This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 949 He didn’t even call him brother

In the second round of banning, the red team really wanted to target Lin Cheng and directly banned Quinn first.

In fact, there are not many players who can really use Quinn to crush the crocodile, but considering Lin Cheng's suffocating laning ability, GEN·G does not dare to release Birdman randomly.

Zeyuan had something to say: "Quinn? This move is a bit unnecessary! I used a crocodile to defeat Quinn this season. The former world number one Quinn Kiin was sanctioned by my Dark Claw Crocodile. "

Wanwan: "Kiin is no longer the number one Quinn in the world, Brother Chengzi is! Moreover, Dark Claw's crocodile walks too tight a tightrope and may not be able to achieve results."

Zeyuan: "Hmm~~I recognize the world's number one sword girl and the world's number one Qinggang Ying, but when did Brother Chengzi become the world's number one Quinn? I remember he only used Quinn three times, right? "

Wanwan: "It doesn't matter how many times he has used it, right? I think he is the number one Quinn in the world! I have never seen a better Quinn than him on the court."

"Uh~~~ Let me tell you Wanwan, generally as a commentator, you should try not to touch such controversial topics! Especially if you want to commentate on LPL games in the future, as a commentator, you must protect yourself first! "

After Zeyuan imparted his commentary experience, he suddenly changed the topic: "Fortunately, not many people play Quinn in the professional arena. Only 369 plays regularly in the LPL, so this topic is relatively not that dangerous."

The barrage has exploded.

"Fuck! You look down on 369, don't you? My Nine Treasures' Quinn is not bad either!"

"Colonel: 369 has few followers, so this topic is safe."

"As a commentator, you must protect yourself first. I'll laugh to death while riding a horse!"

"How many times have you been rushed into a group every day in a senior school? How dare you say you're protecting yourself?"

"Is this the number one Quinn in the world? Then wouldn't I, Principal Wang, be the number one Jhin in the world? I also have a 100% winning rate."

"Wanwan is Brother Chengzi's crazy fan, it's true!"

"In Wanwan's words, Brother Chengzi is even the number one Yasuo in the world!"

"Shi Yisuo went too far!"

The blue side banned Riel first in the second round. This hero and Niutou counter each other and perfectly fit with the cannon, making it very easy to create line kills.

GEN·G did not hesitate in the last BAN position and chose to block Gnar.

As the top laner on the red square four ban, it can be said that GEN·G has given Lin Cheng enough attention.

KT's last BAN slot was given to assistant Seti.

Laifu's Seti is really good at it. Although KT hasn't learned much about it, their archrival T1 has felt it deeply.

Starting from last year's bubble game, Sett was almost present in every game where T1 was crushed by GEN·G. It can be said that Sett of Laifu hit the hearts of T1 fans with every punch.

Start selecting people.

The prince is locked on the fourth floor of the red square.

Zeyuan: "Here it comes! Laifu's unique skill assists the prince!"

Wanwan: "But will it be difficult for the prince to face Niutou? EQ will be interrupted by Niutou."

Zeyuan: "Laifu's Prince is a play method that consumes the main E. Coupled with the long hand of the small cannon, it will make Kai'Sa uncomfortable. You don't have to use EQ to kill, just keep pushing the lane to suppress and eat the plating!"

"Ka'Sa's body can't stand a few blows from the flag, and once the Bull Head tries to force it open, the prince won't be afraid of being interrupted if he EQs his backhand."

"Coupled with the explosion of small cannons, the bottom lane combination of GEN·G has an advantage in consumption, and the explosion is not in vain."

After explaining his understanding, Zeyuan's voice couldn't help but become a little brisk, as if Chi Di + Laifu had already taken the lead in the bottom lane.

It's the blue side's turn to choose.

The fourth floor locked the clockwork first, and then KT took out Lucian with the last move.

Zeyuan: "Top laner Lucian is here! Brother Chengzi wants to kill alone! This choice is to kill alone! If it were an ordinary person, he would choose the wine barrel at this time."

Wanwan couldn't help but be a little worried: "After all, the opponent is Crocodile + Leopard Girl. If the AD top laner is caught twice, he will basically be useless! Teammates must provide sufficient protection."

"Don't worry! Just watch Brother Chengzi perform and that's it."

Zeyuan spoke seriously, and for a moment, Wanwan didn't know whether the 'performance' spoken by the onmyoji next to her was ironic.

GEN·G locked Victor in the last counter position.

Although he is a late-stage core that needs to be developed, Victor is relatively easy to face Clockwork heroes online, especially after the E skill evolves and the clearing speed increases.

And unlike Clockwork, which requires the use of ultimate moves, in the later stage, as long as Victor's hands don't tremble and his skills are ridiculously crooked, his damage-causing ability is guaranteed.

The lineups of both sides are selected.

Blue square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Lance Ranger, Lucian)

Jungler: Peanut (Spirit Walker, Udyr)

Mid laner: Chovy (Clockwork Demon, Orianna)

Bottom lane: Deft (Daughter of the Void, Kai’Sa)

Support: Effort (Tauren Chieftain, Alistar)

Blue square GEN·G.

Top lane: Rascal (Desert Butcher, Renekton)

Jungler: Clid (Wild Huntress, Nidalee)

Middle: BDD (Mechanical Herald, Victor)

Bottom lane: Ruler (Merlin Gunner, Tristana)

Support: Life (Prince of Demacia, Jarvan IV)

"From the perspective of the lineup of both sides, KT's hands are too short except for the clockwork. In the later stage, Victor Leopard Girl and Cannon have room to play. When Victor takes shape, he may just drop an E and be half-healthy."

"It's not easy to play in the late stage, and KT is actually not easy to play in the early stage either."

"Ka'Sa in the bottom lane will definitely be suppressed, and Clockwork will be pushed out of the lane after Viktor evolves E. Lucian in the top lane will be easily caught by Leopard Girl when he pushes the lane. It seems that it will be very difficult for KT to snowball in the early stage."

Zeyuan is very optimistic about GEN·G's lineup, but as an experienced Xingza, Zeyuan, who knows his own poisonous milk properties, quickly reined in the precipice and milked his opponent:

"Of course! After all, this Lucian is managed by Brother Chengzi! Brother Chengzi can beat even the most difficult line, but I still have to withstand a lot of tests in this game to avoid being broken through by Brother Chengzi alone."

Wanwan didn't have such complicated thoughts, "Brother Chengzi has a good sense. If his teammates can provide enough protection, I think it will be no problem to hit the road."

Not knowing that the two commentators in the Chinese stream were trying to spoil him, Lin Cheng turned around and gave his coach a thumbs up after selecting his talent, signaling to watch his performance.

As a result, looking at his expression, Kang Dongxun became worried.

Lin Cheng is usually a player with a good balance of offense and defense, but he was afraid that today he would be too aggressive for a solo kill.

So, before leaving the training room, Kang Dongxun patted Lin Cheng on the shoulder.

"Hold on, don't give it away!"

Lin Cheng: "???"

What does it mean?

Soon the game was loaded, and as soon as the broadcast screen came in, I saw the red square crocodile suddenly handing over Flash as it hurried out of the spring.

At this time, the colonel was still analyzing the situation: "Both sides probably don't want to play a first-level team. Look at this position...Jin Guangxi, what are you doing?"

In his desperation, he didn't even call him brother.

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