This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 876 The Synthetic Formula of Wolf Xing’s Pain Mask

In fact, since last year, the card has been a hero that almost no opponent is willing to give to Faker.

Since sending away the Three Emperors and One Ghost, Faker's playing style has become too team-oriented.

Heroes with functional or support capabilities such as Li Bingbing, Galeo, Lister, and Ryze appear frequently with the version changes. On the contrary, heroes such as Enchantress and Faker who can show off and perform C are less and less used in games.

In fact, from the perspective of RANK, Brother Li's proficiency in various mage assassins is not low, but there are actually very few professional players who can choose heroes like Lin Cheng with their eyes closed, and their teammates are willing to cooperate.

If his teammates can't withstand the pressure, then Faker needs to use his experience advantage to help his teammates.

He has to think more about the team.

Lin Cheng can let KT develop tactics around him, but Faker needs to choose heroes around his teammates.

Not everyone can rank Akali, the sword girl, and Galio, the best card in the competition.

Lock the card first, then the red square T1 then selects Udyr on the second floor.

This move has a strong flavor of replacing BAN with grab.

Udyr can be said to have restrained all wild core heroes, but after Olaf was banned, most of Peanut's hero pool was composed of wild cores.

Little Peanut: "Lin Cheng, do you want to grab Camille? Drizzt appears on the opposite side and may want to grab Camille."

Lin Cheng thought for a moment: "Forget it, my Irelia has been banned until next year. I'd better use Camille less, lest this one also be banned forever."

Lin Cheng discussed with his teammates, and the blue side KT locked the crocodile with a backhand on the second floor.

957: "Crocodile! This hand is a bit defensive about taking Qinggang Shadow on the third floor of T1. This version of Qinggang Shadow + card is still a very strong combination."

Zeyuan: "But to be honest, I even think Brother Chengzi can directly grab the Qinggang Shadow. After all, his Qinggang Shadow can defeat the crocodile. It is not a big problem to use the Qinggang Shadow against the card."

As soon as he finished speaking, the leopard girl appeared on the third floor of the blue square, but she did not lock it directly.

Zeyuan: "Hey! Do you want to play Leopard Girl against Udyr? Udyr's first time in the LCK was against Leopard Girl, and the Leopard Girl happened to be Peanut. Although it was very difficult to win that game, But at that time, Little Peanut was being chased and beaten by Pyosik in the jungle."

957: "Yes! Overcome your inner demons! Prove yourself and take back what you lose."

The explanations were all laid out, but the blue square finally replaced the leopard girl with Lilia on the third floor.

Zeyuan: "What do you mean? Teaching forehand and backhand, right? I used Udyr to win Lilia in the last game. I want to use Lilia in this game to show how to beat Udyr? But the opponent has changed! Brother Cuzz Does it mean I have to suffer this kind of humiliation when I come up?"

957: "Have you noticed that KT's crocodile + Lilia look a bit familiar? It's still Little Peanut, or Lilia."


Zeyuan was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing: "Yes! Crocodile + Lilia, the synthesis formula of Wolf Xing's Pain Mask! The manufacturing master, Little Peanut, is ready to do it, right? Give it to Brother Chengzi too. one."

"Fuck! I didn't notice these two people even if they didn't mention it."

"Brother Chengzi, go put on your mask of pain!"

"Choose a bear in the top lane on the opposite side and directly recreate the famous scene, 23333."

"Wolf Xing: Chengbao, run! Don't trust this Lilia when playing with crocodiles."

"Don't worry, Little Peanut will only start playing in the World Championships, and the league is still fierce."

Seeing that Crocodile + Lilia were selected, the red side did not dare to show the green steel shadow directly.

After all, not everyone dares to imitate Lin Cheng and beat the crocodile with the Qinggang Shadow.

After some thought, the red square locked Xia on the third floor.

Teddy's hero pool is different from that of Lu Bu. KT does not need to deliberately target his Aphelios and Samira. If he does not take Xia in the first round, he will most likely be banned.

Second round of BAN people.

T1 chose to target the middle lane, banning Galio and Clockwork respectively.

These two BAN guys want to free up the cards in the middle and let Faker lead the rhythm.

Galio has a strong ability to push lanes and can fight against and support cards, while Clockwork can completely suppress cards in lane.

The two ban spots on KT's side were given to Luo and Rinu.

Starting to select people, the red side locked Jace on the fourth floor.

Zeyuan: "Top laner Jayce, the Phantom God! Canna is here to prove herself! This is a hero that depends on players' performance. You must have an advantage in the early stage."

957: "The selection of Jayce means that T1 will focus on the top half. The first Rift Herald is very important to Jayce's team."

"Jace? Is Canna possibly seriously ill?"

"Jace needs to have an advantage in the early stage, but who can take advantage in front of Brother Orange?"

"I unilaterally announce that T1 has been sent!"

"Dazzle, dazzle, dazzle."

"Why do these people like to worry about Jace? It's obvious that a thief can't win the game."

"This hero is the dignity of the top laner. From Mr. Shai to Brother Niu Baohan, even 369 plays with Jace all day long."

"What do you mean even 369? My Jiu Bao Jace can also be ranked number one in the LPL?"

"Does it rank high? White Crescent Moon has something to say."

"bsyy: Do you think Jess can fight in a team like you do and deserve the advantage you have in front of us?"

KT first took Reel on the fourth floor of the blue side, and then finally locked Sett.

Zeyuan: "Warrior? KT is trying too hard! Did they choose such a stupid lineup just to grab the wrist? Even after banning two supports, they still don't want to give Seti to Keria. This is the only support in LCK The gold content of the core?”

957: "It's really better for Counter Riel to play support with Wan Hao. He can pull Riel directly from the air. As long as Seti reacts quickly, Riel's initiative will be almost useless."

The Chinese stream barrages are quite outrageous. They all said that KT grabbed Seti because they already had three women on their side, and they were afraid that Seti would make a heavy move on their opponent.

Kai’Sa, Lilia, and Reel are indeed female heroes.

Red side T1 finally selected Thresh as assistant.

Start swapping heroes.

Lin Cheng and Chovy discussed it and finally decided to use Seti to go up and let Chaowei use Crocodile to go in the middle.

In fact, Sett and Crocodile are not very good at facing Jayce without the help of teammates, but compared to the cumbersome Sett, Crocodile has a chance to suppress the card in the middle.

The card does not do enough damage in the early stage and is slow to push the lane. Although the hand is long, the middle lane is actually not that good against the crocodile.

According to the data of OPGG, there are not many samples of one-sided cards in Crocodile, but Crocodile dominates in early push rate and kill rate.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square KT:

Top road: Cheng (Warrior, Seti)

Jungler: Peanut (Bashful Beilei, Lilia)

Mid laner: Chovy (Desert Butcher, Renekton)

Bottom lane: Deft (Daughter of the Void, Kai’Sa)

Support: Effort (Iron Maiden, Riel)

Red square T1.

Top lane: Canna (Future Guardian, Jace)

Jungler: Zuzz (Spirit Walker, Udyr)

Middle: Faker (Card Master, Drizzt)

Bottom lane: Teddy (Niyu, Xia)

Support: Keria (Soullock Warden, Thresh)

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