This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 958 Zeyuan: I’m really okay

Ze Yuan: "In this way, KT won the second game without any surprises... It was really without any surprises. The rhythm was always in KT's hands from the beginning to the end."

Wanwan: "I can only say that it was unexpected. In the spring of 2021, KT completed the LCK regular season with an invincible attitude. It had 18 consecutive wins in big games and 36 consecutive wins in small games with a 100% winning rate. This was unprecedented for any team before. Things that have not been done before... It is a little regrettable that Brother Orange failed to continue to refresh his single kill record in the second game, but he has done well enough."

Ze Yuan: "I have to say that KT is always in a hot state, never missing a beat, and GEN·G really played a bad game this time, especially in the second game. What were they playing? There is no normal person. ...But it doesn’t matter if we lose, let’s come down and find problems to prepare for the playoffs.”


Wanwan didn't expect Zeyuan to turn around and criticize GEN·G, and began to persuade: "Actually, winning or losing this game has nothing to do with GEN·G. As a fan, there is no need to get too entangled."

"I'm not confused!"

Ze Yuan denied it: "I'm actually fine. After all, it's an insignificant regular season. It's just that GEN·G seems to have been beaten a bit badly...that's all!"

After a pause, Zeyuan added: "I'm really fine!"

The Huya barrage has exploded.

"It's so funny! I'm really fine."

"People's joys and sorrows are not connected to each other. Wanwan's comfort seems to the colonel to be adding insult to injury."

"In a regular season, these two commentators were forced to face each other to achieve the effect of the World Championship."

"Isn't the essence of the word 'that's all' after the pause in the colonel's tone? (Funny)"

"The senior colonel's tone was very joyful. From the initial high expectations at the beginning to the gradual acceptance of reality, and finally to the destruction of his own team, the mental journey was too complicated."

"Isn't this the original starch?"

After the victory, KT's players were very calm and simply boasted to each other.

Is my Qinggang Shadow 6 or not?

It’s not fun to play, I originally wanted to send two waves.

Who is holding back this game? Stay and practice on your own in the evening.

Although words like this are not nutritious, they fill the training room with laughter.

The MVP of both games was won by Lin Cheng. His teammates walked to the cafeteria to eat, leaving Lin Cheng alone in the training room preparing for an interview.

Connected to the commentary box, Lin Cheng greeted the audience familiarly.

Yoon Soobin: "It was a very easy victory. After this 2:0, KT set another new record. How is player Cheng feeling now?"

Lin Cheng adjusted the position of the headset and said casually: "It's okay! It doesn't matter whether it's recorded or not. To me, the championship is the most important."

"Oh~~~ You are indeed a Cheng player! You have such a good attitude."

Yin Xiubin opened his mouth to praise, and Kuro immediately sneered.

"Lin Cheng."




Lin Cheng was stunned at first, and then couldn't help but laugh.

He remembered that when he won the championship last year, Kuro punched him and forced him to laugh on the stage.

Then at this year's K Cup, he also used this sentence to force Chaowei to laugh.

After hearing Kuro say this for a long time, Lin Cheng finally couldn't hold it back.

Smiles are contagious. When Lin Cheng smiled, everyone in the commentary box also became happy.

The painting style is very cheerful.

Yoon Soobin: "In the first game, in our opinion, KT's late lineup was not very winnable. Did you feel the same way when you selected this lineup?"

Lin Cheng: "I think it's okay! Although the team battle in the later stage is not that easy, we actually have an advantage when the top and jungle are matched up separately. As long as I don't give a chance in the lane, we are actually very advantageous in the competition for resources in the upper half of the early stage. .”

"That's true! But according to common sense, this lineup is really walking a tightrope. The three commentators also mentioned that KT is at an absolute disadvantage in both early laning and late team battles."

Kuro put down his cards and said in a thoughtful tone: "Hmm~~~ When I was here last year, KT still emphasized more on lane control in the early stage. There were many top lane options, so I won't go into details. Last year, KT almost never won the mid-lane and bottom lane at the same time. A lineup destined to be suppressed.”

After a pause, he joked: "Have you started having so much fun this year since I'm gone?"

Yin Xiubin was amused by Kuro's tone.

Lin Cheng answered seriously: "Although it seems difficult to fight, this lineup has many output points, so even if it is delayed, it is not as difficult to win as imagined."

In fact, to put it bluntly, the cause of this problem is the version.

Last year, everyone was rushing to get online due to version issues.

In order to ensure the development of wild core heroes, heroes such as Syndra Lucian in the middle, Jhin and Ashe in the bottom lane have a high appearance rate, just for line rights and support.

In order to ensure that KT does not let the opponent's wild core hero lead Bono by a large margin, KT must also ensure the right to push the lane online.

This year is different. Although there are still wild cores, everyone is not so extreme in focusing on wild cores.

Although the theoretical weaknesses of this lineup KT selected in the first game are obvious, after all, they have two solid front rows and three C positions. They are not afraid of a real team fight in the later stage.

As for the problem of short hands...

Do not ask! Asking is confidence!

Therefore, after a slight pause, Lin Cheng added: "Of course, if others choose such a lineup and cannot win, it may not be the problem with the heroes, but the problem with the people who use the heroes."

Lin Cheng's words caused a large-scale AOE, and the fans in the barrage almost stopped.

"You've started a war, haven't you? Go out and lead the way in person to declare war?"

"Then the question is, who has the problem?"

"There is a team whose BP likes to pick randomly and always gets into trouble. I won't say who it is."

"White Crescent Moon is gone, but Taobo BP still smells the same. Needless to say whose problem it is, right?"

"But in the past, Peak IG also liked to choose lineups that had no coordination and just relied on line play to win the game."

"You can really choose randomly when the players are overwhelmed by their strength."

"Fart! Uzi said he complained about the lineup, how can you say Uzi is not strong?"

"Quotes from God: This lineup can't play in a line-to-line situation, or in a team fight. I don't even know how to win."

There was a burst of ridicule in the barrage, but Kuro laughed when he heard Lin Cheng's words: "I know you are a guy who always finds ways to say naughty things."

Yin Xiubin: "Well~~~ It should be said that KT's understanding of such a high-risk lineup is different from other teams. In fact, the key point of the whole game was Lucian's high ground to kill Victor. Can you talk about the decision-making at that time? ?”

Lin Cheng: "There was no decision-making! I just relied on recklessness! At that time, we couldn't get up to the high ground. Since I had a stopwatch, I wanted to find a chance to try. Victor's position happened to give me a chance."

"I'm KT's opportunity boy! Just leave it to me when the situation gets tense!"

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