This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 933 Anyone who doesn’t vote for Brother Chengzi can’t understand the game

After the vanguard team battle, T1's situation was completely ruined.

Little Peanut also knew where to place the vanguard when Qinggangying was selected. Taking advantage of Lilia's figure appearing in the lower half, the three KT top, middle and wild brothers directly jumped the tower on the top road to kill the crocodile, and then Little Peanut released the vanguard.

Clockwork didn't even bother to stay and share the tower skin. After Chaowei left, Lin Cheng and Peanut cooperated with the vanguard to get the first-blood tower on the top lane.

Qinggangying was released, and Lin Cheng began to put pressure on the jungle and mid lane like crazy.

At the 11th minute, Zoe pushed the line in the middle and was moved to the side by Qinggangying to take the lead. Lin Cheng cooperated with Clockwork's damage to get his fifth kill in the game.

At 12 minutes, Lin Cheng changed his position and came to cause trouble in the middle again.

This time Closer learned the lesson, and when the Qinggang Shadow disappeared, Zoe shrank under the tower to eat the line.

But Lin Cheng directly forced E to dodge E to jump over the tower. His ultimate move avoided the hypnotic bubble and also reset the defense tower's hatred. Superpower came up to help carry the tower and compensate for the damage.

The Qinggang Shadow who landed Hex's Ultimatum kicked Zoe to death.

Lin Cheng's data came to 6-0-5.

Because Zoe was killed in two waves, the tower in the middle of the blue side was already crumbling.

Just when the plating was about to disappear, KT made a move on Zoe again.

This time T1 had an early warning, Keria Thresh came to cover in advance, and Lilia was also around.

But KT was more ruthless, four people came.

The bull's head flashed and he pushed up Zoe under the tower first, and Qinggangying connected with the hook lock.

Clockwork QW pulls out the ultimate move.

Qinggangying easily kicked Zoe to death.

Although Thresh's backhand control is good, the damage combined with Lilia's is simply not enough, and the bull head can carry the tower without fear of being replaced.

Moreover, after KT killed Zoe, the troops rushed up and forced Thresh and Lilia to flash out.

Lin Cheng successfully destroyed a tower in the middle, and Lin Cheng was already 7-0-5.

What’s interesting is that Danmaku T1 fans started applauding one after another.

It’s not that fans who saw the team playing poorly in T1 turned against them.

But it seems that KT’s posture is to kill the king of cars and the super ghost!

Good brother Lin Cheng!

He wants to give Faker a hand!

Back then there was BDD, the ghost-fighting superman, but today there is Lin Xiaocheng, the forklift genius.

In fact, Lin Cheng didn't catch Closer and bully him, he only bullied whoever was in the middle.

In 15 minutes, KT started the second vanguard.

The blue side no longer dared to be stubborn, and Nosuke took the opportunity to do some vision work in the lower half of the jungle.

At this time, Zoe switches to the top lane to take the line under the second tower, and Aphelios takes the line in front of the second tower in the middle lane.

Looks safe.

But Lin Cheng was too cruel.

Finding Lilia and Thresh in the lower half of the field, Zoe and Crocodile showed up on the two sides, Lin Cheng moved to the middle alone.

There was a red party control guard in the grass behind the three wolves, and Lin Cheng knew that there was no blue party nearby.

The Qinggang Shadow Card's Vision Wall E skill accurately knocked out Aphelios in front of the second tower.

At this time, Lin Cheng already had a two-piece set of Divine Focus + Death Dance. Under the crushing force of the equipment, AQ directly kicked Aphelios's aorta.

Little Lu Bu also started to mess up, and he flashed in place and was directly taken away by Qinggangying's second-stage AQ.

Lin Cheng is already amazing!

Corgi: "Oh! This operation is deformed. What does little Lu Bu mean by flashing on the spot? Of course, he can't run away even if he flashes out and is slowed down by the tactical sweep without a blindfold in his hand."

Wanwan: "It's 8-0! It's less than 16 minutes! This T1 is like a toy in front of Brother Chengzi!"

His teammates took down the vanguard, and Lin Cheng went home to replenish the wave, then dealt with the top lane troops again, and then switched lanes to help his teammates take down the bottom tower.

The outer tower is completely destroyed, T1 cannot have a clear vision, and the defensive pressure is also increasing.

At 18 minutes, just as the Crocodile was dealing with the second tower line in the bottom lane, Lin Cheng had already switched to the middle lane in advance.

At this time, Lin Cheng's third bloody hand had come out.

There was no reason to argue. When they saw Lin Cheng arriving, Xiaohuahua's men immediately charged forward with their stopwatches in hand.

Although the Centaur's ultimate move only scared Aphelios, Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow followed up in time.

Little Peanut absorbed a wave of damage and pressed the stopwatch.

Lin Cheng cooperated with Kai'Sa who entered the field and instantly dropped Aphelios.

The equipment advantage is so great that T1 cannot handle the three-piece set of Qinggang Shadow.

Aphelios, who has the best economy on the blue side, only has one and a half pieces, and he was sent back to the spring even before he met him. How to deal with the Qinggang Shadow?

After a wave of charges, all four people in front of T1 were killed, and only Qinggangying's bloody hand and centaur stopwatch were knocked out.

At this time, Little Peanut released the vanguard.

The vanguard hit the high ground all the way, and no one from the crocodile dared to defend it.

T1 chose to let go of the high ground in the middle.

However, when the blue team members were about to be resurrected, KT did not finish pushing the high ground and leave. The five of them frantically led the vanguard towards the front tooth tower.

This move seemed to give T1 a chance to make a comeback, but the KT team members agreed that they could force a charge.

Aphelios is resurrected with a blue-green sword in his hand. Although he is very powerful in the late stage, Aphelios with such poor equipment is now a RBQ without a white sword.

Just as the vanguard crashed into the first incisor tower, T1's resurrected personnel had already assembled to start a desperate counterattack.

However, the passive Qinggangying without bloody hands and the men and horses in poor condition did not push forward, and Effort's bull head was at the forefront.

The crocodile wanted to bypass the bull's head and find the back row, but Effort immediately activated his ultimate move and hit the crocodile under the front tooth tower first.

Then T1 discovered a very desperate scene:

Even the support was extremely difficult for them to handle!

Niutou stood under the incisor tower alone, carrying the damage of everyone on the opposite side. On the contrary, he watched the troops enter the field after Thresh handed over his key skills.

Taking advantage of the opponent's rear row's attention being focused on the men and horses, Qinggang Shadow Hook Lock successfully got close to Aphelios.

The equipment gap is really too big. The bull head carried the incisor tower and withstood the enemy's attack for several seconds, while the Qinggang Shadow cooperated with the men and killed Aphelios the moment he entered.

In the end, KT crossed the front tooth tower and fought a one-for-three team battle.

Although the Taurus was killed, the remaining Thresh and Zoe in T1 were unable to stop the opponent's advance.

At just over 19 minutes, KT flattened the opponent's base.

Corgi: "KT is no longer a human being! Five people came over the incisor tower to kill! The attack was too heavy! 21-1! If the Bullhead hadn't been killed, T1 would have lost this round."

"This is KT! Although Orange Brother's signature Green Steel Shadow this season has not reached the point where it can be selected without BAN, but you must respect his Green Steel Shadow! Even if you take the Crocodile first."

Wanwan paused and said in an incomprehensible tone, "It seems that these are not the four most correct people for T1! There may be many areas that need to be adjusted in T1's final starting lineup this season."

T1 fans are notoriously outrageous.

When we lose a game, some people shout that this season will be sent!

Even if you win a game, there will be people who dare to point to the championship.

Because of the previous three consecutive victories, some fans of T1 shouted that things are getting better!

Those are the right four guys on the field.

As long as they change one more, they will transform into the invincible team in the pre-season training games, and they are expected to crawl out of the coffin and continue to target KT.

The only incorrect one is naturally the middle.

As long as the car is replaced by Brother Li, this year's T1 will be complete.

Then the devil will be reborn!

Just waiting for Lee Sang Hyuk to enter the land of fairyland again.

Lin Cheng, the guy who stole the throne, will be exposed for his true colors.

Don't think it's outrageous, T1 fans are so blindly optimistic. Even if they are still in the middle of the standings, they dare to think about knocking KT down.

It can only be said that Wanwan is truly a die-hard Lin Cheng fan, and she didn’t forget to quietly squeeze in with the T1 fans when she came to the commentary booth for the first time.

Corgi: "So, our Chinese POG vote is for Brother Orange?"

Wanwan: "It must be a unanimous vote for Brother Chengzi! I think people who don't vote for Brother Chengzi for POG don't understand the game."

"It's so funny! Wanwan's ingredients are too pure."

"Wanwan: My heart will always belong to Brother Chengzi."

"Haha! Why do I still think this girl is so cute?"

"Outrageous! If Cheng Za and Water Ghost fight, Wanwan will be able to ride on Sister Water Ghost."

"I'm inexplicably looking forward to Brother Chengzi being killed in a blast, and then let's see Wanwan's reaction."

"Wanwan: I'm actually fine (dog head)"

"Although, Wanwan was in Inner T1 just now, right? Aren't you afraid of being flushed?"

"It doesn't matter! No one is in my husband's house that night, right? How dare Tanza come to cause trouble and pretend that Chengza doesn't exist?"

"Don't worry, there are no fans of T1 in China. Fans of Brother Li are now wishing for T1 to die."

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