This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 906 Rita: Brother Chengzi is really thin

Junri: "Brother Khan, this is so uncomfortable! I originally wanted to send the troops back to the city, but the male gun just happened to come over, and his hook lock was interrupted in great detail by Brother Chengzi, otherwise Qinggang Shadow It’s not that easy to die if you have Flash and E.”

Rita: "The main reason is that Qinggang Shadow consumed too much blood at the beginning, and the wine barrel kept drinking and burping to consume it. Qinggang Shadow's health was left with nothing to do."

After the first blood burst, it was DK's turn to attack soon.

The Czar reached level six and suddenly drifted and pushed Syndra back from the tower.

Touching Udyr behind him, he dodged and followed the control.

The super powerful set that did not dodge inflicted damage on the Tsar but failed to replace Xu Xiu. In the end, he was killed with hatred.

The first flash of super power was indeed a foreshadowing.

Junri: "There is no way! This is where a mage without displacement is helpless against the Tsar. Canyon will use Syndra to flash before it comes to attack you. As long as it is pushed out, it will not survive."

Rita: "Actually, Chaowei consciously stood in the direction of the male gun, but Udyr rushed out from behind and took control of the Tsar. It doesn't make sense to you at all."

Because KT's duo had a clear advantage online, DK did not easily touch Xiaolong after catching Syndra in this wave. Canyon just helped arrange the river view.

And a minute and a half later, the top lane once again exploded with heads.

The blue side's vision spotted the male gun appearing in the lower half of the river, and with Udyr nearby, the green steel shadow began to put pressure on the barrel.

Lin Cheng wanted to get his troops in front of the tower and develop safely.

But Brother Khan, the 0-1 Qinggang Shadow, didn't regard the 1-0 wine barrel as a human being. When he saw the wine barrel blocking the line with his body, Qinggang Shadow just used his E skill to hook the wall, and then kicked him directly.

A few hundred yards away from the red square tower, there was a wine barrel that was nearly full of blood and naturally not that easy to kill. Brother Khan just wanted to drive Lin Cheng away, send his troops inside and then return to the city.

Since he had just beaten Indestructible with EA, Lin Cheng's E skill CD was just two seconds short of that. He took two steps back and made way for the two red soldiers blocked behind him.

Qinggangying's W company scraped together the last two soldiers, and then stepped forward to make up for the soldiers.

Lin Cheng decisively threw a Q rolling barrel at his defense tower, and at the same time, he turned around and launched the E skill's meat bomb impact that had just cooled down.

As Qinggangying stepped forward to replenish his troops, the wine barrel came up and used the E skill to face Brother Khan, who was directly pushed up by his belly before he could react.

Lin Cheng decisively launched his ultimate move, taking advantage of the impact of the meat bullet to fly away and explode the wine barrel.

The distance at which the barrel's ultimate move knocks back the target is not fixed. The closer the center of the impact point is to the target, the further the target will be exploded.

Lin Cheng, the exploding wine barrel, was almost in the center behind Qinggang Ying.

As a result, the Qinggang Shadow, which seemed to be still some distance outside the tower just now, was blown very far, and just landed on top of the Q rolling wine barrel that Lin Cheng had placed in advance.

Lin Cheng was very thief. After using his ultimate move, he didn't rush back to the tower to chase Qinggangying. Instead, he just stood there and flashed a classic naughty Poro expression.

In this way, Brother Khan landed but found that he was not far enough and issued Hex's ultimatum to the barrel lid.

It was impossible to use the ultimate move to avoid the damage from the defense tower. Although the position where Qinggangying was blasted into the tower was not very deep, after taking the full damage and deceleration from the rolling barrel, Brother Khan had already been beaten by the defense tower by the time he pulled away. Two times.

The Qinggang Shadow still had some blood, and the wine barrel just leaned over while drinking the old wine.

The green steel shadow was running towards the triangle grass.


Originally, Lin Cheng wanted to save a flash and take advantage of his short skill CD to pursue, but the moment he saw Udi in Triangle Grass's field of vision, he no longer hesitated, flashed and killed Qinggang Ying with a dunk.

Even when Udyr showed up, he could only collect a corpse for Qinggangying. Canyon was very optimistic and gave Lin Cheng a thumbs up.

Junri: "Ouch! There's something wrong with Brother Khan! You don't treat Brother Chengzi as a human being when the jungler is around. It's too much for you to dare to act like a wine barrel to replenish troops after handing in E."

"It's the second time! Brother Khan was desperate again and wanted to send the troops to the tower. This time he changed his method of death. He made a beautiful return of the wine barrel and directly blasted the Qinggang Shadow with ER. My Q skill cooperates with the defense tower to complete the kill."

Rita: "Wow~~~ Brother Chengzi is really thin! After blowing up the wine barrel, he deliberately moved his position to not give Qinggang Shadow a chance to use his ultimate move."

At this time, the Huya barrage screen was filled with question marks.


"Sister Tazi, please speak up! Brother Chengzi, what's wrong with you?"

"Brother Chengzi Feng Ping was killed, 23333."

"Sister Tazi is an experienced driver. I didn't know if she was driving or if she made a slip of the tongue (face covering)."

"I'm going to complain to Brother Cheng during the next live broadcast. Brother Cheng has to go to Sister Tazi and make it clear."

"Brother Cheng: Damn it! I want you to know whether I am careful or not. (Funny)"

"Let me tell you, this wave of triangle killings by Brother Cheng is just like Mr. Arima."

"Don't brag, it will be funny later when Teacher Ma actually logs in from another place."

"When I saw Brother Khan being bombed back, I knew that Brother Cheng was going to show off his expression, and sure enough."

On the road, Lin Cheng cooperated with Ta Daddy to complete a single kill. After Udyr showed up in the upper half, Xiao Peanut took advantage of every opportunity and ran to easily control the first dragon in the game.

After the little peanut takes the dragon, he immediately returns to the city and leans up to prevent the opponent from taking the opportunity to steal the newly refreshed vanguard, and also looks for an opportunity to gank.

It happened that the top line of troops was in the middle near the blue square. Little Peanut came over and checked the control guard in the grass of the river. The male gunman who made sure that he was not exposed squatted inside for a while.

Seeing that Brother Khan on the line did not press forward to give him a chance, Lin Cheng chose to hand over E first and cooperate with the male gun to forcefully kill Qinggang Ying.

Brother Khan lost his half-health cross-hook lock and retreated.

Little Peanut chased after him with a little bee expression.

"Hoho! Jin Donghe, you have today too."

Lin Cheng didn't hold back when he heard Xiaohuasheng's words in the voice.

Lin Cheng also specifically interviewed the person involved regarding the fact that Little Peanut likes to wear painful masks for top laners.

Little Peanut got so drunk once that he almost revealed the color of his underwear when he pulled Lin Cheng.

He said that everyone remembers the scene where he tortured the top laner, but at this time, they can't remember how many teammates he helped.

Just like when he entered Lao Gan Daddy C into the World Championship, the world received wreaths from Lao Gan Daddy's fans before the game was over.

Little Peanut is aggrieved.

At that time, Little Peanut, who was so dizzy from eating late night snacks and drinking, almost cried while holding Lin Cheng in his arms.

His original words were:

"Lin Cheng! Although you are venomous and mean-spirited, I must admit that it is very comfortable to play games with you."

"At least among the top laners I've encountered, you are the one who doesn't need to worry the least. You can always take advantage of yourself. I can basically get data when I go GANK, and I don't have to worry about taking the blame."

"Unlike some guys, I want to help arrest people and also help take the blame."

After speaking the truth after drinking, Lin Cheng was very satisfied that he had such a high image in the heart of Little Peanut, and asked by the way: "Then which top orderer have you ever encountered that you worry about the most?"

"Jin Dongha! It's Jin Dongha who has the most troubles. He calls the jungler every day, and when he gets beaten up, he still talks about the jungler gap."

More than one teammate has mentioned that Brother Khan is best at calling junglers. He is not the self-proclaimed top swing laner in the world.

In Little Peanut's heart, Brother Khan is also the top orderer who forces the most troubles.

Therefore, in Lin Cheng's view, Xiao Hua Liang's expression was somewhat personal.

But who calls him his teammate?

As a result, Lin Cheng also lit up his expression.

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