This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 976 Face to Face Quick Pass

Junri: "Oh! Jace was caught by Riven just in time to cut the hammer! It's over! Jace didn't dodge! What Brother Li saw when he came over with his big move was Canna's body."

Corgi: The main reason is that Canna is too careless. If he doesn't change into the cannon form this time, he can delay it a little. When the card comes to support, it will be Riven who is in danger. As a result, Jace's habitual change into the cannon form happened to be Riven crouched down. "

Junri: "I've died twice! Originally, the hero Jace has no advantage, which is equal to a disadvantage. Although the current version of Jace's Magic Cut set is also very strong in the later stage, the T1 lineup after all, Jace cannot collapse in the early stage. Yes, if Jace collapses their lineup, where will the damage come from in the mid-term?"

Lin Cheng completed a solo kill on the road and also deceived the card's first ultimate move. It can be said that T1's early rhythm was a bit slow.

Peanut took the opportunity to easily win the first dragon in the game.

At this time, the number of junglers of both sides has been equalized. This is the result of Cuzz just adding a wave of lanes in the middle.

The bear in Shuanghe Crab didn't do anything at the beginning, lost the dragon but didn't gank, and even took a wave of lanes without leading the jungle count. T1 fans began to judge their own jungler in daily barrage again.

What is Cuzz doing?

# ICU status #

Of course, Cuzz can't be entirely blamed for this game. It's actually hard to control the rhythm when the online brothers have troubles one after another.

One of the reasons why I didn't take the lead in brushing was because Udyr was fast in brushing, and the other was because Cuzz had tried to find an opportunity, but it was just because the online situation was not good, and the bear was running around without taking any action, just like he was going shopping.

At more than 7 minutes and 50 seconds, Effort's Titan appeared in the middle, pretending to have vision to help push the lane, but actually he wanted to gain some experience in the middle.

Generally speaking, if the bottom lane changes lane in advance and wants to compete for the vanguard, it will be difficult for the support to reach level 6. However, most of the supports have two heroes, one with a big move and one without a big move. This is how the idea of ​​​​helping to use the experience of the mid laner was born. .

At 8 and a half minutes, Pioneer has been refreshed for a while.

"Will the Pioneer fight directly?"

"Fight! I'm level 6! Just fight."

"The duo on the opposite side has disappeared for a long time. Be careful. There may be too many people on the other side for the time being."

"It doesn't matter! Jace is already a useless man, just hit him."

"Tristana come here quickly."

In the upper half, KT has strong troops and Titans have reached level six. This vanguard blue side is bound to win.

But T1 didn't seem to give up because of Jess's disadvantage. After Gou Xiong helped the card clear the middle line of troops, the two would show up next to them from time to time and use skills to harass.

Junri: "Do you still dare to fight for the vanguard of T1? How can Jace fight with his growth? If this vanguard group fights, the red side will explode!"

Corgi: "There is really no need to force the T1 wave. They still have to rely on cards to pick up the rhythm. The damage of these brothers in 5V5 is not enough."

Seeing the people on the opposite side harassing him on the flank, Titan did not use his ultimate move to start a fight after his attempted hook failed.

Since Mr. Dai's small cannon was alone in defending the line against two people, it naturally had to wait for Senna and Tahm Kench to send the line into the tower and then clear it. At this time, it was ready to go around from the jungle.

However, just when Xiaopao walked to the F6 intersection, the card's ultimate move, Destiny, opened.

A rotating deck of cards fell in front of Xiao Pao.

At the same time, Tam's license plate lights up in the back.

Attack from front and back.

"Help! They're trying to catch me!"

Mr. Dai subconsciously called for help, but KT's teammates were all in the upper half and were beyond their reach.

Fellow villagers meet fellow villagers, and Mapo’s double Cs meet each other 1.5 seconds later.

Unfortunately, this meeting was not friendly, and Brother Li landed a Topaz God of War card.

Tamu also landed with Senna, and Senna picked up W to stay together endlessly.

Mr. Dai had no room to struggle. He was beaten to the ground by three people and the cards took his head.

Junri: "Hey! Faker caught a cannon in the jungle! Two yellows turned into one red! The yellow card given by the card's first big move just now only got Orange Brother's little bee, and the yellow card for the second big move finally turned Mr. Dai was sent to the stands!"

"Brother Li still has a lot of experience. I don't think he can fight the front at all now, but he found the only lone cannon and cooperated with Tam to drive Senna to complete the kill."

Corgi: "Indeed, this wave of T1's command is very smart! Then even if the vanguard is dropped, it is still acceptable. The second ultimate move of the card just turned around will be rewarded."

Junri: "I thought they just wanted to fight the vanguard group, but they pretended to pull them head-on and suddenly turned around and came to the encirclement for reinforcements. That's okay! The art of war has started to play, right?"

The side cannon was caught by T1, and soon the front vanguard was successfully taken down by KT. Both sides seemed to be able to accept it, but in fact, KT, who had made enough preparations before the team, was a bit fooled.

Therefore, after fighting the vanguard, the blue team members did not disperse.

I need to find someone to vent my anger on!

Titan Hex flashed up the wall in the dragon pit and circled up from the red BUFF on the red side.

Just now, Divination Flower has seen the situation in the upper half of the wild area of ​​T1. Without a group of wild monsters, Cuzz will most likely not stay.

So Effort was extremely bold and Hex flashed up the wall, completely treating the opposite jungle as his own living room and wandering around.

Of course, if you really get caught... there's nothing you can do about it, you'll just die once at most.

For Effort, who is known as the Little God of Death, sudden death in the jungle is really nothing.

And Canna was also very cautious. The moment the roar of the death of the Canyon Pioneer sounded, Jace had already huddled in front of the tower.

Riven pushed the line hard.

After a while, Peanut's Udyr touched the triangle grass.

Triangle Grass has red square vision, and Jace immediately turned around and retreated.

However, a burly figure carrying a giant anchor emerged from the stone man bushes.

There is a red square field of vision in front of the F6 intersection, and the triangle grass has a false eye placed by Jess. Logically speaking, these two intersections can detect the movement of KT personnel entering the Ueno area, but the Little Death, Hex, flashes around and is not T1. Thought-of.

But Canna wasn't too panicked. Clockwork showed up on the middle route. Udyr and Riven were still on the other side of the screen across the defense tower. Titan alone couldn't stop him.

At this time, the soldier line was just stuck outside the tower by a wave of new soldiers.

It seems that KT’s already-cleared tower jump is a bit difficult.

"Xiang Hao! Give me a look!"

Udyr was still in the Triangle Grass, and it was impossible for Lin Cheng to carry the tower physically and rush in, so he decisively gave the assistant a signal.

Titan eyed the line.

TP lights up.

Lin Cheng's Riven stood at the edge of the red square tower and started teleportation. This eye position was only about 1,000 yards away from Lin Cheng.

It seems that the two TP light beams are very close to each other.

Junri: "What is this? Quick pass face to face! This... you want to touch Jace too much, right?"

Corgi: "He's in a hurry! He's in a hurry! TP takes four seconds, and he should be able to run this distance."

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