This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 972 Confidence is Counter

As soon as Cuzz's bear came out, T1 fans already noticed that it was broken.

The barrage was filled with howls.

"Fuck! The Dan dog has started doing it again. How dare you get a bear for Cuzz?"

"I still vividly remember that bear with 900 damage."

"Trivia, yesterday Cuzz attacked Gou Xiong and killed randomly all night in the Korean Server King's Game."

"Speaking of RANK, brother Cuzz, which hero doesn't kill randomly?"

"God is fair. He opened the door to RANK for Cuzz and closed the window to competition for him."

“Rist’s enhancement of Bear in this version is actually a huge weakening of T1.”

Perhaps in the eyes of the audience, there is something mysterious about the arena.

For example, some players seem to be very bad when they play certain heroes, or they are not bad but they just can’t win the game.

But the team still has to be scientific.

The feedback from training matches is positive. Even if they sometimes perform poorly in games, they still have to believe in the results of training matches.

For example, Cuzz's bear performed really well in training matches, and this version just happened to receive a huge enhancement.

There is no reason not to choose.

The second round of BAN begins.

Neither side played mid-top, and the red side chose to ban Zoe first on the fourth floor.

KT banned Victor with a backhand, which seemed to pave the way for Chaowei to take advantage of the situation.

The last BAN position of T1 was given to Silas.

Junri: "Silas! Does someone like T1 ban Silas want to get the card? Otherwise, I really can't think of a reason to ban Silas."

Corgi: "But they banned Qinggang Shadow in the first round. There is no dual-card and dual-belt system to put pressure on the points. If T1 really chooses the card + Senna's double-C mid-term dragon team, it will Very lacking in output.”

Regarding T1's ban, the KT team has also discussed it.

Although Faker's card has a strong ability to find rhythm, the hero of the card is chosen to help his teammates carry.

Canna can only be an orphan facing Lin Cheng, and there is a gangster combination in the bottom lane. KT does not feel that the opponent's cards need to be wary.


Therefore, the blue side disabled the Tsar in the last move to prevent the opponent from making a false shot.

Starting to select people, Jace came out first on the fourth floor of the red square.

The casters all thought that this move was fine and that T1's lineup needed to make up for the damage, but the T1 fans who barraged it had their opinions.

"It's Jace again! Canna misses his Jace all day long!"

"Canna Jess is always sucking the blood of his teammates, and when he is helped, he will suddenly die again."

"The top laner's first move will always be either Jace or Wine Barrel. Wine Barrel plays like shit, and Jayce will die if he dares to catch him."

"Don't be embarrassed! His Jace advantage still works."

"It's so similar to 369! And 369's last hit is better than him."

It was KT's turn to make the last two choices, and the blue side made the first move on the fourth floor.

The last move has yet to be revealed.

KT now has a lot of choices. Lin Cheng can choose Lucian to go head-to-head with Jayce, and he can also choose a rush warrior like Crocodile regardless of the laning concerns.

Kang Dongxun: "What did Lin Cheng say? How about the wine barrel coming out first?"

The T1 mid laner hasn't been released yet, and giving Lin Cheng a hero with stronger pressure resistance seems to be the best choice at this time.

After all, if T1 does choose a card in the end, there will be a lot of pressure on the sideline with Jace.

But Lin Cheng doesn't really want to use a gangster hero.

"I can't drink, I don't want a barrel."

Kang Dongxun: "······"

If you don't want to play with the barrel, just say clearly that you can't drink. What the hell?

Little Peanut: "Gnar is also outside. Get him Gnar. His Gnar can overwhelm Jace."

Lin Cheng: "Forget it! I don't really like reptiles lately, so I don't want Nar."

This reason was so outrageous that his teammates couldn't help but laugh.

Mr. Dai: "Just tell me what you want to play. Don't tell bad jokes here."

Kang Dongxun responded: "Except Yasuo!"

Lin Cheng stopped nagging, "Give me Riwen! I can kill the opponent."

"Do you really want Riven? It's Jace you're beating!"

"It doesn't matter! You still can't trust my Riven? He can't counter me."

This version of Riven is not very strong, and it itself is countered by Jace.

But seeing Lin Cheng so confident, his teammates weren't too worried.

Lin Cheng's top four sisters are all very proficient, but relatively speaking, Sword Girl and Qinggang Shadow are more well-known, while Riven and Sword Girl have been used relatively less often.

But judging from the results of the training matches, Lin Cheng's Riven is really not afraid of Jace.

Moreover, the back row of T1 is really afraid of Riven. Tahm has only one mouth. In a team battle, once Titan and Udyr start a team battle, Riven will be very threatening.

In the end, KT finally confirmed to lock Riven.

Junri: "Riven! Classic! Orange Brother's classic back-up pick was chosen by Counter's hero, which highlights his confidence! This is the semi-finals, don't you treat Canna as a human being, right?"

Corgi: "After all, the ID is here. As long as it is a hero that can be shown off, even Counter Orange will dare to choose it."

Junri: "Of course we all know that Brother Chengzi has an explanation for his ID...but if we lose, it will be another story."

"Pretend! Haha!"

"Brother Cheng and Teacher Shai are really two extremes. One is addicted to the ultimate counter, and the other is obsessed with being countered."

"Whoever loses in this duel will be embarrassed, either Brother Chengzi fails to show off, or Canna is ridiculed and humiliated!"

"Hurry up and call the magazine to come over and learn the skills. The world's number one top player Riwen will teach you how to beat Jayce."

"It will be funny if you are confident in being countered and will be blown away later."

"I'm really looking forward to Brother Cheng's overturning, 23333."

"Just wait for Brother Chengzi's pork liver face."

Seeing that Shan Riwen on the opposite side had been selected, the red side locked the card in the last hand.

Junri: "In the front, there was Brother Cheng who supported Jace to play Riven, and in the back, there was Faker who played the card in front of Clockwork. The highlight of today's game is that there is a back-and-forth."

"It's not easy to play cards online. Although I understand that Brother Li wants to help Jess on the wing, he may not be able to move in this game unless he makes up his mind to help his teammates even though he is losing the line. .”

Corgi: "To be honest, even if it's not against Clockwork, there are not many cards that can beat it in the middle lane. Experienced cards have very clear ideas, which is to resist pressure, farm, and rhythm online. Brother Li Of course he understands! It just depends on how he grasps this rhythm."

Junri: "However, the T1 card is also equivalent to the bright card targeting the top lane. In the early stage, the card can only benefit Jayce. Riven, who is already at a disadvantage in the lane, will be under greater pressure. It depends on how Cheng Zi handles it. .”

The lineups of both sides are selected.

Blue square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Blade of Exile, Riven)

Jungler: Peanut (Spirit Walker, Udyr)

Mid lane: Chovy (Clockwork Demon, Orianna)

Bottom lane: Deft (Daughter of the Void, Kai’Sa)

Support: Effort (Abyssal Titan, Nautilus)

Red square T1:

Top lane: Canna (Future Guardian, Jace)

Jungler: Cuzz (Immortal Crazy Thunder, Volibear)

Middle: Faker (Card Master, Drizzt)

Bottom lane: Teddy (soul-purifying holy spear, Senna)

Support: Keria (River King, Tahm Kench)

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