This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 866: Finding the starter will count as success

The guests in the commentary box of the Korean stream are on the line, but the Chinese stream is much more harmonious.

Today's Chinese commentators are Zeyuan and 957. The two of them have no personal opinions. The focus of the pre-game analysis is on other things.

Zeyuan: "Here it comes! Today, T1's starting lineup has come out. Brother Li has confirmed his starting appearance. All Faker fans, hurry up and start the live broadcast."

"When Brother Li was away, many viewers threatened not to watch the T1 game. Today, you can watch with confidence."

957: "T1's lineup has changed a lot this season. After seven games in the spring split, there were a total of five lineup combinations. Many netizens are making fun of the T1 coaching staff's permutations and combinations."

Zeyuan: "There is no way! Maybe Director Danny has never fought such a rich battle in his life. Suddenly he has so many outstanding players and he has no idea where to start. The training match lineup seems to have not achieved the expected effect at the beginning, so he can only play one by one I tried them one by one slowly.”

957: “But such frequent rotations can easily cause problems with players’ mentality, and replacing players after losing a game will not have any effect.”

"The main reason is that there are too few samples now, so it may not be possible to explain the problem. Don't worry! After T1 tests all the lineups, they may find the five most suitable people."

Zeyuan's tone was a bit unbearable: "Hey! Some enthusiastic netizens have already counted. There are a total of 24 permutations and combinations of the ten players on the T1 roster. Take your time! There is no rush."

The leg brother is very honest: "They don't play 24 games in a season, right? I remember that the LCK Spring Split only has 18 games in total?"

"It doesn't matter! The Spring Split is not finished and there is still a Summer Split."

Zeyuan said angrily: "It's only February now, and the World Championship is in October. There is still enough time for T1 to slowly arrange it. It doesn't matter if the start is slow. If you find the starter, you will be successful!"

The live broadcast room was flooded with barrages.

"Gan! If you find the starter, you will be successful, 233333."

"The senior colonel has always been good at yin and yang."

"There's really no rush! It's only February now, enough time for T1's entire lineup to test it out."

"To tell a joke, Keria may not even know which teammates she will play with until the moment before the game starts."

"Little K: I also want to play permutation and combination. Please play with me."

"This coach messed with me, Brother Li, and took the blame for beating DK and KT."


While the commentary was teasing, players from both sides were ready at the base and entered BP after confirmation by the referee.

In the first game, T1 BAN first on the blue side.

As soon as it came up, T1 directly banned Dao Mei.

957: "You still won't let me go. Orange Brother and Brother Cheng will not let me go in the spring game, right?"

"No problem at all! Protect Zeus. If you encounter Brother Orange's sword girl in the second game of your career, it will be too cruel for this top laner who has high hopes."

Zeyuan said with a hint of sympathy in his tone, "Besides, Brother Chengzi said before the game that he would help T1 arrange and combine well. Zeus may be a little difficult to handle today."

KT on the red side dropped the card with a backhand BAN, limiting Faker's rhythm.

The second BAN slot on the blue side is given to Samila.

If the blue side doesn't grab this hero, the red side will most likely take it if they have two backhand picks.

KT chose Aphelios for the second BAN position.

Zeyuan: "Aphelios! Little Lu Bu used Aphelios to get five kills in the previous game. It's really worth noting."

957: "Tsuki Jinchuriki, I feel like he is the most outstanding Aphelios user in LCK this year."

KT's BAN player mainly protects the bottom lane.

It’s not like the two sides have never played before in training matches. When T1 got the hammer combination, it was very strong online, and KT would be more difficult to handle in the bottom lane.

The attributes of the newcomers' monsters are fully maxed out. T1's two bot laners are extremely capable in lane and can often have a great advantage in lane. In the previous games, they got the enemy's combination of Aphelios + Thresh. The first tower on the bottom lane almost didn't last more than 14 minutes before the skin was eaten.

Of course, in addition to having full laning attributes, little Lu Bu also has obvious problems.

Judging from the previous games, when the advantage was gained in the early stage, Little Lu Bu was the God of War, but once the advantage was lost, Little Lu Bu became confused in team battles.

Not to mention disadvantaged situations, problems often arise in balanced situations.

This is somewhat similar to the problem of his brother who plays StarCraft.

The God of War in the Tailwind Bureau has a 200% bonus to Tailwind's combat power. Once the Tailwind fails, it may not even be able to perform at 70% of its own level.

However, Xiao Lu Bu may be more likely to have a lack of experience as a newcomer, and may not have no chance to make corrections.

The blue side gave the third BAN slot to Olaf.

Zeyuan: "Oh? This hand of Olaf is a bit unexpected. Brother Orange, don't you show respect to Qinggang Ying? Would you rather BAN Olaf and ignore Qinggang Ying?"

957: "The main reason is that the bloodthirsty + blood-hand warriors are so powerful now. Warriors like Olaf, who have strong blood-sucking abilities, use a set that is both meaty and effective. Serious injuries cannot limit all kinds of blood-sucking."

"In the LPL game a few days ago, Doinb Kled was thirsty for blood and Bloodhand rushed in with three people and killed Xia, who had a 1,000 bounty. The opponent couldn't kill him at all."

Zeyuan: "Hey! Maybe Riot Games decided to make an emergency nerf after watching that game. In the next version 11.3, Thirsty Blood and Bloody Hands are already confirmed to be nerfed, and Olaf's jungler may not be seen by then. ,"

The red side KT disabled the rock bird.

Lin Cheng said that he wanted to destroy the opponent's top lane, so he tried to avoid T1 joining the jungle.

Both the banned cards and the rock bird have a part of the meaning of preventing the opponent's gang from going on the road.

Starting to select players, the blue square T1 directly locked Kai'Sa on the first floor.

KT immediately locked Thresh + Udyr with a backhand on the red side.

Zeyuan: "Udyr! It smells so good! After being screwed by Pyosik last time, more and more little peanuts started to choose Udyr."

957: "This version of Udyr is good against jungle cores such as Leopard Girl, Male Spear, and Lilia, and equipped with a Thresh, it can also make up for Udyr's short legs in team battles."

Seeing that the opponent played Nosuke first, T1 locked Gnar in seconds on the second floor of the blue side.

This move means to grab the BAN.

Ever since Lin Cheng said in his last interview that Gnar was invincible, he had taken Gnar every time he had the chance. In this game, because Udyr was played first and paired with Thresh, there was no chance to grab Gnar.

After grabbing Gnar first, the blue square revealed the Czar on the third floor.

"Is it the Tsar again?"

Zeyuan laughed out loud.

957: “This version of Tsar has been strengthened, and I feel there is no problem.”

Zeyuan: "But before it was strengthened, T1 kept getting the tsar for Brother Li. The last time, Brother Li played three tsar games and lost, and then he was carried off."

The barrage is already full of question marks.

"??? The Tsar again?"

"I threw up! Are you still planning to play my brother Li?"

"Sit back and wait for me to be carried off after losing the first game."

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