punishment.

Sandbox officially announced that Onfleek would be suspended for half a season, fined 3 million won and 30 hours of community work, and the players were required to write a public apology in handwritten letters.

The punishment imposed by the LSB club can be said to be quite severe. He was excluded from the main lineup for half a season and was unable to participate in training matches. Onfleek's career is likely to be devastated.

In fact, the sandbox's rapid response has something to do with Lin Cheng.

When the incident occurred, not only was it being condemned in China, but viewers in South Korea also engaged in high-intensity online violence against Onfleek.

You must know that Lin Cheng is Chinese, this guy even scolded Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng didn't do anything radical, he just cursed in Chinese on Youtube and liked the LSB club.

He didn't even make it clear whether he was scolding Onfleek or the Sandbox Club.

Then KT fans rushed LSB.

KT fans left messages on LSB's official social account, demanding LSB severely punish Onfleek, and some even threatened to burn down the LSB base.

Even on that day, there were people carrying baseball bats and squatting on the line at the entrance of the LSB base, hoping to gank a jungler in the sandbox.

Although KT officials asked Lin Cheng to delete the curse words and fined Lin Cheng a symbolic 100,000 won out of influence considerations, they immediately published an article severely criticizing Onfleek's inappropriate behavior and demanding LSB The club apologized.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that KT is clearly trying to support Lin Cheng.

What the hell is a fine of 100,000 won? This is too perfunctory.

100,000 Korean won converted into RMB is less than 600 yuan.

You know, Lin Cheng's basic salary is almost 50,000 yuan per day, which means that KT only fined Lin Cheng about 17 minutes of salary.

This is calculated based on the equal salary spread over 24 hours a day. If Lin Cheng happened to be sleeping during these 17 minutes, wouldn't it be equivalent to no fine?

Lin Cheng directly cursed and the behavior of the Aite Club was not appropriate. Even if they insist on it, LSB can also sue Riot to blame Lin Cheng for inciting fans.

Just because of Lin Cheng's speech, KT fans increased their efforts to charge towards the sandbox club like mad dogs, and some players went offline to gank the sandbox. In fact, he was not completely wronged.

As a result, after KT's operation, LSB, who was unreasonable, did not dare to express his opinion on Lin Cheng, and they could only accept it.

Sandbox quickly issued an official statement apologizing for the player's inappropriate behavior and issued a heavy fine.

To be honest, Lin Cheng was not very angry about the incident itself. It was obvious that Onfleek was all about interacting with teammates in the game.

Lin Cheng's public trolling is to express his position.

You can be angry, you can scold those who cheated you, but you cannot rise to the level of the country.

When Lin Cheng was being acted out, he would occasionally fire a map cannon and curse "these bastards", but he was just so angry that he was only targeting the guy who messed with him, and had no intention of scolding his teammates as well.

More importantly, Lin Cheng would never write such words into the report letter.

Essays written by professional players in the Korean server are reviewed by dedicated personnel, but you must not write anything that comes from your mind.

It can only be said that Internet-addicted teenagers suffer the consequences of being uneducated. Ordinary players are drowning in the sea of ​​online trolls, but professional players must always pay attention to their own behavioral norms.

Old grudges remain, and new grudges are added.

Lin Cheng originally made it clear that he had objections to the sandbox because of the Onfleek incident. After learning about Fate's remarks in the last post-game interview, Lin Cheng even said that he would let his opponents see what it means to be a beaten top laner.

The audience began to worry for Dolan.

Lin Cheng made it clear that he was going to kill him.

Under the attention of the melon-eating crowd, the game between KT and LSB started.

In the first game, Lin Cheng took out Jace's Gnar to face Dolan.

Lin Cheng played very fiercely in this game. As soon as Jace came up, he grabbed the early grass and made a fierce move. He drove Dolan's Gnar out of the experience area with his pawn.

Moreover, Lin Cheng didn't push the line, and only used the experience gained by Tai Dao to suppress Gnar. Dolan ate up the experience of two soldiers and was chased by Jace.

Lin Cheng didn't even deliberately block the ranged soldiers' aggro and point people who crossed the line. Lin Cheng used the grass on the side to exert crazy pressure.

Lin Cheng quickly established an advantage in level and health, while Gnar was in a state where he basically had no experience.

Due to Lin Cheng's early HP and level advantages and the disparity in the number of minions, LSB's jungler Rock Bird did not go up to GANK in time, but it also did not form enough protection for Dolan.

The military line was also slowly pushing forward, and Gnar huddled under the tower to resist the pressure.

But at the moment of reaching level three, Jace in Lin Cheng Hammer form flashed his Q directly towards Gnar who was a little inside the tower.

Gnar only had one level of health and was not healthy. After taking damage from the hammer-form Q skill, Dolan quickly dodge.

Lin Cheng switched forms and accelerated towards the outside of the tower, then turned around and blasted Gnar with a QE shot.

Being forced to flash and being disabled, Gnar could only return to the city to turn in TP to replenish the line.

Although Dolan had already called the jungler to cover him and take down a wave of tower offline, Lin Cheng's actions were more decisive than his opponent expected.

Seeing Nar facing the T defense tower, Lin Cheng knew that the rock bird must be nearby, but he didn't care.

Just when Dolan's TP landed, a huge wave of blue soldiers had already entered the tower.

Jace walked into the defense tower, and the QE strengthened the cannon and hit Gnar under the tower.

Relying on the acceleration of the vertical door, Jess took two steps forward to carry the tower and switch to Q mode.

In the lightning field, Jace's three light speed hammers in hammer form directly dropped one level of Gnar in seconds.

Since Jace had just charged the tower and had less than two-thirds of his health after taking the potion, Lin Cheng would naturally not be able to survive if he charged the tower like this and was replaced by the defensive tower.

But Gnar's line had exploded.

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