This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 98 What’s yours is mine

After finishing the meal, Lin Cheng returned to his room and had just changed out of the clothes that Xiao Tong had stained with ketchup when he heard the doorbell ring.

Opening the door, little girl Enxi was wearing a pink cotton coat, looking up at him blankly.

"It's Enxi, long time no see." Lin Cheng greeted with a smile.

The little girl put her hands on her belly and shouted softly: "Uncle~~~~"

Lin Cheng knelt down and was about to speak when he saw the little girl turning around and running towards the open door opposite.


Lin Cheng was confused and didn't know what this little girl meant by running away after saying hello.

Enxi ran into her room without closing the door, and stuck out her little head to look at Lin Cheng secretly. She looked like a timid rabbit.

Lin Cheng hesitated, "Enxi, do you have anything to say to uncle?"

The little girl's big, watery eyes looked at Lin Cheng again and again before she stammered: "No, Enxi has nothing to say."

Lin Cheng chuckled: "Enxi hasn't gone out recently, right? Isn't it boring? Do you want to go with your uncle to play with the two elder sisters for a while?"

The little girl shook her head, "Mom is staying with Enxi."

"Eunxi, have you seen uncle?" Zheng Shiyan's voice came from inside.

Enxi turned her head and replied softly: "I saw it."

"Sister Shiyan." Lin Cheng poked his head in and called out.

"Lin Cheng."

Zheng Shiyan opened the half-open door, "Eunxi has been talking about you for several days. When Shuyan said you would be back in the evening, she ran over and rang the doorbell several times."

The little girl couldn't help but shrink her body behind her mother, as if she was a little embarrassed.

Last Christmas, I don't know whether it was after Lin Cheng caught Enxi who jumped from the terrace, or when the little girl took the initiative to hold Lin Cheng's hand, the little girl became obviously close to Lin Cheng.

It's just that this stupid little girl doesn't even know how to express intimacy. She just takes one look at Lin Cheng and runs away.

Lin Cheng smiled, "Uncle will be at home every weekend. If Enxi misses uncle, she can come and play with him."

The little girl hugged her mother's legs, exposed her big eyes, and hummed softly.

"Sister Shiyan, have you just gotten off work?"

Only then did Lin Cheng notice that Zheng Shiyan had not changed out of her professional attire, a simple white shirt paired with a black skirt, which was smart and elegant.

Zheng Shiyan nodded, "Due to the epidemic, our TV station is even busier. Fortunately, Shuyan and Xiaotong helped to watch Eunxi in the past two days."

"They're fine anyway. It's actually good to tease Enxi at home every day."

Lin Cheng looked at the little girl, "Enxi, uncle is going in, would you like to say goodbye to him?"

Enxi tilted her little head, then stretched out her little hand and waved, "Uncle~~~Goodbye."



The next day, Lin Cheng opened his eyes early, but he couldn't bear to part with the warm quilt. He lingered in the quilt for nearly two hours before getting up.

There was nothing to eat in his refrigerator, so Lin Cheng ran to the next door without hesitation to look for food.

Xiao Tong happened to be sitting in front of the table with a confused look on her face. There was a large mousse cake in front of her. She liked this kind of dessert very much.

"Where's Sister Shuyan?"

"Sister Shuyan went shopping for groceries."

Xiao Tong sleepily stuffed the cake into her mouth with a spoon, and the corners of her mouth were smeared.

"Didn't I buy groceries yesterday?"

"You still have the nerve to say that? How can Sister Shuyan cook if you only buy vegetables but not ingredients?"

"Oh, too."

Lin Cheng suddenly realized that he unceremoniously took out a big spoon from the kitchen, sat down next to Xiao Tong, scooped up a large piece of cake with a spoon, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Xiao Tong was anxious, "What are you doing? This is mine."

Lin Cheng kept mumbling vaguely: "Oh! You're having an affair with me, aren't you? What's yours is mine, and what's mine is still mine. Don't be so arrogant."

Seeing Lin Cheng reaching out for the spoon, Xiao Tong quickly stretched out his hand to block it, "No, bring the plate over and we'll each take half. If you scoop two more spoons like this, it will be gone."

"Okay, okay, you're really stingy. Then I'll give you half of it generously, Brother Cheng." Lin Cheng shamelessly regarded himself as the cake owner.

Xiao Tong compared again and again, and finally divided the remaining cake into two equal parts, and then warned Lin Cheng: "Hey! This is yours, and the strawberries are just half for each person. You are not allowed to put your spoon on my plate."

"I know, I know, I'm not happy to eat what's on your plate." Lin Cheng waved his hand pretending to be free and easy.

After another gulp, Lin Cheng got up and ran to get the water.

When I turned around, my dear, the strawberries on my plate were gone.

"Xiao Tong, did you steal my strawberry?"

The strawberries on Xiao Tong's plate were also missing, and Lin Cheng couldn't even try to snatch them from her.


Xiao Tong pretended to be stupid, "Have you forgotten what you've eaten? Man! My memory is not very good when I wake up in the morning. I can't even remember what I just did."

Lin Cheng was heartbroken: "Being a thief with a guilty conscience is a traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. You have actually thrown away this. Are you still a son or daughter of our country?"

"Is it a glorious tradition in your family to be a thief with a guilty conscience? It's not the case in my family anyway."

Xiao Tong was proud that she finally gained the upper hand in the confrontation with Lin Cheng.

Seeing Xiao Tong's frustrated look, Lin Cheng suddenly chuckled, "I wonder what are you so happy about? Even the cake on my plate was taken from your mouth, why do you look like you're taking advantage of me?"

The smile on Xiao Tong's face suddenly disappeared, and the cake in her mouth didn't feel so delicious anymore.

"Woo~~~ You are so annoying, if this cake is poisonous..."

After scooping up a spoonful of cake and looking at it again and again, Xiao Tong, who originally wanted to say something harsh, couldn't help but sigh, "Forget it, you'd better poison me first."

After saying that, he stuffed the cake into his mouth.


At noon, Lin Cheng finally had the sweet and sour pork ribs that he had been craving for.

The base aunt also made sweet and sour pork ribs, but the taste was a bit different from the sweet and sour pork ribs that Lin Cheng grew up eating, and it was a bit too sweet.

On the contrary, Han Shuyan learned to make this dish by herself. The taste is basically the same as what Lin Cheng eats at home.

After dinner, Lin Cheng took the initiative to drive away Han Shuyan and Xiao Tong, and buried himself in the kitchen tidying up.

Anyway, he had nothing to do today, he had been eating and drinking for free for so long, and his conscience finally caught him.

Xiao Tong retreated to her room to play her bronze game, while Han Shuyan sat on the cushion on the balcony and read a book.

After cleaning up the kitchen, Lin Cheng also ran to the balcony to get some sun.

"A-Cheng, does the lunch dish taste good?"

Han Shuyan held the book in her hands and turned to look at Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng blurted out: "Sister Shuyan, the dishes you cook always suit my taste. The sweet and sour pork ribs are really delicious."

"Then I'll do it for you next time."

Han Shuyan smiled, her crescent-like eyes gentle and bright.

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