This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 873 News agency tragedy!

The LCK director was very good. After Chaowei's first-person perspective replay, he also showed footage of the T1 players.

After Brother Li was killed alone, he was a little disappointed and bit his fingers and said something to his teammates, while Ellim overturned in the wild and kept a dark face without saying a word.

In T1's team voice, only Faker said a few regretful words, and the others seemed to have been banned.

Zeyuan: "This team's voice sounds like there's something wrong with the mentality of T1's players!"

957: "After all, we are all young players, and it is really difficult to stabilize our mentality in this situation."

Zeyuan: "Actually, Brother Li has been shown off several times when facing Chaowei, but Chaowei shows off, and usually T1 can win the game. However, this season, with strong teammates, I feel that Chaowei may have to rewrite it." The winning rate against Faker."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Cheng single-killed Gnar again on the road.

This time it was a solo attack on the tower.

The short CD of Gnar's ultimate also caused Silas to steal faster. Just when he could steal the opponent's ultimate skill for the second time, Lin Cheng chose to use Gnar to charge the tower in anger.

Little Gnar was too brittle, even though his E skill and flash were combined, he was pulled in by Lin Cheng's second E flash, and he unreasonably completed the kill behind the tower.

In 9 minutes, the score was 10-0.

Not only did T1 not get a single resource, it didn't even open a single kill.

KT even kills faster than time.

Zeyuan: "This is because my mentality is really broken! In less than ten minutes on the road, I have already killed four times alone. The key point is that my teammates have no time to comfort little Zeus at this moment. Everyone is autistic."

"Perhaps everyone is used to Brother Chengzi's various cheating operations. Now that Chaowei and Brother Chengzi are cheating together, it is really desperate."

As a former top laner, 957 still has more comments on top lane: "Zeus currently seems to have problems withstanding pressure. With such a huge advantage, Silas enters the tower with half health and Gnar should not think about taking the line. , if the opponent wants to surpass you, you don’t have to be unreasonable.”

"If we continue to play like this, we will have to change players in the next game! We must take care of the mentality of the young players."

Zeyuan chuckled: "I guess Canna and Cuzz are already on their knees in the living room!"

Brother Legs is an honest person: "Ah~~Sliding and kneeling is too much."

"I mean warm up! Don't most athletes have to warm up or something last time?"

Zeyuan argued: "It's difficult to go out for a run or something during this special period. Is it okay for Canna and Cuzz to skate and kneel in the living room of the base as a warm-up?"

"Fuck! This senior colonel's warm-up is a bit crazy."

"I was beaten so badly. Is this the top top laner in Korea in the future?"

"We saw it in the last game. Zeus can't resist pressure."

"How dare you come up to touch Brother Chengzi if you don't know how to handle pressure? Who can't fight Brother Chengzi if he can't handle pressure?"

"This order is for Cao Pi's wife to enter the vegetable shed and Zhen Ji to pick vegetables."

"Can you please be polite? Don't newbies need to adapt?"

"To put it bluntly, the level is not good enough. Didn't Brother Chengzi hit everyone he caught last year?"


The disadvantage on the field is obvious. The young players in T1 are indeed very different from the old players.

Last year, when Teddy and Cuzz were on the court, T1's early disadvantage basically started to drag on, and it was forced to wait until the late stage to find opportunities in team battles.

But this group of young players are at a disadvantage and are playing more proactively.

More than 10 minutes later, Lilia suddenly launched a GANK on the bottom lane, forcing Xayah's ultimate move and Thresh's Lantern.

After avoiding this wave of danger, Effort wanted to rearrange his view of the river, but Lilia shot him back.

However, just when Effort was in danger, Lin Cheng's TP lit up.

Thresh used the stopwatch of his talent to avoid fatal damage, while Lin Cheng's Silas came down to steal Lilia's ultimate move, and used his backhand skills to inflict the dream-filled branches effect on all three players in the blue field.

The stolen night ballad caused the three of them to fall into a deep sleep.

It just so happened that Udyr and Zoe arrived one step ahead of the opposite Czar, and all three brothers in the lower jungle of T1 were killed.

The head-to-head ratio reached 13:0.

Peanut released the Canyon Pioneer in the bottom lane, and everyone pulled out the first tower of the blue square bottom lane, and then took advantage of the situation to collect the second dragon in the game.

Lin Cheng returned to the top lane and easily pushed the last tower with remaining health. Facing a mythical outfit and choosing Everfrost, the sky-fat Silas no longer dared to defend the tower.

As long as Gnar is in mini form, Silas can control it with an E followed by Everfrost, and Gnar will basically die if he doesn't dodge.

With a huge advantage on the court, KT played more proactively.

In 13 minutes, Lin Cheng followed his teammates to force the middle tower.

The middle and bottom three people on the blue side prepare to defend.

With the presence of the Tsar, the line of soldiers was poked as soon as they entered the tower, leaving almost only the artillery soldiers.

But Lin Cheng was really fierce. He entered the tower with E directly and stole the Tsar's ultimate move. At the same time, he pulled the Japanese girl under the tower with E at the same time.

Before Rinu could recover from the forceful blow and come under control, Lin Cheng had already charged towards the Czar's Reflexive Forbidden Army wall next to her with W.

The tsar was pushed towards the outside of the tower before the quicksand had even begun to move.

Thresh connected with E Pendulum of Doom, and Xia Qia pulled out the barb.

The Tsar was instantly killed.

Although Lin Cheng was controlled by Japanese women under the tower, because T1 did not expect that the opponent would storm the Tsar's tower, Lilia was still playing F6 beside him.

Kai'Sa's current damage alone is simply not enough to kill Sylas.

Lin Cheng calmly picked up the lantern and left the tower.

On the contrary, the Japanese girl was hooked by the Thresh outside the tower. The Japanese girl did not leave even after Zoe took the damage.

The score on the court became 15:0.

KT took advantage of the situation and broke the blue side's middle outer tower 14 minutes ago, and the second vanguard also fell into KT's hands.

With a huge advantage, KT's players became more and more relaxed, putting crazy pressure on the jungle and online.

Although T1 tried hard to find opportunities to regain the situation, every time they took the initiative to attack, they all ended in failure.

KT’s support came so quickly!

When the blue side's outer towers are all down, the red side will always handle the troops one step faster and can always initiate support as soon as possible.

As long as there is a fight, T1 will always be at a numerical disadvantage.

It's good to be bloody in this kind of situation, but when faced with an opponent who doesn't give him a chance, being too bloody will often end up hurting himself.

The score on the field is getting bigger and bigger, and T1's initiative makes itself more and more miserable.

At 17 minutes, the third dragon was refreshed.

This game is the Fire Dragon Soul. The blue side is not willing to sit and wait for death, and forces out to grab the dragon.

As a result, KT's vision was all around the river. His teammates were rushing Xiaolong, and Lin Cheng went up to the wall with his E and accurately pulled Kai'Sa.

Silas AWA cooperates with Zoe's flying star instant Kaisha, and the eternal frost freezes the Tsar and Lilia.

Just when the Japanese girl handed control to Silas, Lin Cheng decisively pressed the golden body.

Avoiding a wave of damage, Lin Cheng stood up and faced Lilia who was hooked by Thresh.

She stole the Japanese girl's ultimate move with her backhand and sprinkled it down, causing T1 to explode instantly.

Silas killed seven in and seven out above the dragon pit, scoring four kills and giving his opponent another group wipeout.

The players in T1 on the field had obviously deformed their operations, and began to make continuous operations that looked like sending away.

Zeus was lying in ambush in the wild area and wanted to enter the field with anger and strike Tathagata Palm, but was brushed down from the air by Thresh. Effort connected the hook with the red square to focus the fire, and Gnar died before he got bigger.

Little Lu Bu Kasha flew Zoe alone and wanted to operate, but was counter-killed by Chaowei.

Brother Li finally pushed a wave of ultimate moves perfectly, but none of his teammates could keep up with the output, and the Czar was in vain.

The more the opponent fights, the less they know how to play the game. On the contrary, KT seems very calm and plays the game steadily without making any mistakes.

Finally, the torture ended at 23 minutes.

With a score of 29:0, KT flattened the opponent's base.

In addition to giving their opponents a clean sheet and a zero dragon tower, KT also created the largest head differential in the history of news agency wars.

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